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- Ролевая игра (пресконференция) по английскому языку по темеПроблемы озера Байкал
Ролевая игра (пресконференция) по английскому языку по темеПроблемы озера Байкал
Role play. Press conference
The problem under discussion is Lake Baikal.
The participants at the conference: journalists, heads of some enterprises, foreign investor, public representatives, ecologists.
Situation: some participants of the conference demand that the lake should be preserved completely as a wonder of nature, others are planning to use it for economic purposes. The conference is held to discuss and resolve this debatable problem.
The head of the Baikal timber processing plant (to be in favor of, to build, not to do nature harm, can prove a factory, to return "waste" water to the lake quite pure, to use modern filtering techniques, to share no expenditures (не жалеть средств), to keep pure, clean, to guarantee).
A foreign investor (to support the former speaker, to use Lake Baikal for economic purposes, to be reasonable, to build a cellulose plant (целлюлозно - бумажный комбинат), to invest money in, raw materials, to beat hand a great amount of water, transport expenses, to be cheap, to provide local population with a job, to develop the economy of the region).
An ecologist (a crime, a wonder of nature, a giant reservoir of pure water 70 feet deep, crystal - clear water, 150 types of plants and fish, to live, to preserve completely).
A public representative (to be against, to build factories and plants, to pollute the air and the water, to cut out forests, to poison plants, the soil, to preserve Baikal as a wonder of nature, for benefit of future generation, to be rich in resources of mineral water, to build camps, tourist centers, rest homes and sanatoriums, to turn Baikal into park).
Journalists asking questions. Journalist A, addressing the Head of the Baikal timber processing plant, to be effective, to guarantee, 100% pure water, to buy modern techniques, when to put into practice).
Journalist B, addressing a foreign investor (why, to invest money, to choose, to choose Baikal, how, to develop the economy, to be profitable for whom)
Journalist C, addressing an ecologist (the problem of Baikal, to be urgent, how long, to take, time expenses, to improve the ecological situation).
Here are some conversational tags which may help you to carry on the conversation: I think, I believe, I hope, to tell the truth, as far as I know, I would like to add, it's fine, right you are, I'm of the same opinion, it's a good idea, I cant agree with you, you are mistaken, on the contrary.
Imaging that you were at this press - conference as a journalist. Write a newspaper article about the conference on Lake Baikal (about 20 sentences).
What do you know about Lake Baikal?
What is it famous for?
Why Lake Baikal is called a wonder of nature?
Some scientists demand that Baikal should be preserved completely as wonder of nature, where others want it to be used for economic purposes. What's your opinion? Who is right, who is wrong? Why?
Do you think it makes sense to build factories near Baikal? Why?
It's a well - known fact that the Baikal timber processing plant (деревообрабатывающий завод) has been built. They say that the factory can return its "waste" water to the lake quite pure. How can they do that? Do you think these modern filtering techniques [tek`ni:ks] are effective enough?
Do you think it's a good idea to have camps and tourist centers on the shore of Baikal? Why?
Some people believe that Baikal should become a national game preserve (заповедник). What do you think? Why?