• Учителю
  • Обучение домашнему чтению на английском языке

Обучение домашнему чтению на английском языке

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предварительный просмотр материала

Тема: «Обучение домашнему чтению на начальном этапе обучения».


  1. Совершенствование навыков чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного;

  2. Тренировка навыков работы с текстом;

  3. Развитие навыков монологической речи;

  4. Активизация лексики по теме «Школьная жизнь» в устной речи;

  5. Обучающее изучение материала по теме «Школьная жизнь»;

  6. Совершенствование лексических навыков;

  7. Обучение работе в группах;

  8. Обобщение изученного материала.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент и приветствие

  1. Good afternoon, children! I'm glad to see you.

  2. Today we're going to review the topic "School Life" and we are going to speak about Alan's new school and we'll try to speak about our school.

  3. But how are you today? Are you tired?

  1. Повторение лексики по теме «Школьная жизнь».

  1. How many lessons do you have today?

Look at the blackboard and study your timetable, then we shall speak about it. But I need 2 pupils, they'll do the puzzle during our talk.

  • How many subjects do you have on your timetable every day?

  • How many subjects have you got a week?

  • What subjects have you got on your timetable?

  • When do they begin?

  • When are. your classes usually over.?

  • How many times a week have you got English?

  • Which is your favourite subject?

  • What subject are important for you?

  • What subject are difficult for you?

  • What subject are easy for you?

  • What do you learn at your English classes?

  • Do you have classes outdoors?

  • Do you wear uniforms? What are they?

  1. Puzzle.













Guess the word:

  1. Primary schools in England.

Now let's revise everything you remember about English Primary Schools.

  • When do the children begin to go to school?

  • Do they always go to school on the 1st of September? Why?

  • Have they got their schoolbags on the first day at school?

  • When do classes usually begin?

  • What do the pupils have for lunch?

  • Are their classes formal or informal?

  • What do the children do after classes?

  • How many days a week do English children go to school?

  • When are classes usually over?

  • Do English schools have names or numbers?

  • How many years do pupils spend in junior schooul?

  • What subjects have they got there?

  • Do pupils wear uniforms in primary school?

Now we'll see if it is really so on the example of one English School, I mean Alan's school.

  1. Проверка понимания прочитанного текста.

Your task was to read the text "Alan's New School" and say if he likes his new school and why

  1. Does Alan like his new school? Why?

  2. Work in groups.

Now we'll work in groups. Each group will have its own task. But please, follow when your classmates will answer, maybe you'll have something to add.

Groupl. Agree or disagree with the statements:

  1. Alan's new school has got a wonderful name.

  2. Sometimes they have classes on Saturday.

  3. Pupils have 4 terms.

  4. Alan has a special uniform for PE classes.

  5. Pupils must not be late for school and classes.

  6. Pupils don't learn how to get on with other people.

Group 2. Match the parts.

l.Halliford School is

-be late for school and classes

2. We study on

-people of different ages

3. We must wear uniforms and not

-it was in my primary school

4. We must hand in

-a private school

5.I'm sure my life here will be mor< interesting than

-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Thursday and Friday

6. We learn how to live together with

-our homework on time

Group 3. Choose and read the sentences which are true:

  1. We have three terms: Autumn term, Spring term and Winter term.

  2. I have a special uniform for my football and PE classes.

  3. We have bicycles, we must keep them in a good state of repair.

  4. My school uniform is: a navy blue blazer and blue shorts.

  5. We mustn't have school things with us.

  6. We spend much time outdoors.

Group 4. Match English and Russian sentences:

    1. Мы всегда должны быть обходительными, предупредительными, соблюдать правила вежливости и здравого смысла.

    2. В нашем расписании много предметов.

    3. Все ко мне хорошо относятся и я чувствую себя почти как дома сейчас.

    б)Наши учителя часто говорят, что ученики должны не только учить уроки и работать в школе, но и учиться ладить с другими людьми.

    1. Когда холодно, мы носим пуловер и пальто.

    2. Я присоединяюсь к ним перед уроками в школьном дворе.

    Everybody is very nice and I feel quite at home now.

2.1 join them in the school yard before classes.

  1. There are many subjects on our timetable.

  2. When it is cold we wear pullovers and coats.

  3. We must behave at all times with courtesy, consideration and common sense.

  4. Our teachers often say that pupils at school are not only to learn the lessons and work but to learn how to get on well with other people.

Group 5. Put the sentences in a logical order:

  1. It is called Halliford school.

  2. We have some school rules.

  3. I'm writing to you to tell you how much I like my new school.

  4. The are English, Maths, Elistory. Geography, Handicrafts, PE, Music, Art, Computing.

  5. I'm sure my life here will be more interesting than it was in my primary school.

  6. There are many subjects on my timetable.

  1. Тренировка в чтении новых слов.

  1. Let's revise the new words. Read them after me. P. 16.

  2. Look at the new words, find and read verbs among them, nouns among them, adjectives among them.

  3. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

-начальная школа - школьные правила

  • темно-синий галстук - осенний семестр

  • я уверен - иметь велосипед

  • директор школы - курить запрещено

Read the sentences with the words in bold and translate them.

  1. Fill in the gaps with new words:

sure 1. Our school is not a ... school.

rules 2. In Ukraine pupils usually have two ... : Autumn ...

term and Winter and Spring ....

private 3. Our ... is also our history teacher.

headmaster 4. We don't have many school ....

primary 5.1 am ... you know that now we go to the .. .school.

  1. Беседа по содержанию текста.

  1. Find sentences in the text to prove that

Gr.l- Alan likes his new school.

Gr.2 - There are many subjects on the timetable.

Gr.3 - Pupils wear uniform at school.

Gr.4 - They have a lot of rules at school.

Gr.5 - The life at Halliford school is interesting.

  1. Talk about school rules.

  • What rules do you like?

  • Which of them do we have?

  • Do we have any other rules?

  • What rules do you want to have?

  1. Answer the questions Ex.l, p.18.

  1. Подготовка к пересказу текста.

  1. Look at the blackboard and complete the sentences:

  1. Alan likes his ...

  2. His school has got ...

  3. Classes begin ...

  4. School is over ...

  5. There are many subjects ...

  6. Pupils usually wear ...

  7. They have the school ...

  8. The life at Halliford school is ...

  1. Imagine that you are Alan. Speak about your new school.

Use the sentences on the blackboard as a plan/

  1. Maybe you have some questions which you want to ask Alan.

One of you will be Alan. Ask him your questions.

  1. Тренировка монологической речи.

1. Primary schools in Ukraine.

We have spoken about schools in England. Now let's talk about Ukrainian school and about your school life.

I'll give you cards with questions. They will help you in your answer.

Card 1. School age.

Card 2. Timetable, Subjects. Card 3. School Days.

Card 4. Uniform.

Card 5. Lunch.

  1. Окончание урока. Итоги.

  1. Your work was very good.

You have your marks and your hometask will be the following: ex. ,p. .

At home, you will summarize the information you've spoken about and you will write a composition about your school life. The plan in ex. 15 will help you.

  1. H/A


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