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  • Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

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Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок №2 «Доска объявлений» 1

Topic: Classified Ads 1

Students' book: Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska, New Opportunities Intermediate (Russian Edition).


  • to analyse Russian and foreign classified ads;

  • to practise the use of advertising expressions;

  • to start using the vocabulary of classified ads;

  • to read and understand «Classified ads» sections and give opinions about them;

  • to practice an individual form of work;

  • to practise listening and speaking skills.

Resources used:

  • a few examples of the «classified ads» sections from local newspapers and magazines;

  • multimedia;

  • individual cards.


  • differentiation of interests of Russian and foreign consumers;

  • correct usage of advertising expressions and Classified Ads sections in speech;

  • development of skills of individual work forms;

  • comprehension of information from listening to authentic speech.

Preparation for the lesson:

  • to lay out the examples of the «classified ads» sections from local newspapers and magazines;

  • to install multimedia.

Sources of information:

  • Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska, New Opportunities Intermediate (Russian Edition);

  • Internet;

  • local newspapers;

  • American newspaper «USA Today».

Stage 1 (Introduction)

Good morning, dear friends! Today we are going to continue speaking about Advertising. At the previous lesson we learned new advertising expressions and discussed different types of adverts. For this lesson I've selected a few examples of adverts from Russian and American newspapers. I want you to look through the papers on your desks and share your ideas about today's discussion. (individual work with newspapers and magazines, answers to the questions)

Individual material:

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture1. Individual material

Stage 2 (The discussion of Classified Ads)

What is the peculiarity of these adverts? (children read the information and give their ideas about the peculiarity of the adverts and the topic of the lesson)

You are right. They are strictly classified and because of that we are speaking about Classified Ads.

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture2. Slide 1. The extract of the teacher's presentation «Topic of the lesson»

What does the title «Classified Ads» mean? How can you explain this? (children try to find the explanation or definition of the word and present it to the class)

That's great! Very good of you! We've just heard a lot of different variants of the meaning of the phrase but let's have a look at our screen board and compare the definitions you've presented and the variant taken from the dictionary and see if we were right (presentation of the 2nd slide).

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture3. Slide 2. The extract of the teacher's presentation «Definition of the term Classified Ads»

Children discuss the information

So, dear friends, now we know perfectly well what we are going to speak about and, in this way, I want you to come back to your newspapers and find subdivisions or headings in our Classified Ads.

  • What are Russian people interested in?

  • What does classified ad mean?

Children work individually with newspapers and answer the questions

In our students' books we have some more additional information concerning Classified Ads. Open them please, exercise 1, page 60. Let's see what English and American people are interested in and try to read and understand correctly all the words given there.

Exercise 1, page 60

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

(reading, correct pronunciation, translation or explanation of the meaning of the words (it depends on pupils' level of spoken English), chain reading, one - by - one reading, consolidation of new words (work with picture cards)

Picture cards: (each student has 13 cards. The cards are also in the teacher's presentation)

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture4. Slides 3 - 15. The extracts of the teacher's presentation « Classified Ads in pictures»

So, up to this moment we have had the information about the interests of people living in our country and abroad and it's high time we had a look at the information written in these adverts and match the sections in Classified Ads (from ex. 1, p. 60) with the correct advertisement.

Exercise 2, page 60 (Read the adverts below. Which sections in the Kew Words would you find them in?

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture 5. Slide 16. The extract of the teacher's presentation « Informative slide. Ex. 2, p. 60»

Children read, try to understand and match the sections with the adverts. After that they should be ready to present their variants and prove their point of view. Before the discussion they may compare their variants with the variants of the neighbour. In the end they check the answers with the teacher's presentation.

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture 6. Slides 17 - 22. The extracts of the teacher's presentation « Checking. Ex. 2, p. 60»

Which of the adverts would you not trust much? Why not? If it's necessary you may consult one of the answers given at the screen board.

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture7. Slide 23.The extracts of the teacher's presentation « Suggested answers»

Well done! You can express and prove your point of view perfectly well, but what about listening? Are you good at listening? (pupils' answers) Let's see. I recommend you to listen to three different dialogues connected with Classified Ads we have just discussed. Be ready to name the correct letter of the advert from exercise 2, page 60.

Exercise 4, page 60

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture8. Tapescript ex. 4, p. 60

After the first listening children present their variant of answers to the class and compare it with the informative slide from the teacher's presentation. If the answers are not the same they try to analyze their variant and prove their point of view if they can.

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture9. The extract of the teacher's presentation « Informative slide»

So, we've found out the general idea of the texts, but what about details? Are you ready to find out some more information, more detailed one? (pupils' answer) Listen to the dialogues once more and answer the questions in your individual cards.

Individual cards: (Answer the questions to the dialogues)

Dialogue 1

  1. When is she having her first driving lesson?

  2. How do we know the driving instructor is good?

Dialogue 2

  1. Do you think Mandy often has parties?

  2. How are the speakers going to get to the party?

  3. What time does the party start?

Dialogue 3

  1. Is the speaker serious about doing the course?

Children work individually with texts for listening and question cards, self checking of results with the help of the slides.

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture10. Slide 28. The extract of the teacher's presentation « Dialogue 1»

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture11. Slide 29. The extract of the teacher's presentation « Dialogue 2»

Урок по английскому языку для старшеклассников на тему Доска объявлений

Picture12. Slide 30. The extract of the teacher's presentation « Dialogue 3»

Stage 3 (Sum-up)

At the end of our lesson I want you to analyze what new information you've got? Do you find this information useful or useless? Explain your opinion (pupils' answer).

11Новосибирская область. Учитель английского языка Курченкова Ж.В.


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