- Учителю
- План-конспект обобщающего урока по английскому языку на тему Numerals. About myself (5 класс)
План-конспект обобщающего урока по английскому языку на тему Numerals. About myself (5 класс)
Тема: «Numerals. About myself».
Класс: 5
обобщение знаний уч-ся по грамматической теме "Numerals"(Cardinal,ordinal. Телефонного номера, и адреса на английском языке).
повторение и закрепление лексической темы "About myself".
развитие функциональной грамотности.
развитие творческих способностей.
Технологии: Коммуникативная, игровая, икт, элементы технологии "Критического мышления", элементы проектной технологии.
Оборудование: Мультимедийный проектор, экран, компьютер, авторская работа - презентация по теме «About myself» Для физминутки: фрагмент мультфильма.
Ход урока:
1.Орг.момент Good afternoon children. I'm glad to see you, sit down. How are you today? I'm very well and you? How are you? (Юля, Света, Стас, Маша и т.д) Great! If you are OK. Let's start our lesson.
2.Сообщение целей урока: Children, look at the blackboard, read the words please (number, five, one, thirty, address, telephone number, name, surname) How do you think about what we'll speak today? (about numerals, about myself) Yes you are right. Today we'll speak about you and we'll revise numerals.(Слайд 1)
3.Речевая разминка: For the next task I need your help. Who wants to be a teaсher, now? (girls, please).
Girls ask questions to your classmates (задают вопросы по очереди.)
Children if you make a mistake, I'll show you red card and you can think and give the right answer.
What is your name?
What is your first name?
What is your surname?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
Which class are you in?
What is your telephone number?
How are you? Thanks, girls. Sit down, please.
4.Повторение и обобщение темы числительные:
For the next task we should revise the rules (рассказывают правило образования числительных) (слайд 2).
OK now I want you to do the exercise with numbers. I say numbers and you put a sticker on the right number. (уч-ся работают у доски, закрывают числительное, которое называет учитель)
5.Письменный контроль числительных. Well done children, and now let's check up how can you write ordinal numerals.
I'll give you cards and you write ordinal numerals (работают по карточкам, по вариантам)
Now exchange your papers, check up them and put the marks. (правильные ответы и критерии оценки на слайде 3)
6. Физминутка. I see you are tired. Let's have some fun. Stand up, please
7. Обобщающее повторение. And we continue. I see you know numerals. And you can use them in daily life. I have the slide with your addresses and telephone numbers (слайд 4) For example: I tell you my address and telephone number (учитель называет свой адрес и телефон). Who wants to tell us your address and t.n. (уч-ся работаю по слайду).
P1 Sveta's t.n.
P2 Milena's address и т.д.
8. Развитие монологической речи (работа в группах - проект)
We've talked about you and now let's talk about your favourite actors and singers. And for the next task you should be divided into three groups, take one colour circle please. (организую группу по цветным листочкам)
Now you should take the card with the name of a superstar, make a poster and present your work. (уч-ся готовят постер, и представляют свою работу. Приложение 1)
Good work children. And now you should put a sticker on the poster which you like best of all. (постеры на доске, дети клеят на них стикеры - свой не оценивают)
9. Подведение итогов, рефлексия. OK our lesson is coming to its end. Let's look at our results. (на слайде лист самооценки) Children read the sentences and put а cross if… (самооценка).
I can name cardinal numerals 1-100.
I can name ordinal numerals 1-100.
I can write numerals 1-100.
I can tell about myself.
I can tell about other people.
If you have five crosses your mark is "5"
If you have four crosses your mark is "4"
Give your cards to me.
10. Домашнее задание. Now write down your h.t p44-45 test «Numerals» in writing.
Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, good bye.
Приложение 1
Daniel Radcliffe - an actor
Yuliya Savicheva - a singer
Justin Bieber - a singer
First name Daniel
Surname Radcliffe
Age 23
Address White Street, 5-44
Tel. number 520-70-16
From London, Great Britain
Profession an actor
Likes music and to play cricket
First name Yuliya
Surname Savicheva
Age 25
Address Pushkin Street, 60-18
Tel. number 990-10-13
From Moscow, Russia
Profession a singer
Likes sweets and to dance
First name Justin
Surname Bieber
Age 18
Address Melrose Street, 11- 20
Tel. number 842-00-55
From America
Profession a singer
Likes to play football and hockey