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  • 'Trains' урок английского языка в 9 классе

'Trains' урок английского языка в 9 классе

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Краткое описание: Урок английскогоязыка в 9 классе с использованием мультимедийной презентации. Для развития навыков аудирования используется аудиозапись и бланки для заполнения пропусков учениками.Theme:   Trains  Grade: 9th Aims: 1) Consolidation of the pupils` knowledge and reading skills on the topic “ Travelling”           2) develop 
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Theme: Trains

Grade: 9th

Aims: 1) Consolidation of the pupils` knowledge and reading skills on the topic " Travelling"

2) develop pupils` listening skills on the topic "Trains "

3) Consolidation and developing the grammar skills in the theme " Articles with the

geographical names".

Visual aids: Presentations on PC "When is the next train", "Articles with the geographical names", cards with phonetic drill words, answer sheets for the listening.

Procedure of the lesson:

1 The pupil's on duty report and Phonetic drill- the letter o as a sound __ in the second syllable.

2 Reading:

Pupils read and answer the questions on the home task text "Dream vacation"

3. Warm-up- Listen to the tape and guess what will the theme of our lesson will be? (Teddy's train)

Today we shall speak about trains .

4. Practice:

1) Actualization of knowledge- slides on the topic ( -do you often use the public transport?)

2) Listening the information, completing the tasks.

5. Production:roduction Pupils act out the dialogue.

6. Grammar practice: Slide presentation "Articles with geographical names" and grammar cards(individually)

5. Ending of the lesson. Reflexing, home task


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