- Учителю
- План-конспект обобщающего урока по английскому языку по теме 'Me and my world' (7 класс)
План-конспект обобщающего урока по английскому языку по теме 'Me and my world' (7 класс)
Обобщающий урок по теме «Me and my world»
Задачи урока:
Практическая: развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся по теме «Me and my world» через развитие и совершенствование умений аудирования, чтения и говорения.
Развивающая: развивать воображение, творческое и критическое мышление; развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать, развивать умения сравнивать, анализировать.
Учебно-наглядное оборудование: УМК О.В.Афанасьева,И.В.Михеева "English" для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка 7 класс
Мультимедийная презентация, интерактивная доска.
Организационный момент.
Today we are going to speak about the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, its customs and traditions.
You have already known a lot about Britain and its people but some things are easily forgotten. Let"s brush up our knowledge of the country. So….
Look at the board. There are some questions. Read them and choose the correct answer.
(1 слайд в презентации)
Where is the UK situated?
on the British Isles
on the Bahames
What is it washed by?
a) the Atlantic Ocean b) the Pacific Ocean
c) the Irish Sea d0 the Indian Ocean
How many parts are in the country?
a) two b) four
c) five d) three
Great Britain is separated from the continent by…
a) the British Channel b) the English Channel
c) the Baltic Sea d) the North Sea
Let`s check if you were right.
( 2 слайд- показать карту Великобритании)
(3 слайд-игра)
Would you like to play a game? Who wants? (вызвать двоих)
Your task will be to put the parts and names on the right place.
(1 ученик расставляет части на место)
(2 ученик- названия)
Well done, thank you.
Традиции и обычаи
You have already said that there are 4 parts in the UK. Each part has its own capital, own language, flag, symbol and also its own traditions and customs. Today we will learn about the traditions from each part of the UK.
(4 слайд-карта Шотландии, 5 слайд-картинка с фотографией традиции)
The first part is Scotland. Let`s listen to some information about one its traditions.
(1 ученик рассказывает о традиции)
(6 слайд-карта Уэльса, 7 слайд- фото)
The second part is Wales.
(2 ученик рассказывает о традиции)
(8 слайд-карта Ирландии, 9 слайд-фото)
The Northern Ireland
(3 ученик рассказывает о традиции)
You have just listened to some information about traditions and customs. Do you remember it? Let`s check. You will match the name and the picture.
(10 слайд -картинки и названия)
And now the main part of the UK is England.
(11 слайд -карта Англии, 12- отрывок из фильма)
You will watch a short film, listen to Anya and answer the question.
Question: What do the English celebrate on this day? (на доске).
English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. People speak English, watch films, read English books, listen to and sing songs in English. There are a lot of singers and groups
which are popular in the whole world. One of them is "The Beatles".
Lena will tell us about this group.
1) How many members were in the group?
2) When did they start singins together ?
3) Who is singing now?
(13 cлайд-презентация «Битлз»)
b) One of their famous songs is 'Yesterday"
Have you ever heard this song? Would you like to listen and sing it?
But firstly, you will do the task. Take the sheets of paper
(выполнить задание на листках)
Let`s sing the song together
(дети поют под фонограмму)
What is the song about?
4. Grammar
We have just sung the song of a famous music group. The word ''group'' is a noun. What categories of nouns does it belong to? You don`t know, do you? Let`s watch a film and then you will answer the question.
(14 слайд-фильм)
Do you remember the categories of nouns?
Who wants to do the task? (2 ученика)
One more exercise for you,,, Look at the board .Match nouns to name the group of……
(15 слайд-группы )
(2 ученика)
Подведение итогов:
We have done a lot of work today. And I see that you know a lot about the UK. Was the lesson interesting for you or not? What do you like most?
Домашнее задание:
Сделать литературный перевод текста