- Учителю
- Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку для 5 класса «Выходной по-английски: экскурсия в зоопарк»
Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку для 5 класса «Выходной по-английски: экскурсия в зоопарк»
МБОУ Сокольниковская СОШ
Моршанского района
Тамбовской области
внеклассного мероприятия
по английскому языку
для обучающихся 5-ых классов и начальных классов
«Выходной по-английски: экскурсия в зоопарк».
Подготовила учитель английского языка
Бородина Татьяна Николаевна
Цели и задачи мероприятия:
Задачи обучения:
- закрепить речевые образцы, грамматические структуры, лексические единицы;
- научить переносить знания в новую ситуацию общения;
- практиковать обучающихся в диалогической речи.
Задачи развития:
- развивать желание общаться на английском языке;
- развивать память, воображение, внимание;
- формировать познавательные умения: умение задавать вопросы, доказывать, рассуждать;
- развивать, формировать интеллектуальную сферу.
Задачи воспитания:
- воспитывать инициативность и активность в беседе, отзывчивость к сверстникам,
- воспитывать доброту, любовь к окружающему миру, бережное отношение к животным, заботу о них;
- воспитывать культуру взаимоотношений.
Предварительная работа:
- лексика, грамматика, песенки, диалогическая речь;
- отработка лексических единиц, грамматических структур; песенки, диалогическая речь;
- беседы по экологии, о Всемирном фонде дикой природы, о медицинских экспериментах на животных, о содержании их в зоопарке.
- компьютер, экран, проектор, презентация;
- магнитофон, CD;
- аккордеон;
- «клетки» с животными (большие мягкие игрушки): пандой, жирафом, львом, медведем, обезьяной, слоном, гиппопотамом, тигром, белкой, коровой, кенгуру, змеёй, лошадью, овечкой, мышью, крысой, кроликом, зайцем, ежом;
- маски мамы-кошки и котят, 3 пары варежек;
- костюмы мышки, лисы, зайца, волка, медведя; Красной Шапочки, бабушки; костюмы для танца;
- для бабушки Красной Шапочки: очки, вязаная салфетка, клубок шерсти, крючок для вязания;
- для Красной Шапочки: корзина, банка мёда, яблоки, пирожки;
- для охотника: ружьё;
- стол, скатерть, полотенце, тарелки, на которых лежат пирожки, яблоки; 2 пакета;
- 2 телефона;
- дом-палатка;
- окрашенный в зелёный цвет лист пенопласта, цветы, изготовленные обучающимися, - всё это представляет небольшую цветочную поляну в лесу;
- для мальчика-рыбака: удочка, бинт;
- мягкая игрушка птицы, скворечник
(Pupil 1) Dan: Hello, this is Dan.
(Pupil 2) Christina: Hi, Dan.
(Pupil 1) Dan: Would you like to stay with us next weekend?
(Pupil 2) Christina: Are you? Great! I'll talk to my mum.
(Pupil 2) Christina: Mum, Dan has invited me to stay with him next weekend.
(Pupil 3) Mother: Has he? I think that will be OK. But we will have to talk to Dad first, won't we? David, Dan has invited Chris to stay with him next weekend.
(Pupil 4) Father: Not a bad idea. They will have a good time together, I'm sure. Chris, what are you going to do there?
(Pupil 2) Christina: Hopefully have a good time! There will be our classmates there.
(Pupil 1) Dan: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
(Pupil 2) Christina: Good morning, good morning,
We are glad to see you!
(Pupil 1) Dan: Tomorrow on Sunday we'll go to the Zoo,
(Pupil 2) Christina: Tomorrow, tomorrow we'll go to the Zoo.
Слайд 1
Pupil 5: There is a giraffe there
Pupil 6: And a yellow lion too.
Pupil 7: A bear
Pupil 8: And a monkey,
Pupil 9: And a big elephant too.
(Pupil 1) Dan: Tomorrow on Sunday we'll go to the Zoo.
(Pupil 2) Christina: Tomorrow, tomorrow we'll go to the Zoo.
Pupil 10: There is a hippo there
Pupil 11: And a stripy tiger too,
Pupil 12: A squirrel
Pupil 13: And a cow,
Pupil 14: And a baby kangaroo.
Pupil 15: Let's go to the zoo with us.
Teacher: Dear friends! I'd like to tell you about the WWF.
Pupil 5: What is WWF?
Teacher: It's the Worldwide Fund for Nature. This Fund protects all kinds of animals, especially wild animals.
Pupil 16: Look! What a strange animal it is!
Pupil 17: I know what it is. It's a panda. It's the symbol of the WWF.
Pupil 16: Do pandas live in the jungle?
Pupil 17: No, they live in bamboo forest in China.
Pupil 16: How do they survive?
Pupil 17: The WWF helps them to survive.
Pupil 16: What do they eat?
Pupil 17: They eat young bamboo plants. But here they get all kinds of leaves, vegetables and fruits.
Pupil 18: Well, we can see many wild animals here. But I know a song about a black sheep.
Pupil 19: Oh, I know this song too! Let's sing it together.
(Pupils sing a song)
Pupil 19: Baa-baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
Pupil 18: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Three bags full.
One for my mother, one for my dame
And one for the little boy, Jimmy by name.
Pupil 18: Mike, where do the animals sleep at night?
Pupil 5: Well, they don't sleep in beds. Why don't you ask the keeper?
Pupil 18: Sir, eh… Mr. Keeper, do you know where the animals sleep at night?
Pupil 20: (Keeper): Yes, I do. The monkeys spend the night in the trees. The elephant and the giraffes stay outside and the other animals sleep in their cages.
Pupil 5: What do they eat?
Pupil 20: (Keeper): Some animals only eat leaves, but tigers, for example, eat meat. They don't like leaves. I always have to give them meat.
Pupil 18: I don't see any tigers now. Where are they?
Pupil 20: (Keeper): You're right, they aren't here. They are in their cages, I hope!
Pupil 12: I like animals. I like this Zoo. But now I'd like to play:
One, one, one:
Little dog, run!
Two, two, two:
Cat sees you.
Three, three, three:
Birds in a tree.
Four, four, four:
Rats on the floor.
Pupil 9: I know the game "Put your finger". This is the musical game. Let's sing and dance together.
Classmates: Let's.
(Children sing a song "Alouette")
Alouette, little Alouette,
Allouette, play the game with me;
Put your finger on your head,
Put your finger on your head,
On your head,
On your head,
Don't forget,
(Put your finger on your nose, on your cheek, on your chin, on your eyes,)
Pupil 21: Who has a pet at home?
Pupil 22: I have three: two cats and a parrot.
Pupil 6: My brother has a white rat.
Pupil 3: A rat is a pet? People also have rats for animal experiments.
Pupil 13: Why is that?
Pupil 22: They want to find medicines for diseases.
Pupil 21: I don't approve.
Pupil 6: I don't like it either, but sometimes it's necessary.
Pupil 3: Yes, of course. People always help animals and birds. Let's listen to the poem "The Bird-House".
Pupil 21: Oh, yes!
Pupil 13: With great pleasure!
Pupil 20:
Little bird, little bird,
Look at me!
I have a bird-house.
Oh, come and see!
Pupil 10: Little boy, little boy
Under the tree,
I like this house
Give it to me.
Pupil 15: And now, friends, listen to the song "The Fish".
(Pupils of the 4th form sing the song)
The Fish
- One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again!
-Why did you let it go?
-Because it bit my finger so!
-What finger did it bite?
-The little finger on the right!
Pupil 15: It's high time to see some fairy tales. The first one is "Three Little Kittens". The pupils of the 3rd b form will perform this fairy tale.
Three Little Kittens
Characters: Mother Cat
1-st kitten
2-nd kitten
3-rd kitten
Children: Three little kittens
Lost their mittens,
And they began to cry.
1-st kitten: Oh, Mother dear!
2-nd kitten: We very much fear
3-rd kitten (crying): That we lost our mittens!
Mother Cat: Lost your mittens,
You naughty kittens!
Then you will have no pie.
(The kittens go away.)
Children: Three little kittens
Found their mittens,
And they began to cry.
(The kittens run in.)
Three Little Kittens (together): Oh, Mother dear!
1-st kitten (showing the mittens): See here,
2-nd kitten (showing the mittens): See, here,
3-rd kitten (showing the mittens): See, we have found our mittens!
Mother Cat: Oh, you're good kittens!
Put on your mittens,
And you will have some pie.
(Gives them pies.)
But I smell a rat close by.
All (together): We smell a rat close by.
Pupil 15: And now the pupils of the 3rd a form will perform the fairy tale "A House In The Forest".
A House In The Forest
Characters: The Mouse
The Fox
The Hare
The Wolf
The Bear
(A house in the forest. The fox comes up to the house. The mouse is at the window.)
Children: Here is a house in the forest, forest, forest.
A fox is running through the forest, forest, forest.
She stops at the door, door, door.
She asks at the door, door, door.
The Fox: Who lives in this house, house, house?
The Mouse: I do. I am a mouse and I live in this house. And who are you?
The Mouse: I am a fox. May I live in your house?
The Mouse: Yes, you may. Come in, please.
Children: Here is a house in the forest, forest, forest.
A hare is running through the forest, forest, forest.
He stops at the door, door, door.
He asks at the door, door, door.
The Hare: Who lives in this house, house, house?
The Mouse and the Fox (together): We do.
The Mouse: I am a mouse.
The Fox: And I am a fox.
Together: And who are you?
The Hare: I am a hare. May I live in your house?
The Mouse and the Fox (together): Yes, you may. Come in, please!
Children: Here is a house in the forest, forest, forest.
A wolf is running through the forest, forest, forest.
He stops at the door, door, door.
He asks at the door, door, door.
The Wolf: Who lives in this house, house, house?
The Mouse, the Fox, and the Hare (together): We do.
The Mouse: I am a mouse.
The Fox: I am a fox.
The Hare: And I am a hare.
Together: And who are you?
The Wolf: I am a wolf. May I live in your house?
The Mouse, the Fox and the Hare: Yes, you may. Come in, please!
Children: Here is a house in the forest, forest, forest.
A bear is running through the forest, forest, forest.
He stops at the door, door, door.
He asks the door, door, door.
The Bear: Who lives in this house, house, house?
The Mouse: I am a mouse, mouse, mouse.
The Fox: I am a fox, fox, fox.
The Hare: I am a hare, hare, hare.
The Wolf: And I am a wolf, wolf, wolf.
The Bear: My dear mouse and fox, my dear hare and wolf! May I live with you?
The Mouse, the Fox, the Hare and the Wolf: But who are you?
The Bear: I am a bear.
The Mouse: Oh, no!
The Fox: You are a bad bear!
The Hare: Go away!
The Wolf: We don't want you.
(The Bear runs away: the Mouse, the Fox, the Hare and the Wolf pursue it.)
Pupil 15: The pupils of the 4th form will perform us the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".
Little Red Riding Hood
Characters: Mother
The Wolf
The Hunter
Scene 1
Little Red Riding Hood: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Good morning, children.
Children: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
(Little Red Riding Hood goes out.)
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you?
Little Red Riding Hood: I am here, Mother. What's the matter?
(Little Red Riding Hood comes in.)
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your Grandmother's birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
Little Red Riding Hood: All right, Mother.
Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood. And don't pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
Little Red Riding Hood: All right, dear Mother. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling.
(Little Red Riding Hood goes out.)
Слайд 2
Scene 2
(Little Red Riding Hood in the wood.)
Слайды 3-5
Little Red Riding Hood: How nice it is in the wood. There are many trees, flowers and mushrooms. I'll pick some flowers for my grandmother.
(The Wolf appears.)
The Wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood.
Children: Go away, go away, you bad Wolf!
The Wolf: Hush, children! (He goes up to Little Red Riding Hood.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf.
The Wolf: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and honey to her.
The Wolf: Where does she live, your grandmother?
Little Red Riding Hood: She lives in the little house in the wood near the river.
The Wolf: Is it far from here?
Little Red Riding Hood: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf.
Слайд 6
Scene 3
(The Wolf comes to Grandmother's house and knocks at the door.)
Grandmother: Who is there?
The Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandmother: Come in, darling.
(The Wolf runs up to Grandmother and want to catch her up, but she runs away. The Wolf puts on Grandmother's dress and cap and lies in bed. Soon Little Red Riding Hood appears near Grandmother's house.)
Little Red Riding Hood (singing)
Clap, clap, clap,
Rap, rap, rap,
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, tap, tap.
The Wolf: Who is there?
Little Red Riding Hood: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
(Little Red Riding Hood puts the basket on the table and comes up to Granny's bed.)
Little Red Riding Hood: Many happy returns of the day!
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(And the Wolf jumps out of the bed and wants to catch Little Red Riding Hood, who is shouting: "Help! Help!"Grandmother and the Hunter come in. The Hunter shoots and the Wolf falls down.)
Grandmother: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh! It's really nothing.
Pupil 11: And now let's see a dance.
(Pupils of the 3rd b form dance)
Teacher: I think it's high time to go home. Let's say "Good-bye" to our animals and sing a song "The More We Are Together".
(Pupils say "Good-bye" to the animals and sing a song.)
The more we are together, together, together.
The more we are together, the merrier we'll be.
For your friends are my friends.
And my friends are your friends.
The more we are together, the merrier we'll be.
Амамджян Ш. Г.
Играя учись!: Англ. яз. в картинках для детей дошк. возраста. - 3-е изд., дораб. - М.: Просвещение, 1986. - 224 с., ил.
Биболетова М. З., Денисенко О. А., Трубанева Н. Н.
Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник для 4 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. - Обнинск: Титул, 2011. - 144 с.: ил.
Биболетова М. З., Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н.
Enjoy English - 5-6: Учебник англ. яз.для 5-6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. - 2-е изд., испр. - Обнинск: Титул, 2010. - 208 с.: ил.
Л.П. Магомедова
Экскурсия в зоопарк: Газета «Педагогическое творчество», №3 2004.
Песни для изучающих английский язык
Издание подготовлено совместно издательством ПАИМС и фирмой «Спейсрос». - Москва, 1993.