- Учителю
- Викторина на тему Who knows more about Great Britain для 8 класса
Викторина на тему Who knows more about Great Britain для 8 класса
Внеклассное мероприятие в 8 классе
Вид мероприятия: викторина
Название мероприятия: Конкурс знатоков
Тема: «Who knows more about Great Britain»
Цели викторины:
1. Повторение пройденного учебного материала в неформальной
2. Повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.
3. Обобщение знаний учащихся о культуре страны изучаемого языка.
4. Повторение и закрепление ранее изученной лексики.
5. Развитие познавательных интересов учащихся.
6. Развитие и повышение интереса к предмету.
7. Развитие навыков устной речи и аудирования.
классная доска;
мультимедийный проектор.
В соревновании принимают участие 4 команды по 5 человек. Команды сидят за отдельными столами. Учитель задает вопрос и называет 3 варианта ответов, из которых только один правильный. Участники, которые поднимают табличку с номером правильного ответа, получают один балл. Участники, давшие неправильный ответ не получают ничего. В результате, к концу соревнования в финал выходят 2 команды (в спорных ситуациях ведущим задаются дополнительные вопросы). Соревнование состоит из 5-ти этапов.
1-й этап. Представление участников. Все соревнующиеся по очереди рассказывают о себе. Выступление может сопровождаться музыкальным номером, чтением стихотворения, танцем.
2-й этап. Викторина "Do you know Great Britain?" Участники отвечают на вопросы учителя, поднимая таблички с номерами ответов.
3-й этап. Работа с презентацией «Достопримечательности Лондона».
4-й этап. Финал. Команды должны за одну минуту составить как можно больше слов из предложенного учителем слова. Побеждает та команда, у которой получилось наибольшее количество слов.
5-й этап. Награждение победителей.
I. Вступительное слово учителя:
Teacher: Good afternoon, everybody! Today we are going to have quiz «Who knows more about Great Britain? » I'm sure you've got much information about this wonderful country at your English lessons.
Teacher: And now you will have a good opportunity to show your knowledge of the matter by taking part in our competition. I wish you success. Be attentive. It's high time to begin, but first let the participants introduce themselves.
Участники по очереди рассказывают о себе.
Teacher: Thank you very much. And now dear boys and girls, let's start our Britain Quiz.
Teacher: The Britain Quiz has 20 questions. There are three
answers to each question but only one of them is correct. You
should raise the card with the number of the correct answer. Good
luck to you!
II. Вопросы викторины.
1. What is the official name of the country whose language you
a) Great Britain b) England c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
a) four b) three c) two
3. What is the capital of the UK?
a) Cardiff b) Dublin c) London
4. What is the symbol of the United Kingdom?
a) a bald eagle b) Britannia c) a rose
5. What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel?
a) through the Channel Tunnel b) by boat c) by ferry
6. What is the most important airport in Great Britain?
a) Heathrow Airport b) Gatwick Airport c) Stansted Airport
7. English children start going to school at the age of:
a) 7 b) 6 c) 5
8. There are 2 days a week when British pupils don't go to
school. They are:
a) Sunday and Monday b) Friday and Saturday c) Saturday and Sunday
9. Who helps schoolchildren to cross the street near the school?
a) a policeman b) a lollipop man c) a fireman
10. What is the school-leaving age in the United Kingdom?
a) 16 b) 13 c) 18
11. What is the highest mark in British schools?
a) A b) C c) G
12. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
a) the Tower of London b) Windsor Castle c) Buckingham Palace
13. Where is Nelson's Column situated?
a) in Parliament Square b) in Trafalgar Square c) in Piccadilly
14. Earth Day is celebrated:
a) in winter b) in summer c) in spring
15. RSPCA is a charity that:
a) helps animals b) organizes meetings and parties in schools c)
sells books and pictures
16. The environment organization is:
a) Oxfam b) Save the children c) Greenpeace
17. Which of these cities is not in Britain?
a) New York b) London c) Oxford
18. Lewis Carol was:
a) a teacher b) an actor c) a writer
19. The Beatles came from:
a) Liverpool b) Manchester c) Birmingham
20. Which holiday is on the 25th of December?
a) Christmas Day b) Halloween c) Easter
III Работа с презентацией «Достопримечательности Лондона»
Teacher: Dear students, now you are going to have a glance at the capital of GB - London. Your task is: listen, try to remember as many pieces of information as you can. After that you will match the pictures of visited places with their names and the information about these places. And, of course, your task will be to make your tour round London using the prompts on the cards.
Представленная карта - интерактивная: щелкая по образу на карте, мы попадаем на слайд, где дается более подробная информация о данной достопримечательности.
Sightseeing of London
The Tower of London is the most famous of all the historical buildings in London. It stands today almost unchanged since first it was built in the 11th centure. In the past the Tower of London served both as a palace and as a state prison, but it is only a museum today.
St Paul's Cathedral is the greatest work of England's greatest architector Christopher Wren. The cathedral was begun in 1675 . It was opened in 1697 but was finished only in 1710, when Wren was almost eighy years old. There are memorials to many famous men of England in the Cathedral.
Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. On the north side is the National Gallery; in the north-east corner is the National Portrait Gallery, and in the centre is Nelson's Column with the figure of the great seamen.
Trafalgar Square is the place where mass meetings and demonstrations for peace and for working people's rights take place.
"Big Ben" is the name of the great bell which strikes the hour. It is in the clock Tower of the Houses of Parlament.
Westminster Abbey is the historic building in London to which every visitor sooner or later goes. The Abbey was founded in the 11th centure. Many of Great Britain's famous men are buried in Westminster Abbey.
Piccadilli Circus is a square in the central part of London. London's best-known theatres and cinemas and most famous restaurants are on Piccadilly Circus. In the square you can see people of many nationalities and hear a lot of different languages.
Hyde Park is the largest park in the West End of London. In the 19th century it became a popular place for public meetings.
The British Museum is one of the largest museums in the world.
It consists of the National Library and Museum of History,
Archaelogy, Art and Ethnography.
Речевые упражнения
Teacher: Dear students, please, match the places on the map with pictures and pieces of information about these places. Be our guides.
Используются отрывки из текста Sightseeing of London
Teacher: Now we shall count your scores. Who has more? Team 1 gets … points. Team 2 gets … points. Team 3 gets … points. Team 4 gets … points.
IV Финал
Teacher: Now it's high time to organize a competition between two team-finalists. Dear friends! You get a card with a long word. You have to make other words from the letters it contains. The letters can be used in any order. I give you five minutes. The winner is the team which finds the largest number of words.
Teacher: Our congratulations. So the winner is … This team gets prizes.
Thank you for your work.
9. Reflection
So, it's time to make the conclusion. Our jury will say the results of our competition "Do you know English?"
And now I ask you to share your opinions with us about the competition. I'll give your two colorful stars: golden and black. If you like the competition you'll choose golden star and say, please, what exactly do you like, and if you dislike our competition you should choose black star and also say why.