- Учителю
- Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме: «Благотворительные организации Великобритании и других стран».
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме: «Благотворительные организации Великобритании и других стран».
МБОУ «Воезерская основная общеобразовательная школа»
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 7 классе
по теме: «Благотворительные организации Великобритании и других стран».
Автор: Учитель английского языка
первой квалификационной категории
Дурыгина Надежда Ювинальевна
Март 2013 г.
Цели урока:
1) Социокультурный аспект: а) знакомство с работой некоторых благотворительных организаций Великобритании и других стран.
2) Воспитательный аспект: а) формирование у учащихся чувства сострадания, готовности помочь. б) развитие творческих способностей.
3) Учебный аспект: формирование лексических навыков говорения.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедиа-проектор, магнитофон, декорации к выступлению, костюмы, англо-русские словари, тексты для перевода, карточки со словами для составления кроссвордов.
Форма урока: обобщающий урок.
Ход урока:
I.Организационный момент. Проверка готовности класса к уроку.
II. Контроль лексических навыков говорения по теме «Благотворительные организации Великобритании и других стран». Форма проведения этапа - пресс-конференция.
Учитель выступает в роли ведущего на телестудии, учащиеся играют роли представителей благотворительных организаций, журналистов различных изданий, фотокорреспондента, секретарей, которые ведут запись с конференции. Все участники имеют английские имена и фамилии.
Вступительное слово учителя: Good morning, dear TV viewers. We are glad to see you. Today is the 18th of March, Monday.
My name is Linda Morris. We are in the TV studio of BBC 1. We shall speak about charity and charities today. All over the world there are a lot of charity organizations. There are more than 157.000 charities in Britain. There are charity organizations for every area of life.
There are some members of different charities there. They will tell us about their work in charities, discuss different problems and answer the questions of our journalists.
Let me introduce our guests:
Mary Brown- the representative of Oxfam
Tracy Smith- the member of RSPCA
Emily Wild- she works in the charity " Save the children".
Patricia Parker- the representative of the charity "Help the aged".
Our secretaries Jane Grace and Shirly Short will help us. Our photocorrespondent Peter Reeds will take photos. Well, our guests are ready to speak about their work and the journalists will ask them some questions. Please, Mary, you are the first.
Показ презентаций и рассказы учащихся о благотворительных организациях с последующими ответами на вопросы журналистов.
Вопросы журналистов для представителя благотворительной организации «Oxfam»
1.What countries do you send money to?
2.How long do you work in this charity?
3. Have you been to any poor country?
How do you do that?
Why do you work for this charity?
Save the children
1. How does your charity work?
2. How do you feel about it?
Help the aged
How can you help elderly people?
I think that people in the nursing homes also need our help. What do you do to help people in the nursing homes?
I am sure that caring for others is really good. What can you say about your feelings?
Учитель: Our conference is over. Thank you very much. There is a charity concert in the studio.
I invite you to go to this concert.
Welcome to our concert.
III. Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения, развитие творческих способностей учащихся. Форма проведения этапа - концерт (Приложение 1)
1. A song: "Seven is my favourite number". Emily and Peter are singing.
2. A poem: "A child's wish". Jane and Peter recite the poem.
3. An Irish folk song. Mary and Peter will sing it.
4. It happened in the RSPCA office one day.
The dialog.
5. Russian children want to take part in our concert. They will sing a song: "A hairdresser".
Thank you very much, dear children.
IV. Контроль знания лексики по изученной теме. Форма проведения этапа урока - составление кроссвордов. Учитель: And now I offer you to make a crossword to the magazine " The young telegraph".
The name of our crossword is "Charity".
The words to crossword:
1. voluntary
2. volunteer
3. aim
4. charity
6. provide
9. homeless
10. lonely
12. shelter
13. donation
14. contribution
15. raise
16. support
17. sympathy
18. toothbrush
20. scarf
V. Контроль умений и навыков перевода. Форма проведения - перевод текстов о благотворительности с английского языка на русский язык для русского журнала Учитель: I have got two articles about charity and charities. We shall send them to a Russian magazine. But we must translate them into Russian. Please begin to translate. (Приложение 2)
VI. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов.
Учитель: Our lesson is over. Thank you very much for your work. Everybody can make donations to our charities. You are welcome.
Приложение1. Тексты песен. Стихотворение.
1. A song: " Seven is my favourite number".
7 is my favourite number,
7 is a number for me.
He is on flight 127
On a Boeing 747
And he is only 7 hours away from me,
Only 7 hours away from me.
Good morning, hello, darling,
Is that 13589?
Good, morning,hello ,darling,
Yes, it is me, I am on the line.
Good morning, hello, darling,
The sky above is blue.
Good morning, hello, darling,
Good bye and I love you.
Good morning, London airport,
Flight 127 on the line.
Good morning , London airport,
I see the weather is fine.
Good morning, London airport,
The sky above is blue.
Good morning, London airport,
Good bye, good luck, thank you!
2. A song :" A paper of pins".( an Irish folk song)
A man: I will give to you a paper of pins, if that is the way the love begins,
If you will marry, marry, marry, marry, if you will marry me.
A girl: I do not want your paper of pins, if that the way the love begins,
For I wont marry, marry, marry, marry, I wont marry you.
A man: I will give to you a golden ball to bounce from the kitchen to the hall,
If you will marry, marry, marry, marry, if you will marry me.
A girl: I do not want a golden ball to bounce from the kitchen to the hall,
For I wont marry, marry, marry, marry, I wont marry you.
A man: I will give to you a rocking chair, to sit in the garden and take fresh air,
If you will marry, marry, marry, marry, if you will marry me.
A girl: I do not want a rocking chair, to sit in the garden and take fresh air,
For I wont marry, marry, marry, marry, I wont marry you.
A man: I will give to you a silver spoon, to feed the baby in the afternoon,
If you will marry, marry, marry, marry ,if you will marry me.
A girl: I do not want a silver spoon, to feed the baby in the afternoon,
For I wont marry, marry, marry, marry, I wont marry you.
A man; I will give to you the keys of the chest and all the money that I possess,
If you will marry, marry, marry, marry , if you will marry me.
A girl: If you give me the keys to the chest, and all the money that you possess,
Then I will marry, marry, marry, marry, I will marry you.
A man: Ah ha ha !Now I see- you love my money but you do not love me!
And I will not marry, marry, marry, marry, I am not marrying you!
3. A poem. «A childs wish».
I want to live and not to die
I want to laugh and not to cry.
I want to feel the summer sun.
I want to sing when life is fun.
I want to fly into the blue.
I want to swim as fish can do.
I want to shake all friendly hands
Of all the young of other lands.
I want to work for what is right.
I want to love and not to fight.
I want to laugh and not to cry.
I want to live and not to die.
Содержание диалога.
« In one of the RSPCA offices ».
- Good morning.
- Good morning. Can I help you?
- I have found this dog in the street.
- What street did you find it?
- Central Street. I was walking my dog and saw it under a tree. It was alone.
- Lets have a look. I think it is not a homeless dog. It is not very hungry and looks well.
- As for me I think I t has lost his owner. Can you write an ad?
- Yes we can.
(A girl is coming in.)
A girl: U-u-h. I have found you, my darling, my Sweety. ( kisses the dog).
Thank you very much. I donate some money to your charity. Good buy.
Приложение 2. Тексты для перевода
Texts for translation.
A). Mother Teresa was a catholic nun. She was born in 1910 in Yugoslavia. Later she became a citizen of India. All her life she helped by visiting and supporting poor people in different countries. She provided them with food, shelter and medical treatment. She worked to help the poor and the sick, especially in India. She was so famous for organizing the Missioonary of Charity. Now it is an international organization. In 1978 Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize for caring for the needy people.
B).CLIC is a charity in Bristol that takes care of the sick children. One of their aims is to provide medical treatment and emotional support to them.
Far away from family, school and friends, it can be lonely time. So the volunteers help the children feel at home. To give a helping hand to this charity, please send donations to:
Young Telegraph
1 Canada Square
London E14 SDT
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