- Учителю
- Таинственный Шекспир. План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 3-м классе .Методическая разработка урока по иностранным языкам (английский)
Таинственный Шекспир. План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 3-м классе .Методическая разработка урока по иностранным языкам (английский)
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Гимназия №13» г. Ульяновска
Таинственный Шекспир
План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 3-м классе
Методическая разработка урока по иностранным языкам (английский)
учитель английского языка
Горбунова Наталья Петровна.
Ульяновск, 2016
познакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством У.Шекспира;
развитие творческих способностей, формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся;
расширение их лингвострановедческого образования;
повышение интереса к чтению, как английских, так и русских классиков;
воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного, любовь к английской литературе, уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Оснащение: компьютер, проектор, презентация слайдов в Power Point, магнитофон, выставка книг У. Шекспира на английском и русском языках
План урока
I. Вступительное слово учителя
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends .Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest English poets. (Детям показывают отрывок из мультфильма Ромео и Джульетта - российско-британский мультфильм для детей, снятый на студии Кристмас Филмз в 1992 году режиссёром Ефимом Гамбургом по мотивам одноимённой трагедии Уильяма Шекспира).
Teacher: Can you guess what we are going to speak about today?
Today we are going to speak about the greatest
writer W. Shakespeare, about his life, love and work. You will get
to know some interesting facts from W. Shakespeare's biography. It
is impossible to speak about the English literature without
speaking about this author.
II. Сообщение учителя о жизни и творчестве Шекспира. Демонстрация слайдов, посвященных местам, которые связаны с именем Шекспира
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon on 23 April 1564.
His father was John Shakespeare, a craftsman and trader.
William went to a grammar school where he studied grammar,
logics, rhetoric and Latin.
We don't know much about his early life. In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. His wife was 9 years older than himself.
Their daughter Susanna was born in 1583 and two years later Anne gave birth to twins, Hamnet and Judith.
In 1585 Shakespeare left his hometown and moved to London.
He was the co-owner of a playing company Lord Chamberlain's Men.
In 1603, the company came under the patronage of King James I and changed its name to the King's Men.
In 1596 the troupe founded their own theater called the Globe - a lot of Shakespeare's plays were performed on its stage.
Shakespeare died in Stratford on 23 April 1616. Не was buried in the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.
III. Вопросы к учащимся
Teacher: We have mentioned the main facts from William Shakespeare's biography.
Would you mind answering some questions:
1. Who is it? - It's William Shakespeare. - Thank you.
2. What was he? - He was a poet, a writer, a playwright. - Right.
3. What language did William Shakespeare speak? - He spoke English.
4. Was he an English or an American poet? - He was an English poet. - Good.
5. Shakespeare was a great English playwright, wasn't he? - Yes, he was.
Now, I`d like you to agree or disagree with some facts of Shakespeare's life.
1. Shakespeare was born in the 17th century.
No, it isn't true. He was born in the 16th century, in 1564.
2. William got a good education in London.
It's not true. He got his education in a Grammar school in Stratford.
3. William married late. His wife was younger than him.
It's false. He married when he was 18. His wife was 9 years older than himself.
4. William Shakespeare had three children: a daughter Susanna and twin sons.
He really had 3 children: a daughter Susanna and twins, but they were a daughter Judith and a son Hamnet.
5. His wife Anne Hathaway loved theatre very much.
No, it's not true. His wife didn't love theatre.
6. Shakespeare never acted on the stage.
It's not true. William acted his plays himself.
7. Shakespeare died in London and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
It's false. He died in Stratford-on-Avon and was buried in the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.
8. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets.
It's true.
IV. Беседа о произведениях У.Шекспира. Демонстрация слайдов, посвященных его произведениям.
Teacher: When people mention Shakespeare's name they do not usually think about his biography, they think about a great number of his works that are known to many people all over the world.
What things did Shakespeare write? His plays are divided into comedies and tragedies.
V. Работа с известными выражениями из произведений Шекспира
Teacher: "To be, or not to be; that is the question". This quotation is known to everybody, but there are a lot of other famous quotations and interesting expressions from Shakespeare's plays.
Let us translate them into Russian. ( На дом было задано перевод цитат Шекспира. Дети предлагают свои варианты перевода выбирают наилучший.)
Shakespeare Quotations
"To be or not to be: that is the question."
Быть или не быть: вот в чем вопрос.
"Have more than you show. Speak less than you know."
Имей больше, чем показываешь. Говори меньше, чем знаешь.
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be."
В долг не давай и взаймы не бери.
"Life is not all cakes and ale."
Жизнь прожить - не поле перейти.
"Much ado about nothing."
Много шума из ничего.
"Brevity is the soul of wit."
Краткость - сестра таланта.
"Sweets to the sweet"
Прекрасное - прекрасной.
"All is well that ends well."
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
VI. Разгадывание кроссворда
В этом кроссворде зашифрованы 10 слов, которые связаны с жизнью и творчеством Шекспира. Учащиеся по очереди подходят к доске и обводят найденные слова.VI. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок
Teacher: Dear friends, thank you for the lesson. You have learnt a lot of things about Shakespeare's family, about his native town, about his place and his sonnets. You have seen the film "Romeo and Juliet". I think it was very interesting and you will remember our lesson for a long time. Shakespeare was a great poet. He was "for all time".
The lesson is over.