- Учителю
- Урок-экскурсия в 8 классе по английскому языку 'Казахстан'
Урок-экскурсия в 8 классе по английскому языку 'Казахстан'
Солтүстік Қазақстан облысы
Есіл ауданы
Чириковка орта мектебі
Северо-Казахстанская область
Есильский район
Чириковская средняя школа
8сыныпта экскурсия
сабағы « Қазақстан»
Урок - экскурсия
в 8 классе
Мұғалім:Тимина И.С.
Учитель: Тимина И.С.
Чириковка селосы
с. Чириковка
Theme: Kazakhstan
Aim: Assistance of the forming the communicative competence of the students.
To teach the pupils to get the main information while reading the text.
To develop speech habits, thinking abilities.
To bring up the real patriots of our Motherland.
Equipment: map, visual aids, cards
Motivation moment
Brain storm
What are your associations with the word "Kazakhstan"?
Pre-reading task
You were born in Kazakhstan. What can you say about the geography of our country?
Group work
Grouр 1
Task 1 Read the text "Kazakhstan".
Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.