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  • Материалы к открытому уроку в 11 классе по теме Урбанизация в развивающемся мире: Трущобные города

Материалы к открытому уроку в 11 классе по теме Урбанизация в развивающемся мире: Трущобные города

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Краткое описание: Открытый урок в 11 классе с применением информационно - коммуника-ционной технологии, приёмов технологии развития критического мышле-ния, коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре Тема: Урбанизация в развивающемся мире: трущобные города Цель урока: повышение образо
предварительный просмотр материала

Открытый урок в 11 классе с применением информационно - коммуника-ционной технологии, приёмов технологии развития критического мышле-ния, коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре.

УМК Spotlight - 11 (О.В.Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В.Михеева, Б.Оби, В.Эванс) Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение»

Тема: Урбанизация в развивающемся мире: трущобные города

Цель урока: повышение образовательного уровня, совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе практического владения знаниями по теме "Urbanisation in the Developing World: ShantyTowns"

Образовательный компонент: развивать лингвистический и общий кругозор учащихся; практиковать учащихся в чтении с полным пониманием и извлечением необходимой информации, аудировании с извлечением необходимой информации, говорении.

Развивающий компонент: развивать интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся, умения работать в паре, группе, к переключению внимания в разных видах речевой деятельности.

Воспитательный компонент: воспитывать способность к сопереживанию, чувство толерантности, желание изменить мир к лучшему.

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент.

- Hello! Glad to see you. Welcome our guests. Sit down.

2. Warm up.

- Look at the screen. There's a picture of a shanty town.

- What is a shanty town? (-It's a slum)

- What do you feel looking at the picture? (- I feel disgusted. The place looks terrible. It's not a proper place for people to live in. - I feel sorry for people living there, because their living conditions are awful.)

- What are living conditions in shanty towns, do you think? Use the words given on the slide. (overcrowded, malnutrition, basic services, disease, access, crime, poverty, child labour, medical care, clean water,unemployment)

( - In the picture I can see a lot of waste. It stinks and attracts a lot of flies and rats, so dangerous diseases can start easily.

- Shacks are badly built and they can collapse any time. They are so close to each other, that fire and disease can spread very fast.

- People are very poor. They don't have enough food. They have to struggle with hunger and malnutrition.

- They have to put up with violence and crime.

- I think they have no access to clean running water, electricity and medicine.

- It's hard to find a job, and they can hardly make ends meet.

- A lot of children don't go to school, they have to work to survive.)

3. Объявление темы, постановка целей и задач урока.

- What is the topic of today's lesson? ( - Shanty towns)

- You're right. It's "Urbanisation in the Developing World: Shanty towns" (слайд)

What school subject is it closely connected with? (-Geography)

- Today we are going to have a close look at shanty towns. We'll read the text and watch a small video about shanty towns, discuss the problems of shanty towns and get ready to write your proposals on how to improve living conditions of slum dwellers.

4. Основная часть

1) - Work in pairs. Write down 2 questions about shanty towns you would like to get answers to.

(- Now read out your questions.

( -Why do shanty towns appear?

-Why do people stay in shanty towns and do not leave them?

- Why don't the governments do anything to improve the situation?

- Are there any organisations that help slum dwellers?)

- What can be done to improve the situation?

-What are shacks made of?

- What makes people leave their homes in the countryside? )

2) - Open your textbooks at page 96, read the text to see if your questions are answered. I give you 4 minutes.

- Have you found answers to your questions?

- What questions aren't answered?

3) Exercise 2, p. 96. Read the task. (Read again and choose the correct word (A,B, C, or D) for each gap (1-7)

- Read around the gaps.

- Check the answers with your partner. Now listen to the recording and check.

4) - Now read the task of exercise 2b.

We'll work in groups of four. I give you cards with the words from the text. In turn take cards and try to explain the word written there by giving synonyms, antonyms or definitions while others guess. When a student guesses the word, he/she keeps the card. The winner in each group is the student with the most cards.

Now look at the screen . There are 5 more words I'd like you to guess. (Dweller, amenity, filthy, authorities, ownership)

5) - Now get ready to answer the questions of exercise 3. Work in pairs and then present your answers to the class.

(- Shanty towns started because governments in developing countries failed to cope with the vast numbers of people coming to their cities from the countryside.

- People living in shanty towns have to face a lot of difficulties. They are overcrowding, lack of clean water and sanitation, poverty and malnutrition, crime and violence, child labour and unemployment.

- Charities can offer slum dwellers loans to start businesses and earn a living. Governments can provide shanty towns with electricity, running water and other amenities. Slum communities can work together to solve their problems.)

Физкультминутка (зарядка для глаз):

Look left, look right, Look at your nose

Look up, look down, Look at that rose,

Look around. Close your eyes, open, wink and smile.

Your eyes are happy again.

6) Now we are going to do a listening task. Take Worksheet 1. Read the information in ex. 1

- First read the information below. You are going to hear some facts about people's life in Kibera. Match the information in column A to the right numbers in column B. There is one number that you can't match to any information.

- Before doing the exercise read the exam tip given below and use it.

После прослушивания: - Now read the task of ex. 2

-What do people of Kibera lack and need? Use the language in the box to act out exchanges as in the example.


A: I think the most important thing for the people of Kibera is to build hospitals because a lot of children die at an early age. What do you think?

B: I quite agree with you. Schools for children are also very important because without proper education they will have no prospects of a better life.

T: I think that any shanty town needs such improvements. Use these ideas while doing your home task.

7) Домашнее задание

- At home you will have to do exercise 4 on page 96. Write a proposal for the city council to improve conditions in the shanty town. The example of writing a report is on p. 93.

8) Рефлексия

-Now let's sum up. (What have you learned at the lesson?) -What can you do now? (- We can speak about one of the effects of urbanization - shanty towns, describe living conditions there and we can speak about actions that can be taken to improve the life of shanty town dwellers)

The lesson is coming to the end. Work in groups and write a cinquain on the topic of today's lesson. Look at the screen, it will remind you how to write a cinquain. The topic word is slum. Begin working. I give you 4 minutes. Present your cinquain to the class.

Your marks are……

Приложение 1 (Раздаточный материал)

Worksheet 1

I. Match the words with their meanings1. something that makes it comfortable or enjoyable to live

or work somewhere

a) worthless

2. having no value

b) dweller

3. inexpensive/ cheap enough for ordinary people to have

c) amenity

4. someone who lives in a particular type of place

d) permanent

5. physical condition caused by poor eating habits or lack of food

e) loan

6. lasting forever

f) vast

7. sums of borrowed money which must be paid back

g) decent

8. extremely large

h) sanitation

9. at an acceptable level/ good enough

i) malnutrition

10. processes relating to people's health, especially the systems

that supply water and deal with human waste

j) affordable

II. Listening

1. Read the information below. You are going to hear some facts about people's life in the shanty town of Kibera. Match the information in column A to the right numbers in column B. There is one number that you can't match to any information.1 the distance of Kibera from the centre of the Kenyan capital of

Nairobi, in kilometers

A 20

B 1

C 85

D between 750,000 and 1,000,000

E 35

F 2½

G 60

H 5

2 the area of Kibera, in square kilometers

3 the number of the population of Kibera

4 the percentage of child death under the age of 5

5 the percentage of adult population that is HIV (human

immunodeficiency virus) positive

6 the number of rooms in the family flat

7 the money the average family lives on per day, in pence

2. What do people of Kibera lack and need? Use the language in the box to act out exchanges as in the example.


A: I think the most important thing for the people of Kibera is to build hospitals because a lot of children die at an early age. What do you think?

B: I quite agree with you. Schools for children are also very important because without proper education they will have no prospects of a better life.

Приложение 2

Варианты диалогов:


A: I think the most important thing for the people of Kibera is to have access to basic services, such as electricity, running water and waste collection because without sanitation diseases spread fast. What do you think?

B: I quite agree with you. I also believe that new houses should be built because their shanties are awful. People just can't stay there.


A: I think the most important thing for the people of Kibera is to have access to clean water and toilet facilities. 40,000 people can't share one toilet!

B: You are right. I believe hospitals are also very important. Don't forget that 60 per cent of adult population are HIV positive and dangerous diseases are common there.


A: I think the most important problems of Kibera is crime and violence. They lack security. I think they should be provided with police services.

B: You are right. But what they also need is a community centre for young people. It will offer them some useful activities and they will not turn to street life or crime.


A: In my opinion Kibera needs job training centres. They will help people get skilled jobs. What do you think?

B: I agree with you. I also think it's important to give people loans to set up small businesses. It will help to fight with unemployment and poverty.


A: In my opinion, people of Kibera need to gain legal ownership of the land, then they can work out some development programs together with the city council.

B: I agree with you. I also think that Kibera needs help and donations. People must help those who are less fortunate than us.


A: I think the most important problem of Kibera is lack of sanitation. People must have clean water and waste collection, then they will live in a better environment and become healthier.

B: I agree with you. But the problem of poverty is not less important. In my opinion, the government must work out some plan how to fight poverty.

Приложение 3 ( Listening Comprehension)

Kibera (Script)

This is Kibera. It is 5 km from the centre of the Kenyan capital of Nairobi. It is widely accepted as being the world's largest slum. Its area is approximately two and a half square km and the population is somewhere between 750,000 and 1,000,000. Nobody is really sure.

Whatever the estimates, one thing is certain, conditions on the ground are like nothing you've ever seen before. Waste and refuse are virtually everywhere you look. Sanitation is virtually non-existent and open sewers flow down almost everywhere on the way. Children play in its squalor contaminated water causeys. The stench is overpowering and, not surprisingly, disease is rife. Around 20 % of children die before the age of five and close to 60 % of the adult population are HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) positive. The average family lives in a single-room shack and survives on the equivalent of around 85 pence per day. Both children will only eat one basic meal per day.

In short, it is the scene of some of the worst poverty and most appalling living conditions on our planet.

refuse - отбросы, мусор

virtually - фактически, по сути

sewers - сточная труба

squalor - грязь

contaminated - загрязнённый, заражённый

causey - небольшая дамба, гать

stench - зловоние

overpowering - неодолимый, подавляющий

rife - обычный, частый

appalling - ужасный, потрясающий

Приложение 4

Синквейн (Работа учащихся на уроке)

Вариант 1

1) slum

2) illegal, unsanitary

3) starve, pollute, suffer

4) gives people little hope / makes people's life awful

5) misery

Вариант 2

1) slum

2) terrible, appalling

3) suffer, struggle, improve

4) makes people lose dignity / needs compassion and help

5) hardship

Для проведения аудирования использовался фильм Kibera, www.makeadifferencefilms.co.uk</<font face="Times New Roman, serif"> на портале You Tube (используется отрывок из фильма, самое начало, звучащий 3.15 min)


Чтобы скачать данный файл, порекомендуйте его своим друзьям в любой соц. сети.

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