- Учителю
- План урока Great Britain 7 класс
План урока Great Britain 7 класс
Класс: 7
Предмет: английский язык
Тема: Great Britain
Цели и задачи урока:
1.Развивающая : развитие мыслительных операций: анализа и синтеза; творческих способностей учащихся, умения использовать информационно-компьютерные технологии в изучении английского языка.
- повышение познавательной активности учащихся и мотивации к изучению английского языка;
- формирование коммуникативных умений по теме, формирование лексических навыков (достопримечательности, история, культура) изучаемого языка;.
3.Воспитательные задачи: формирование уважительного отношения к стране изучаемого языка; умение активно и плодотворно работать в команде.
Меж предметная связь: история, литература, культура, традиции и обычаи Великобритании
Методы:интерактивный,словесный, наглядный,практический.
Оборудование и оснащение урока: электронная презентация, раздаточный материал
Plan of the lesson:
Этап урока
Содержание урока
Тип взаимод
Organization moment
Greetings. Aims of the lesson
Hello, everybody. Today our lesson will be not usual because we have show lesson today. Welcome to our show. I'm glad to see you today. I hope you enjoy it. Today came us from Great Britain and from Kazakhstan. I'm a correspondent. Now I will ask you some questions. Кластер про Казахстан
2 min.
T-Pl; P2; P3;P4;P5:
Home work
Answer my questions:
1.What is your Motherland?
2.What is the capital of our country?
3. Where is Kazakhstan situated?
4.What countries does it border on?
5. What is the size of KZ.? (the area is 2.753 square km)
6. What can you say about the population of our country? (about 16)
7. Who is the head of the state? (the president)
8. When did Kazakhstan become an independent state? (in 1991)
9. What are the symbols of the state? (national flag, emblem and anthem)
10. What does the blue color of the flag symbolize? (freedom, independent)
11. What is represented on the state flag? (sun, falcon, ornament)
12. What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic)
13.What is the official language in our country?
Ok, good for you! Now I will show you video. let's look. Children as you think of what country there is a speech. Did you guessed?
Fine, you guessed! The theme of the our lesson Great Britain!
Now, answer my question What you know about Great Britain? Please write? Than What you want to know? Please write on the blackboard.
Ok, we have today some new words. Please repeat after me!
influence ['ɪnfluəns] - әсер ету
population [pͻp⌡u'lei∫әn]- халық саны
humidity [hjuː'mɪdətɪ] - дымкыл
mild [maild] - жұмсақ
sightseeing [ 'sait si:η] - көрнекі жерлер
location [lәu'kei∫әn] - орналасу
Then I'll give you 2 minutes write down.
5 min
2 min
3 min
2 min
5 min
Gr1,Gr2- T
Work with text
Now we must divided by 3 groups. for this task purpose you must choose papers. In this paper printed texts. Please red papers on the first group, yellow papers for the second group and the green papers for the third group. Now you must read individually and to discuss in a group. I'll give you 3 minutes. Then you must to make 3 questions for the text.
12 min
T - Cl
P1,P2- T
reading practice
1.Big Ben is …
2. What can you see in Trafalgar Square?
3.The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is …
4. Where is London's Zoo?
5. Who is the head of England? and other questions.
2 min
Conclusion, giving
What do you learned?
Please write on the blackboard!
What for you associated with Great Britain.
For example/ I associated with Big Ben and you?
3 min
T - Cl
P1,P2- T
So, children, our lesson is going to an end, I think that it was a very useful lesson for you and for me.
I liked your answers, the way you have worked. I think you have done your best. Than you must estimate each other. Please your marks for the first group, and your marks…….
Thank you for the lesson. Your home work to make up dialogue and to learn new words! The lesson is over, good buy!
1 min.
T- Cl