- Учителю
- Travelling is a very popular pastime of young generation, isn’t it
Travelling is a very popular pastime of young generation, isn’t it
Тема: Travelling
Класс: 8Б
Учитель: Мурзалиева Тамара Ахнаповна
Тема урока: "Travelling is a very popular pastime of young generation, isn't it ?
Цели урока:
- воспитательная - способность к толерантному восприятию действительности; способствовать воспитанию интереса к родной и иноязычной культуре и развитию понимания ее общечеловеческой ценности; формировать умение высказывать свою точку зрения по проблеме и использовать формулы речевого этикета в рамках стандартных ситуаций общения.
- развивающая - создание условий для формирования коммуникативных универсальных учебных действий обучающихся;
- образовательная- cовершенствовать умения использовать в качестве опоры при порождении собственных высказываний ключевые слова, переспрос для уточнения непонятного, толкование.
создание условий для совершенствования языковых навыков и развития умений школьников в аудировании, чтении и говорении в ходе изучения темы.
учебник "English" О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой для 8 класса гимназий и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка;
мультимедийный проектор;
SMART-презентация "How to avoid conflicts?";
Тип урока:
- по дидактической цели - урок с личностно-ориентированной и воспитательной направленностью;
- по этапам деятельности - тренировочный;
- по методам и методическим приёмам - проблемный урок.
Форма организации деятельности учащихся: фронтальное взаимодействие, обсуждение темы и решение проблемных вопросов в группах, индивидуальная работа.
Средства обучения: проектор, учебник английского языка, раздаточный материал; знания языкового и речевого материала, языковой опыт обучающихся в различных видах речевой деятельности (аудирование, чтение, говорение и письмо), понимание основных смыслов обсуждаемой проблемы.
Методы обучения: объяснение, показ, применение различных видов речевой деятельности, размышление.
Конспект урока
I. Введение в ситуацию общения.
1.: Teacher: Look at the screen and guess what we are going to about today.
(формулируют тему урока)
II. Постановка проблемы урока.
You are right. Today we are going to talk about tourism and tourist problems. It will be the subject of today's discussion. We should revise the material on the topic and discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of travelling.
2. Teacher: A lot of people all over the world are fond of travelling. They travel to see other countries. to enjoy picturesque places, to discover different ways of life or just for a change of scene. People travel on business and for pleasure having at their disposal various means of transport. So it is impossible to imagine our life without travelling. People can express their emotions in different ways. Some of them draw pictures of their favourite places, others write poems. Let's think of your own emotions and associations making up cinquains about travelling.
Do you remember what is it? It is a kind of poem consisting of 5 lines (a general word, two adjectives on the topic three verbs. the main idea of your "poem" (it must consist of 3-4 words) and a synonym of the general word. Make up as many cinquains as you can. All your cinquains will be different. Read them aloud when you are ready.
(читают синквейны)
3.Teacher: Fist of all I want to make sure you don't forget the words on the topic "Travelling" (приложение 1)
Look at the word box on your desks and put the words under the following headings (key words)
1) types of holiday;
2) places where people stay on holiday;
3) places people visit on holiday;
4) things people do on holiday;
5) problems people can have on holiday.Camping, resort, museum, queues, bed and breakfast, to relax, crowds, delays, sunbathing, caravan, sightseeing, beach, tent, cruise, lost luggage, youth hostel, excursion, sunburn, safari, gallery, food poisoning, wind- surfing, round- the word trip, cancellation scuba-diving, bungalow.
People travel on business and for pleasure.
They can visit their relatives and friends.
We travel by bus, plane, ship, train and on foot.
All ways of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages.
The fastest way of travelling is by plane.
Fare by plane is much dear than by train.
The seats on the plane are comfortable.
We can book tickets in advance.
Travelling by ship is for pleasure.
When we travel by train we can see country we are travelling through.
A long walk in the open country is called a hike.
4. Teacher:
Well, thank you. And what do you know about travelling in general?
Why do people travel?
What are the ways of travelling?
Which is the fastest?
What disadvantages does it have?
Can you name advantages of travelling by train?
What ways of travelling are for pleasure?
What way of travelling helps us to keep in good form?
What is your favorite way of travelling?
What can you tell us about your last remarkable journey
4.Teacher: Travelling is impossible without transport. What
transport would you like to travel by and why?
Teacher: Why is fear of flying so widely spread?
Pupil: To my mind, there are different reasons for getting frightened about flying. Some people are too imaginative, others get claustrophobic. I think it is natural to be nervous, my advice - keep your mind busy, read or listen to music.?
Стадия осмысления (Realization of meaning)
1. Teacher: Everybody knows that different kinds of travelling have their own positive and negative aspects.
You are divided into 2 teams. The first team will put on a black hat. It means that you should think of disadvantages as you are pessimistic about all means of transport.
The second team will try to find out only
advantages. You are optimists.
by plane
1) Air travel is quicker than other means of transport.
1) The trip to the airport took almost as long as the flight.
2) People enjoy travelling by air because of the meal and the entertainment on board.
2) There are usually long queues at the check-in.
3) The time goes by more quickly when travelling by plane.
3) Flying often involves delays and cancellation.
4) Turbulence can also spoil the flight.
5) There are occasionally terrorost threats which would spoil any journey.
6) You luggage can be lost.
7) It is the most expensive way of travelling.
by train
1) The seats were made into beds on night journeys.
1)Your fellow -passengers can be annoying.
2) Railway stations are usually in the centre of the city. (It is closer to your home than the airport).
2) Sometimes it is stuffy in the compartment.
3) The tickets are less expensive.
3) It isn't convenient to have meals on the upper berth.
4) There is a buffet car selling drinks and snacks.
4) Toilets ate usually dirty.
5) You can look out of the window and enjoy picturesque landscapes around you.
6) The porter can help you with the luggage.
by car
1) You can stop wherever you want.
1) Petrol is very expensive.
2) You don't have to buy any tickets.
2) Sometimes it is difficult to find a service (or a filling) station in an unknown place.
3)Your shouldn't follow any timetable (you don't depend on any schedule)
3) Roads (highways) are not in good condition.
by ship
1) There is a lot of entertainment on board a large cruise liner.
1)You are afraid of tossing.
2) The ship stops in different ports and you can go on the shore for excursions.
2) You can suffer from seasickness.
3) Your voyage depends on the weather.
2. Teacher: What place would you visit if you had a chance?
(называют места куда бы они хотели поехать)
3. So. it's time to come to the conclusion. Let's make a list of pros and cons for tourist visiting…. Try to identify the main problems and to find some positive things. Have you got anything to add? Can anybody sum up what has been said?"+"
there are a lot of places to visit
accomodation is expensive
the night life is excellent
tourists do not always feel safe
the food is tasty
a lot of traffic problems
local people are polite and friendly
the climate is not always pleasant
4. Проверка домашнего задания. Рассказ об удачном путешествии
5. Your stories were interesting. But yesterday I got two cards from my friends. They are on holiday now Regina is in Spain now and Denis is Scotland. They write that their holidays are disastrous. Could you guess why? I'd like you to use modal verbs to make up your suggestions.
(составляют предложения с модальными глаголами)
6. Read the postcards quickly. Which postcard does the photo go with?
(приложение 2)
Answer the questions.
What was the first thing that went wrong for Hilary and Daniel?
What did they have to eat when they finally arrived?
Why are they unhappy with the room they are in now?
What was the hardest part of Simon and Jackie's journey?
Why did Simon have to go to the police station?
Why does Simon have to pack his bag?
</ 7. Imagine you are having an awful time on holiday. Choose four of the problems below (or invent your own) and make notes about them.
a disastrous journey here
the airline lost our luggage
the weather is terrible
the hotel room is cold and damp
the people are unfriendly
the food is terrible
the hotel isn't finished I got food-poisoning
somebody stole something
the view from the window is terrible
the car broke down
it's three kilometres to the nearest beach
there was nobody at the airport to meet us
the beach isn't sandy, it's rocky
8. Подведение итогов.
T: You tried to do your best today. The most active were: … answered well, but made some mistakes. I'd like … to work better. Well, thank you for your work at our lesson. See you on …
9.Домашнее задание. Write a postcard to a friend about your holiday
Thank you. Stand up. Have a nice day. Bye-bye.