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  • Исследовательская работа на английском 'Short message service and its influence on teenagers’ lifeязыке'

Исследовательская работа на английском 'Short message service and its influence on teenagers’ lifeязыке'

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 3»

Научно-практическая конференция «Время твоих возможностей»

Short message service and its influence on teenagers' life

Исследовательская работа

Выполнила: ученица 6 «А» класса


Екатерина Кондрашова

Руководитель: М. А.Фролкина,

Учитель английского языка

Моршанск 2015



  1. SMS is a new phenomenon of the modern spoken language………

    1. The origin and development of SMS language……………………

    2. The popularity and SMS genres……………………………………

    3. The ways of SMS formation in English and Russian……………

    4. Particular qualities of SMS texts…………………………………

  1. The influence of SMS on the teenagers` spoken language culture…

2.1 The influence of SMS on the modern English……………………

2.2 The influence of SMS on modern Russian……………………….



Appendix 1………………………………………………………….



We live in such a progressive century. All things are changing. Borders are changing. Names of countries are changing. The climate is changing. Our language is changing too. Our mobile phones are reporting us information in a strange language. At first we have used it only in mobile phones, then in e-mails, but now the most of all speak this strange language, using SMS-abbreviations. We often watch people pressing mobile phones buttons in the streets, at the lessons, during the break at school. They dial SMS. This world has become a part of literature language. Why does this way of communication attract modern teenagers? According to psychologists SMS communication makes people more emancipated. In a short message you can write something that is difficult to pronounce. Students widely use SMS. This way of communication saves time and money. To use SMS is convenient if you should observe silence. Teenagers use mobile phones not only during the break, but at the lessons too. They send short messages to get a clue or to correct the answers.SMS is a new way of communication. But what has it brought in our speech: advantages or disadvantages? Teenagers, writing SMS don't think about any linguistic means which can be used for mobile correspondence.

Thus, the topicality of my research is determined by several reasons:

  • Firstly, the study of SMS language is necessary because SMS is the most common way of communication by means of mobile connection.

(It is proved by the statistics according to the companies Beeline and Megaphone);

  • Secondly, the work with short messages requires some specific approaches: one of them is the selection of methods for the work with SMS which would positively affect on the students' literacy.

The novelty of my work is nobody at my school has researched this theme before me.

The object of my research is English and Russian language.

The subject of my work is the research of students' and teachers' messages of my school and English SMS taken from the Internet.

The aim of my work is an exposure of peculiarities and ways of SMS formation in modern English and Russian and the influence of SMS on the teenagers' spoken language culture.


  • To study some information from different sources on this theme;

  • To learn about the origin of SMS;

  • To reveal the attributes of SMS texts;

  • To learn the influence of SMS on students' literacy skills

  • Compile a dictionary of Russian SMS

To solve these tasks I have used some methods:

  • The selection of materials

  • Classification method

  • Comparative method

  • Descriptive method

  • Questionnaire survey

  • Analyses of SMS of teachers and pupils at my school and English SMS from the Internet


A person, who often communicates by means of SMS, needn`t well- constructed sentences. If people don`t pay attention on the literacy making SMS, norms of the English and Russian languages will be destroyed. I think the school must help students to adapt in a new informational environment, to educate communication culture and protect their students from negative influence of SMS.

1. SMS is a new phenomenon of the modern spoken language.

1.1 The origin and development of SMS language.

We all know what the abbreviation SMS means: Short Message Service that is a typical service allowing us to change short messages. The first SMS was sent in 1992 by the European network GSM.SMS was invented by Neil Papwarth, an engineer of GSMcompany. He sent the first SMS message in the word by means of his phone containing a short greeting: Merry Cristmas-92.This technology changed the mobile people life all over the world. SMS was not immediately recognized. Only in 2000 mobile companies in produced SMS service. Teenagers saw in a new service the new means of self expression.

    1. The popularity and SMS genres.

SMS is very popular. SMS is a part of our life. Even small children can use SMS. By means of SMS we can communicate with our friends, get pictures and melodies for our mobile phones, learn about the weather fore cast. Thus the communicative function is the most necessary. Many users of mobile connection are dependent on SMS.I have decided to examine the situation at my school. I have constructed a questionnaire. Students (25) and teaches (10) of my school have taken part in this questionnaire survey.


A question

Students' answers

Teachers' answers






Do you use SMS?






A question

Students' answers

Teachers' answers








How often do you use SMS?








A question

Students' answers

Teachers' answers


saving money

I don't want to meet face to face



saving money


Why do you use SMS?








  • 100% of students and teachers use SMS

  • Students use SMS more often than teachers

  • Students use SMS because it is comfortable

  • Teachers use SMS to save money

There are SMS genres:

  • Excuse

  • Request

  • SMS-poetry

  • Telegram

  • Announcement

  • Greeting

  • Love recognition

  • Interview

  • Anecdote

The questionnaire between students and teachers of my school has shown. That the most popular SMS genres at my school are:

Between students

  • Friendly SMS

  • Greeting SMS

  • Love SMS

  • Funny SMS

  • Cool SMS

Between teachers

- Greeting SMS

- Friendly

- Funny (cool) SMS

- SMS poetry

1.3. Ways of SMS formation in English and Russian.

Analyzing English SMS we can divide them on 3 types:

-Abbreviations are short forms of words or phrases.

  • AAM - All About Me - Всё обо мне

  • ASAP - As Soon As Possible - Как можно скорее

  • ATM - At The Moment - На данный момент

  • B - Buy - Пока

  • GTG - Got To Go - Пора идти

  • IGU - I Give Up - Я отказываюсь

- Words are formed by means of reduction (the process or result of making something smaller or less in amount, size, and importance)

  1. One, want - Один, хочу

2-Too - Также

4 - For - Для

N - And - И

U - You - Ты

Сu - See you - Пока, до встречи

4EVER - Forever - Навсегда

B4 - Before - До, перед

LuvU - I love you - Я тебя люблю

LuvU2 - I love you too - Я тебя тоже люблю

- Smileys

There are two types of smileys:

a) text smiley includes punctuation marks, letters and figures which we can see on the pad

:/ - Wry face - Перекошенное лицо

:Р - Tongue out just kidding - Лицо, показывающее язык

:-0 -Shout in anger - Кричу от злости

:-~) - I've got a running nose -У меня насморк

b) Graphic smiley is as a small picture

- Sad face for sadness, upset - Грустное, печальное лицо

- Happy face for humour - Весёлое, радостное лицо

- Surprised face - Удивлённое лицо

There are some abbreviations in Russian, but they are not so common. The main ways of SMS formation in Russian is:


  • -Прив 4то 2елаеш я телик смарю (текст автора)

  • -Привет, что ты делаешь? Я смотрю телевизор.

  • -Я тя лю

  • -Я тебя люблю.

Transliteration (to write a word from one language using the alphabet of a different language)

- vihodi na ulku

-Выходи на улицу.

Using English words

-Хай как дела

- Привет, как дела?

-споки ноки бай

- Спокойной ночи, пока.

Using smileys

:) J - улыбающийся

;) - подмигивающий

:( L - грустный

:D - смеющийся


:-[ - стесняющийся

- Я заболел L

- мы выиграли J J J

As a rule, teenagers use different kinds of SMS in one message.

-Хай слушал ща песню ваще прикона!!!!!!!

-Привет, слушал сейчас песню, вообще классно!

To learn what kinds of SMS are more popular at my school, I have offered my schoolmates and my teachers to ask some questions:



Students' answers %

Teachers' answers %






Do you use English words in SMS?






Do you use transliteration?






Do you use reduction?






Do you use smiley?





You can see that the reduction and smileys are usually employed kinds of SMS formation at my school.

I have analyzed more than 50 SMS of the students of my school.I have made a mini dictionary of SMS language. (appendix2 )

1.4Particular qualities of SMS texts.

The particular quality of SMS texts is a noncompliance:

  1. Orthographic principles

The text reminds the deformed transcription proving the strong connection the spelling and phonetics in relation to the SMS text in Russian and in English

in Russian

in English

Куда бы сматаца ???(смотаться)

C u tomorow - See you tomorrow.

Luv u - I love you.

  1. Punctuation principles

There are no commas, points. Or conversely, there are a lot of dots, question marks, exclamation marks.

in Russian

in English

- Ты де????????????

-Hi where are - hi, where are?

  1. One of the particular qualities of SMS is using smileys, with help to imitate the process of a really spoken language.

    in Russian

    in English

    - С днюхойJ J J

    Happy birthday J J J

  2. Missing pronouns prepositions, auxiliary verbs (in English), and wrong sentence constructions.

in Russian

in English

- Поздравляю праздником!!!!!

Free to talk? - Are you free to talk?

Thus, SMS is a part of the language culture. SMS is a popular form of communication, which has its own place in the language variety of genres.

Comparing English and Russian SMS, I can say that there are no especially differences in SMS formation in Russian and English.

Linguistic characteristics of SMS texts are:


  • Abbreviations

  • Reduction

  • Transliteration( in Russian )


  • Orthography rules violation


  • The lash or abundance of punctuation marks, their replacement for smiley.


  • The lash of prepositions, pronouns, wrong sentence constructions ( in English )

2. The influence of SMS on the teenagers` spoken language culture.

2.1. The influence of SMS on the modern English.

In Great Britain SMS is the most popular means of communication among the teenagers. The number of SMS sending by the British during a month is about 1 billion. The popularity of SMS is so high that it influences on the modern English.

There are special dictionaries for translation from SMS language into literary English (appendix 1). The famous monologue of Hamlet "To be or not to be" can be written like that: 2b?Ntb?=? That text message means "To be or not to be? That is a question. " Some Bible songs were translated in SMS language.

The linguists are afraid of this difficult situation. English students use SMS widely. Unfortunately, their language culture is not formed. As a result, the literary English is replaced by the language of short messages. SMS threatens the literary norms of the English language.

2.2. The influence of SMS on modern Russian.

SMS influences on modern Russian very much. It is not a secret that many students of my school have not well literacy. The teachers worry that SMS language isn't a fashion current but a new communication style. A lot of spelling mistakes are becoming a habit and a reason of the literary falling now. Because of SMS the differences between the normal Russian language cannot be seen for teenagers. I think it is impossible to express ideas and emotions by means of slang constantly. Very often you need to speak and write correctly. Some scientists think that SMS isn't a reason of illiteracy, but a mirror of modern teenagers. Many negative processes are happening in our culture now: the fall of interest to the reading of good literature, the dominant influence of the low standard magazines, the fall of demands for knowledge of the Russian language and literature at secondary school and destruction of teaching system of these subjects. To know the attitude of my teachers and schoolmates to this problem I proposed them to answer some questions.



Students' answers %

Teachers' answers %



I don't know



I don't know


Does SMS influence on the literacy?









Students' answers %

Teachers' answers %








Do you always fallow rules of the Russian language?









Students' answers %

Teachers' answers %








Do you pay attention to brevity, quickness or literacy, when you write SMS?








As conclusion I can say that the problem of SMS using in Russian and English is progressing. Teenagers trying to save time, print short word forms that leads to the fall of the literacy. According to the results of the questionnaire school boys and girls don't care of the right words writing. They know that their friends understand SMS anyway. A lot of students cannot imagine how SMS influences on their literacy. That's why they often use this way of correspondence thinking that using SMS saves time and money. And only teachers using SMS always keep the rulers of the Russian language. I think my hypothesis is proved. If students follow grammatical rules creating SMS, their literacy will be on the high level and the norms of the language won't be destroyed, SMS will help students to save time and money.

People always dreamed to create a universal language which would unite all countries and people. Today the SMS language is claiming this role. My work is about methods and peculiarities of SMS formation in English and Russian. I have given their comparative analysis. By means of the questionnaire I have tried to learn what kinds of SMS use the students and the teachers of my school and what genres of SMS they prefer. The next problem is how SMS influences on the students' literacy. SMS language is a part of our culture. The linguists and philologists should comprehend this phenomenon to reduce its negative influence on the traditional language and teenager's personality formation. Of course, SMS can't be exterminated at all. There are two reasons:

Firstly, SMS is a very popular way of communication. In 2012-2013 about 7 million SMS were sent all over the world.

Secondly, SMS is an enormous source of income for the operators of the mobile service.

In my work I have tried to learn about the most distorted norms of the Russian language using in SMS, to compile a dictionary of SMS slang. This problem can be solved by the next ways:

    • it is necessary to do the way of communication with the help of the abbreviations and smileys clearer for people;

    • to compile a list of the rules of SMS communication with the help of the linguists;

    • To convince teenagers to differentiate communication by means of SMS and communication in the real life.

My work can be useful for students who are interested in modern linguistics, the Russian and English languages and want to learn about the changes happening during the communication by means of SMS.


1. Горшунов Ю.В. Типы смысловых отношений между компонентами

сложносокращённых слов (на материале английского языка).-М.: Прометей, 2004.

2. Сидорова М.Ю. « Засоряют ли СМС - сообщения русский язык?, или «На зеркало нечего пенять…». МГУ им.М.В. Ломоносова.

3. engblog.ru>sms-in-english

4. genon.ru> Аббревиатура

5. mirsms.info>sms.english/

6. nsportal.ru>Блоги>uvlecheniya|sms-english

7. sokrashheniya-v-chatakh-j.htm|

Appendix 2

Mini dictionary of students' SMS of my school

Ваще - вообще

Днюха - день рождения

Лю тя -люблю тебя

Кульно - прикольно

Инет/нет - Интернет

Комп - компьютер

Кс - кстати

Мя - меня

Норм - нормально

Прив - привет

Те - тебе

Ты де - ты где

4о - что

Пжлст - пожалуйста

Споки ноки /спкнч - спокойной ночи

Оч- очень

О5 - опять

Смарю - смотрю

Ск - сколько

Телик - телевизор

Хош - хочешь

Ща - сейчас

Эт -это


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