- Учителю
- Театральная постановкаВолк и семеро козлят
Театральная постановкаВолк и семеро козлят
Театральная постановка
Предмет: английский язык
Возраст детей: 9 лет
Место проведения: Музыкальный зал
Название мероприятия: Праздник, посвященный ко Дню Матери.
Образовательная: расширение лексического запаса, получение дополнительной лингвострановедческой информации об англоговорящих странах, постановка произношения и отработка фонетических трудностей при драматизации произведений.
Развивающая: развитие навыков устной речи, развитие мышления, памяти, внимания, актерского мастерства; развитие интеллектуальной, эмоциональной и речевой активности детей, которые в совокупности обеспечивают благоприятные условия для овладения языком во внеурочное время.
Воспитательная: социальное воспитание, направленное на формирование качеств личности ребенка, необходимых ему для успешной социализации; воспитание умения работать в команде дружного коллектива, ознакомление с культурой и обычаями англоязычных стран (воспитание социокультурной компетенции); всестороннее развитие личности ребенка средствами иностранного языка.
мотивировать учащихся младших классов на изучение английского языка;
социализация личности ребенка через умение взаимодействовать со сверстниками: играть и работать вместе, подчинять свои интересы и желания желаниям других участников коллектива;
развивать творческие способности детей, их фантазию, эмоциональную отзывчивость на иностранную речь, в частности через изучение английского фольклора при драматизации пьесок, разучивание рифмовок, стихов, песен и т.д.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, экран, ноутбук, костюмы для детей, декорации, бубны.
Ход мероприятия:
Characters: Mother Goat, 7 Kids, Wolf.
Scene 1
Mother Goat: Get up, my children!
Today I'll go to the market to buy some fruit. Don't open the door, if the wolf comes.
Kids : We shal not open the door to the wolf!
Мать:Thank you, my dear kids! Goodbye!
Kids: Goodbye!
(Мать уходит.)
The 1st Kid: Let's do the morning exercisers!
All: I'm skipping! I'm skipping!
Come on and skip with me!
It's easy! It's easy!
After three…
One… two… three!
I'm jumping! I'm jumping!
Come on and jump with me!
It's easy! It's easy!
After three…
One… two… three!
I'm hopping! I'm hopping!
Come on and hop with me!
It's easy! It's easy!
After three…
One… two… three!
I'm running! I'm running!
Come on and run with me!
It's easy! It's easy!
After three…
One… two… three!
(Приходит волк.)
Wolf: Open the door! It's me, your mother.
Kids: No! You are not our mother.
The 1st Kid: Our mother's voice is soft.
The 2nd Kid: Our mother's voice is sweet.
The 3rd Kid: Our mother's voice is nice.
The 4th Kid: Our mother's voice is wonderful.
The 5th Kid: She is clever and kind.
The 6th Kid: She is polite and careful.
The 7th Kid: Our mother is good.
The Kids: We mustn't open the door to anybody.
Go away bad Wolf!
Scene II
The 1st Kid: I am sad when my mother went out. (плачет)
The 2nd Kid: Don't cry! Let's play!
Подвижная игра «What's the time Mr. Wolf?» на английском
Дети в роли овечек (sheep) встают за линией (house) на одном конце помещения. Водящий (волк, Mr.Wolf) встаёт на другой конец помещения спиной к другим детям. Овечки хором задают вопрос волку: What's the time, Mr.Wolf? Водящий громко называет любое число от 1 до 10, например: It's four o'clock. Дети должны подойти к волку на то количество шагов, сколько часов было названо в ответе, и считать вслух:
One, two, three, four!- продолжайте так до тех пор, пока волк не ответит: It's dinner time! В этом случае, водящий поворачивается к детям и пытается их догнать. Пойманный ребёнок становится водящим.
(The wolf comes up to the goat's house again, knocking at the door, speaking in a soft voice.)
Wolf: Open the door! It's me, your mother.
Kids: No! You are not our mother.
The 1st Kid: Our mother's voice is soft.
The 2nd Kid: Our mother's voice is sweet.
The 3rd Kid: Our mother's voice is nice.
The 4th Kid: Our mother's voice is wonderful.
The 5th Kid: She is clever and kind.
The 6th Kid: She is polite and careful.
The 7th Kid: Our mother is good.
Wolf: I have got some toys for you.
Kids: We don't want any toys from you.
Wolf: Open the door!
Kids: No! You are ugly, bad and awful.
Go away bad Wolf!
Let's dance!
One two three on the tiptoes,
One two three on the tiptoes.
One two three turn around,
Clap, clap to the side.
Scene III
(The wolf comes up to the door.)
Kids: Do you hear? Somebody is at the door.
Wolf: Open the door! It's me, your mother.
The 1st Kid: Our mother's voice is soft.
The 2nd Kid: Our mother's voice is sweet.
The 3rd Kid: Our mother's voice is nice.
The 4th Kid: Our mother's voice is wonderful.
The 5th Kid: She is clever and kind.
The 6th Kid: She is polite and careful.
The 7th Kid: Our mother is good.
Kids: No! You are not our mother.
Wolf: I will break down the door.
Kids: We are not afraid of you!
Wolf: Do you give up? One! Do you give up? Two! Do you give up? Three!
(The wolf breaks the door down and rushes into the room. The fight begins. Five kids are fighting with spoons. Two kids are making a terrible noise with tambourine. The wolf is frightened. He runs away.)
Scene IV
Mother Goat : Din-don! I am your mother! I am your mother! Open the door Din-don! I am you mother! I am you mother! Here is my home!
(comes in): What's the matter? What has happened?
Kids: Oh! Mother dear! The wolf wanted to eat us.
The 5th Kid: My mother, the wolf came to our home! We didn't open the door!
Mother Goat: My dear children, you are the strongest, the bravest, the cutest and the most beautiful kids in the world. I'm very happy!
Kids: Mother is the dearest of all the friends we know. She helps us work and helps us play. That's why we love her so.
Mother Goat: Let's sing a song.
Песня «The More We Are Together»
The more we are together, together, together.
The more we are together,
The happier we are!
For my friend is your friend,
And your friend is my friend.
The more we are together,
The happier we are!