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Урок английского языка по теме ' Charlotte Bronte ' Jane Eyre. '

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Урок английского языка по теме:

«Charlotte Bronte «Jane Eyre»

11 класс

Задачи урока:

I. Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков уч-ся,

обогащение их словарного запаса.

II. Развитие навыка чтения с общим охватом


III. Развитие навыка говорения.

IV. Развитие интереса уч-ся к стране изучаемого языка его культуре, повышение уровня лингвострановедческих знаний уч-ся.

Ход урока:

I. Введение в тематику урока, постановка задач.

( Работа по тексту главы LXIII романа «Джейн Эйр» Шарлотты Бронте)

II. Работа над лексикой.

1. (T) -Find in the text the words and word combinations from this list, supply

Them with Russian equivalents:

(Найдите в тексте следующие слова и выражения, дайте им русские


1) tosneerat

2) to go to bed with the sun

3) Eden like

4) to slip away

5) to meditate

6) It is always the way of events in this life…

7) to hit the nail straight on the head

8) That's not to the point!

9) a bridegroom

10) аn asylum

11) to be akin to

(T)- Give your own examples with these words and word combinations.

(Приведите свои примеры с данными словами и выражениями)

2. (T) -Find in the text the synonyms to the followings:

(Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих слов и выражений)

1) to be against to

2) to sneer at

3) to believe

4) a gossip

5) to be in a hurry

(T) -Well, I'm sure that these words, words combinations will enrich your vocabulary.

III. Работа над говорением: диалогическая речь.

(T) -Answer the following questions:

(ответьте на следующие вопросы)

1) Do you like the author's description of the nature? Do you see the

difference between the description at the beginning and at the end of the


2) Why did Jane want to slip away unnoticed when she had met Mr.

Rochester in the orchard?

3) Did Jane like Thornfield and its people?

4) Why was it necessary for Jane to move to Ireland? What was

Rochester's explaining of it?

5) What did Jane mean speaking about the barrier? Was it the barrier

between England and Ireland?

6) What was Jane's opinion of Mr. Rochester's fiancee?

7) What is Miss Ingram like in your opinion?

8) Do you agree with me that Mr. Rochester didn't love his fiancee?

9) Did Jane accept his proposal?

IV. Работа по проверке содержания прочитанного.

1. (T) -Find the sentences in the text to prove the followings:

(Найдите в тексте предложения, подтверждающие следующее)

1) Jane was both a romantic and realistic person.

2) Jane was akin to Rochester.

3) Mr. Rochester suffered because he wasn't sure that Jane would accept his proposal.

2. (T) -Remember who said it in the text:

(Кому принадлежат эти слова)

1) "I have as much soul as you, - and full as much heart."

2) "Make my happiness - I will make yours."

3) "I know my Maker sanctions what I do."

V. Работа над говорением: монологическая речь.

1. (T)-Comment on the followings:

(Прокомментируйте следующее)

1) "I have made if my law of action".

2) "I never go over to Ireland? Not having myself much of a fancy for the


3) "I'm a free human being with an independent will".

4) "My bride is here because my equal is here, and my likeness".

(T) -Put question to the text.

(Задайте вопросы к тексту)

2. (T) -Speak about the author of the novel, Charlotte Bronte.

(Расскажите об авторе романа, Ш. Бронте)

-Speak about Jane and Rochester on the part of the author.

(Расскажите о Джен и Рочестере от лица автора)

- Speak about Jane on the part of Mr. Rochester.

(Расскажите о Джен от лица Рочестера)

-Act out a conversation between Jane and Rochester.

(Драматизируйте диалог Джен и Рочестера)

VI. Работа над диалогической речью.

(T) -Let's make a conclusion.

1) Do you like this novel?

2) Did you read it in Russian? (Well, I'm sure you did.)

3) Who read it in English? (I advise you to do it. It's a real pleasure!)

4) Who is your favorite character in the novel? (I like Mr. Rochester. He is a

real gentleman, he is very noble. Why? Because he was trying to save his

wife during the fire. I like Jane because she has a strong will, though she is a woman.)

5) Does the novel have a happy end? (Jane and Rochester married, they were very happy together)

6) Well, your home task is the following. Write the story about Jane and

Rochester's futurelife.

VII. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок. Рефлексия.

Домашнее задание (Сочинение на тему:

«Каким вы видите продолжение романа «Джен Эйр?»)


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