- Учителю
- Конспект урока английского языка 'Как ты защищаешь землю?' По теме 'Экологические проблемы'
Конспект урока английского языка 'Как ты защищаешь землю?' По теме 'Экологические проблемы'
Конспект урока
Учитель - Байкалова Юлия Васильевна
Место работы - Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение «Каменная средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Должность - Учитель иностранного языка
Предмет - Английский язык
Тема и номер урока в теме:"How Do You Treat the Earth" (четырнадцатый урок из двадцати по данной теме)
Базовый учебник - В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова, Е.В.Кузнецова, Ю.Н.Балабардина, О.В.Черных English: Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова, и др. - 6-е издание - М.: Просвенщение, 2001
Цель урока: Проверить понимание и качество усвоения темы, закрепить полученные знания в ходе выполнения заданий урока
Задачи урока:
Создать условия:
для активизации в речи учащихся лексики, изученной по теме "Ecology";
для закрепления употребления в речи грамматических явлений, таких как Simple Present Passive, Simple Present Passive+Infinitive, а также модальных глаголов must, mustn't, should, shouldn't.
систематизировать знания учащихся по теме.
2. Развивающая
Создать условия:
для развития коммуникативных навыков учащихся;
для развития мышления и внимания;
3. Воспитательная
Создать условия:
для развития и поддержки интереса к английскому языку;
для воспитания умения работать в группе;
для воспитания таких личностных качеств, как уважение к собеседнику, взаимопомощь, собранность, любовь к природе.
4. Здоровьесберегающая
Создать у детей:
положительную эмоциональную настроенность, использовать здоровьесберегающие технологии (смена видов деятельности, физкультминутки) для сохранения работоспособности и расширения функциональных возможностей организма учащихся.
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.
Форма урока: урок с элементами исследовательской деятельности
Методы обучения:
Словесный (беседа, диалог)
Практический (письменные и устные упражнения)
Наглядно- демонстрационный (наблюдение, презентация)
Формы работы:
Оборудование и техническое оснащение:
мультимедийный проектор, экран, компьютер, дидактический материал (карточки с заданиями), презентации, раздаточный материал для рефлексии.
План урока:
I. Организационный момент.
II. Актуализация знаний, постановка проблемы.
III. Фонетическая зарядка.
IV. Речевая разминка.
V. Активизация лексического и грамматического материала.
VI. Физкультминутка.
VII. . Аудирование
VIII. Проектирование
IX. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия.
X.Домашнее задание.
Планируемые результаты:
предметные - формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения; развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации;
метапредметные - развивать умение прогнозирования, умение работать самостоятельно, в группе;
личностные - проявлять целостный взгляд на мир в его органичном единстве и разнообразии природы
Речевой материал:
Лексический: grass, to keep off, wild; a container, to damage, to destroy, to disturb, environment, glass, nature, to plant, plastic, to pollute, pollution, to protect, to recycle, to reduce, to reuse, to spoil, to throw away, wild life, air, to disappear, Earth;
Грамматический: модальные глаголы (must, should, can); страдательный залог в настоящем времени (Simple Present Passive); страдательный залог с неопределенной формой.
Ход урока
Этапы урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учеников
Организационный момент (1 мин.)
T: - Good afternoon, students! I am glad to see you, too! Sit down please.
T: - How are you, Sasha?
T: - And how are you Dimа?
T: - Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What weekday is it today? Who is absent today? What is the weather like today? Write down the date in your workbooks, please.
Слушают учителя и приветствуют его.
P-s: - Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, dear teacher,
We are glad to see you!
P1: - I'm fine. Thank you.
P2: - Very well. Thanks.
P3: - I am on duty today. Today is…
Актуализация знаний, постановка проблемы
(2 мин.)
T: - I would like to start our lesson with the words from the Bible : "On the first day God created light and separated it from darkness. On the second day - created a solid and water, on the third - the land and plants, on the fourth - the heavenly bodies, on the fifth - birds, fish, finally, on the sixth - reptiles, animals and men" (Слайд 1)
How do you think: why the first thing created by God was not a man.
T: - Yes, you are right. It means a man is a part of the environment and must care about it. People have to be in charge of a Planet. What are we going to talk about?
T: - Today we are going to continue our talk about ecology, ecological problems, the influence of a man on the environment, the importance of keeping our nature clean. You will find out how people protect the environment and wildlife and think of the ways you can protect the environment.
At the end of the lesson I hope you'll be able to answer this question.
P1: People cannot do without the environment.
P2: People need fresh air and water for their life.
P3: People cannot do without food: vegetables, fruit, meat and milk.
P1: - We are going to talk about ecology.
P2: - We are going to find out what should people do to protect nature.
Отвечают на вопросы учителя, формулируют тему и цель урока.
Фонетическая зарядка
(5 мин.)
T: - And now it's time to practice some English sounds. Repeat the words on the blackboard after me.
Destroy wildlife, throw away litter, recycle, pollute nature, damage nature, protect nature, reduce pollution, hurt wild animals, spoil the environment, have picnics in special places, leave fires, must/mustn't; should/shouldn't, have to.
Т:- Work in pairs and read the words to each other.
T: - Let's play a little. You see some Russian words on the blackboard. Find their English equivalents.
English words: environment, pollution, wildlife, nature, ecology, to protect, to reuse, to reduce, cut down, litter, recycling.
Russian words: экология, природа, дикий мир, использовать еще раз, загрязнение, окружающая среда, уменьшать, защищать, мусор, вырубать, переработка.
Повторяют слова хором, читают их в парах.
Р1 - Р2; Р1,Р2, Р3…
На магнитной доске находят перевод для русских слов и соединяют их c английскими эквивалентами.
environment - окружающая среда
pollution - загрязнение
wildlife - дикий мир
nature - природа
ecology - экология
to protect - защищать
to reuse - использовать еще раз
to reduce - уменьшать
cut down - вырубать
litter - мусор
recycling - переработка
Речевая разминка
(5 мин)
T: - Which words are associated with the word "ecology"? (cluster)
T: - I am going to show you some international ecological signs. They are international, because they are known all over the world. We must follow ecological signs. They tell us what to do or not to do. Tell me if you have seen any of these signs.What do these signs mean?
Т: You must follow these signs in your everyday life. If you act properly you will help nature. If you don't you will do it harm. You know enough words to speak about it.
Make your own sentences as in the example.
e.g. If people keep off the grass, they don't damage nature.
- put litter in the bin/ reduce pollution;
- break trees/ spoil the environment;
- recycle/ protect nature;
- disturb wild animals/ destroy wildlife;
- throw away litter/ make forests and rivers dirty.
P-s: - Air, water, land, animals, plants, protection, pollution.
Называют слова, которые ассоциируются с понятием «экология». Создают кластер. (Слайд 2)
Р1 -Put your litter in the bin.
Р2 - Keep off the grass!
Р3 - Keep dogs under control!
P4 -Keep your country tidy!
P5 - Recycle!
Называют значения экологических знаков, изображённых на слайде.
(Слайд 3)
- If people put litter in the bin, they reduce pollution.
- If people break trees, they spoil the environment.
- If people recycle, they protect nature.
- If people disturb wild animals, they destroy wildlife.
- If people throw away litter, they make forests and rivers dirty.
Образуют и проговаривают сложноподчинённые предложения по образцу.
Активизация лексического и грамматического материала.
(8 мин)
T: - But not only signs help to protect nature. Alf from the planet Melmac is worried about a lot of things. Why? What happens now? ( Слайд 4)
T: - When you harm nature, animals are hurt. Let's use Simple Present Passive and put the verb in brackets in the correct form.
- When the trees (cut down), the forests (destroy).
- When paper (recycle), nature (not damage).
- When nature (not pollute), wild animals (not hurt).
- When animals (save), nature (not pollute).
T: - Alf asks you to do something to make the Earth a better place. What are you asked about? (Слайд 7)
Recycle plastic bottles.
Put your litter in the bin.
Don't hurt wild animals.
Keep off the grass.
Don't pollute nature.
Throw away less litter.
T: - Work in your workbooks, please.
T: - Well done.
Отвечают на вопросы учителя.
Р1 - Litter is left.
Р2 - Animals are hurt.
Р3 - Land is destroyed.
P4 - Water is polluted.
P5 - Trees are cut down.
P6 - The air is spoiled.
(Слайд 5)
Выполняют грамматическое задание на карточке, затем осуществляют взаимопроверку.
- When the trees are cut down, the forests are destroyed.
-When paper is recycled, nature is not damaged.
-When nature is not polluted, wild animals are not hurt.
-When animals are saved, nature is not polluted.
(Слайд 6)
Переводят предложения. Письменно преобразуют предложения в конструкцию Simple Present Passive+Infinitive.Читают предложения вслух.
Р1 - We are asked to recycle plastic bottles.
Р2 - We are asked to put our litter in the bin.
Р3 - We are asked not to hurt wild animals.
P4 - We are asked to keep off the grass.
P5 - We are asked not to pollute nature.
P6 - We are asked to throw away less litter.
( 1 мин.)
T: - I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest. Do the exercises. Sasha is on duty. Sasha come to the blackboard and give the commands.
Выполняют физические упражнения под руководством одного из учеников.
P1: - Stand up!
Stretch yourself.
Hands up,
Hands down,
Hands on hips,
Sit down,
Bend left,
Bend right,
Touch your nose,
Touch your toes,
Turn around,
And sit down.
(Слайд 8)
Аудирование. (8мин.)
T: - People have different opinions of ecological problems. Let's listen to the speakers and correlate the speakers with their opinions.
Учащиеся слушают запись, затем соотносят говорящего с затронутой проблемой.
Do we recycle enough?
1. No. We should have bins placed along roads to make collecting cans and rubbish easier. What we have is not enough because we are still wasting natural resources.
2. We can never recycle enough. Empty cans are worth money, so why not save them - either for extra pocket money or for charity. Every little bit does help.
3. No. Recycling is important for the environment making the world a better place. We should introduce more schemes so that people have to clean up in and around their homes - or pay a fine.
4. There are lots of recycling bins at supermarkets and shopping centres for household waste. But industries should recycle their waste too. They often don't seem to care that they are polluting the planet.
5. We could all make a bigger effort to recycle. It's so easy to throw empty cans and bottles in the bin - we just have to stop and think what we are doing to the planet. I'm sure we could all make a difference.
(Слайд 9)
Выполняют задание на карточке.
Speaker 1 A. Thinks that factories must also do something about pollution.
Speaker 2 B. Thinks that it is necessary to have extra rubbish bins where possible
Speaker 3. C. Thinks that who pollute should pay money.
Speaker 4. D.Thinks that recycling can bring you extra money.
Speaker 5. E. Thinks that recycling is quite simple for anyone who thinks about nature.
Осуществляют проверку по образцу.
(Слайд 10)
( 9 мин.)
T: - Let's organize a "round table talk" and discuss the most important environmental problems.
T: - Let's try to find out what we can do to protect nature.
T: Thank you, children. Now it is time to make a project "A Green Tree". I want you to use the tree leaf and write a promise. Collect all your tree leaves and make a Green Tree. Go to the blackboard and read your promises.
Выходят к доске с зелеными листьями-обещаниями и составляют дерево, на одну сторону дерева прикрепляют листы с тем, что должны делать, чтобы защитить окружающую среду, а на другую сторону, что не должны делать.
People mustn't pollute the water.
People mustn't leave litter.
People mustn't cut down trees.
People must recycle used materials.
People must feed birds and help them.
Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия
(5 мин)
T: Our lesson is over. The famous English writer John Galsworthy said: "If you don`t think about the future you will not have it."
Let`s think about the future. Let`s keep our planet tidy and make it a better place to live in. Let`s save the Earth for ourselves and it`s important to saveall forms of life. Let`s listen to a nice song.
Песня Луи Армстронга "What a Wonderful World"
Текст песни:
I see trees of green, red roses too
I watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of the people going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, "I love you"
I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more, than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
T: - What information have you remembered and learned at today's lesson? What was interesting for you? What was useful?
T: - If you liked our lesson show the green leaves, if you did not enjoy it - show the red ones, please.
Смотрят видео-клип на песню Луи Армстронга "What a Wonderful World"
Подводят итог урока (что нового узнали, чему научились).
P1: - It was new for me…
P2: - It was interesting for me…
P3: - On my opinion it was useful for me…
(Слайд 11)
Домашнее задание.
Оценка. (2 мин.)
T: - Now, please, put down your home task. At home you have to make a booklet.
Our lesson is over. I am pleased with your work at the lesson. You have tried your best and I will put you excellent marks.
Записывают задание.
Приложение 1.
- When the trees are cut down, the forests are destroyed.
-When paper is recycled, nature is not damaged.
-When nature is not polluted, wild animals are not hurt.
-When animals are saved, nature is not polluted.
Приложение 2
Do we recycle enough?
1. No. We should have bins placed along roads to make collecting cans and rubbish easier. What we have is not enough because we are still wasting natural resources.
2. We can never recycle enough. Empty cans are worth money, so why not save them - either for extra pocket money or for charity. Every little bit does help.
3. No. Recycling is important for the environment making the world a better place. We should introduce more schemes so that people have to clean up in and around their homes - or pay a fine.
4. There are lots of recycling bins at supermarkets and shopping centres for household waste. But industries should recycle their waste too. They often don't seem to care that they are polluting the planet.
5. We could all make a bigger effort to recycle. It's so easy to throw empty cans and bottles in the bin - we just have to stop and think what we are doing to the planet. I'm sure we could all make a difference.
Приложение 3.
Speaker 1 A. Thinks that factories must also do something about pollution.
Speaker 2 B. Thinks that it is necessary to have extra rubbish bins where possible
Speaker 3. C. Thinks that who pollute should pay money.
Speaker 4. D.Thinks that recycling can bring you extra money.
Speaker 5. E. Thinks that recycling is quite simple for anyone who thinks about nature.