- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 8 классе на тему 'Working conditions of Reporter'
Урок английского языка в 8 классе на тему 'Working conditions of Reporter'
Тема:Working conditions of Reporter
Цель урока: Познакомить учащихся с новым лексическим материалом по теме «Working conditions of Reporter»и грамматическим правилом употребления косвенной речи в специальных вопросах, способствовать совершенствованию ранее полученных знаний.
Образовательная: способствовать формированию и совершенствованию лексических навыков по теме «Репортер», совершенствованию грамматических навыков употребления косвенной речи в общих вопросах, формированию грамматических навыков употребления косвенной речи в специальных вопросах
Развивающая: создать условия для развития логического мышления, фонематического слуха, внимательности, умений обобщить полученную информацию.
Воспитательная: создать условия для воспитания взаимопомощи, отзывчивости, уважения.
Учебник: Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / EnjoyEnglish: Учебник для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. - Обнинск: Титул, 2011. - 160с.: ил.
Подготовленная презентация
Раздаточный материал
Ход урока:
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учеников
Орг. момент проверка готовности класса к занятию
Функциональная установка к уроку
Речевая зарядка
Фонетическая зарядка
Основная часть
- Good morning, girls! Sit down, please. Let's begin our lesson. I'm very glad to see you.
- Today we continue to speak about the job of Reporter and the theme of our today's lesson is Working Conditions ofReporter. Вероника, translate it?
-Good! Also today we'll repeat general questions in reported speech and know how to make special questions in reported one.
-Ира, tell me what date is it today?
-Ok, Катя, what day is it today?
-Вита, how are you today?
-And you, Аня?
-Thank you very much, girls! Look at the screen, please! Let's repeat words from the previous lesson.
-Алика, read the 1st word and give the translation.
Арина, the next…
-Very good, girls!
-I'll show you pictures and you should name what is it. Is it clear?
-Good job! Look here, there are five new words, repeat it after me.
-Ok, read it one by one with translation.
-Open your copybooks and write down these words.
-Perfect! Now, as you can see the words and their translations are mixed, Your task is to make links between them. Do you understand?
-Ok, Влада, begin from the 1st word.Аня, the next…
-Thank you, girls! Let's go further. Look here, there are blanks in sentences, which you should complete using new words.
Аня, please read and translate the 1st sentence.
What word do you choose? Майя, the next sentence…
- Very good, girls! Please, open your diaries and write down your home task: to learn words from the previous and this lesson for the dictation and to readthe text on cards.
-Настя, translate please!
-Настя, please give cards to your classmates.
-So close everything and let's repeat what is direct speech? Влада?
-What is reported one? Вита?
-What is the sequence of tenses? Майя?
- Good! So the Present simple becomes…(провожу опрос по согласованию времен)
- At the previous lesson we've met with general questions in reported speech. Look here!
Аняread and translate the this sentence. And Катя the next.
- So let's check your home task. Ира, begin and read only the sentence in reported speech.
(may be anyone do it another way?)
Аня, the next…
-Very well. Look at the screen, girls, and let's discuss special questions in Reported speech. What is Special question? Алика?
-Here you can see the example. Арина, please, read and translate.
As you can see "said" also changes into "asked, wanted to know, wondered". But instead of "if" stands WH-word.
Настя, please read this sentence and translate.
-Good! Is it clear?
-I'm very happy! So let's discuss these sentences orally. Арина, please read and translate.
How do you make this sentence in reported speech, girls?
-Good, write it down!
-Катя, the next sentence is for you!
-Ok, good of you! Write it down girls!
-And the last sentence, Вероника.
-Very good! Write down this sentence into your copybooks.
- Good morning, dear teacher.
-Today is…
-I'm …
(на слайдах картинки, ученики называют слова)
(повторяют слова за учителем)
(читают слова самостоятельно)
(записывают слова)
(читают слово, находят перевод)
(читают и переводят предложения, вставляют слова)
(записывают д/з)
-выучить слова с прошлого и сегодняшнего урока к диктанту и прочитать текст на карточках.
- прямая речь
-косвенная речь
-согласование времен
- Past Simple
(отвечают все вместе)
(разбираем пример)
(зачитывают предложения в косвенной речи, проверяем)
-Специальный вопрос/ вопрос с вопросительным словом.
(читают, переводят)
(читают, переводят)
(читают, переводят)
(предлагают варианты,записываем правильный вариант)
2 min
2 min
2 min
3 min
1 min
1 min
2 min
5 min
1 min
2 min
3 min
3 min
См приложение №1
-So our lesson comes to the end and first of all I want to thank you for your excellent work today!
- Ира, what have we done today?
-Very good! Your marks today…
Please hand me your papers. So the lesson is over, goodbye.
-We've known new words, repeated the sequence of tenses and general questions in reported speech, also we've known the rule of special questions in reported speech.
2 min
Приложение 1
The work of news reporters and correspondents is often hectic; they must be able to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Day-old news is no longer news-especially after another paper has covered the story. Many jobs in journalism offer travel and independence. News often breaks quickly so reporters must be able to meet the physical demands of long hours and irregular schedules. Executive positions may require long hours at a desk and the ability to work under constant pressure.
Reporters on large daily papers may work from late afternoon until midnight and must be ready to gather news whenever it occurs. Foreign correspondents must meet U.S. deadlines, even though they work in different time zones. They often work late at night to send news to morning and evening papers and broadcasts.