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- Инсценировка для обучающихся 10 -11 классов The Fisherman and his Soul by Oscar Wilde
Инсценировка для обучающихся 10 -11 классов The Fisherman and his Soul by Oscar Wilde
Инсценировка для обучающихся 10 -11 классов
The Fisherman and his Soul by Oscar Wilde
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Карточки со словами
Priest - священник
Soul - душа
Mermaid - русалка
Fisherman - рыбак
Storyteller: The young fisherman went out in his boat every evening and threw his nets into the water. Sometimes he didn't catch much. But sometimes the fish came in from the deep sea and swam into his nets. Then he took them and sold them in the town.
One day the net was very heavy. The young fisherman laughed.
Fisherman: Perhaps I have caught all the fish in the sea!
Storyteller: He pulled and pulled, and the net came nearer and nearer to the boat. There were no fish in it - only a sleeping mermaid. Her hair was like gold, her body was silver and pearl. She was very beautiful. When the fisherman took her in his arms. She opened her eyes and began to cry.
Mermaid: Please, please, don't take me away. I am the daughter of the King of the sea. He only has me. And he is old and alone.
Fisherman: You can go if you make a promise. When I call you, you must come to me. You must come and sing. The fish love the song of the People of the Sea. They will come and my nets will be full.
Mermaid: I promise, I will.
Storyteller: Every evening the mermaid came up out of the water and sang songs of the People of the sea. The big fish came in from the deep sea to listen to her songs. The young fisherman caught them and his boat was full.
One evening the young fisherman called to the mermaid.
Fisherman: Little mermaid, I love you. Take me as your husband!
Mermaid: No, you have a man's soul. Send away your soul and I will love you.
Fisherman: I do not need soul. I cannot see it. I cannot touch it. I will send my soul away and you will be my wife. We will live in the deep sea and you will show me all the wonderful things from your songs.
Mermaid: I will be so happy! (смеется)
Fisherman: But how can I send my soul away?
Mermaid: I don't know. The people of the sea have no souls. (грустно смотрит на него и уплывает).
Storyteller: Early the next morning the young fisherman went to a priest's house.
Fisherman: Father! I'm in love with one of the People of the Sea. But I cannot marry her because I have a soul. Tell me how to send my soul away. I do not need it. I cannot see it. I cannot touch it.
Priest: Stupid man! Your soul was given to you by God! It's the most important thing that you have. The People of the Sea have no souls and do not know right from wrong.
Fisherman: Father! I love the Daughter of the King of the Sea. She is more beautiful than the morning star and whiter than the moon. I will give my soul for her body. I must send my soul away.
Priest: Go away! Go away!
Storyteller: The young fisherman went to the witch who lived on the beach.
Witch: What do you want? I can give you anything but everything has its price.
Fisherman: I want to send my soul away from me.
Witch: What will you give me if I help you?
Fisherman: Five pieces of gold, and my nets and my house and my boat.
Witch: (смеется) I am a witch! I can have all the gold in the world.
Fisherman: What shall I give you? What shall I do?
Witch: You must dance with me, pretty boy!
Fisherman: Only that? Nothing more?
Witch: Only that. Come tonight. Come to the top of the mountain. When the moon is full, we'll dance together on the grass.
Fisherman: But will you help me to send my soul away?
Witch: I will. (рыбак убегает счастливый).
Witch: He will be mine. I am as beautiful as she is (уходит).
Storyteller: That evening, the young fisherman climbed to the top of the mountain. At midnight the witches came flying through the air.
Witches: Phew! What is this smell? There is a stranger here!
Storyteller: The young witch came last. She wore a gold dress and her long hair flew out behind her. She laughed and pulled the fisherman into the moonlight/ They began to dance. The other witches began to dance, too.
Witch: Faster, faster! I am as beautiful as the Daughter of the sea!
Storyteller: The fisherman pushed her away.
Fisherman: If you do not keep your promise, I will kill you!
Witch: All right. It is your soul, not mine. (достает нож) The shadow of the body is the body of the soul. Stand by the sea with you back to the moon. Cut your shadow away from your feet and order your soul to leave you.
Storyteller: The young fisherman took the knife and stood on the sand with his back to the moon. He cut away the shadow from round his feet. Then he jumped into the sea. The little mermaid came up and kissed him. They swam into the sea.
Storyteller: This part of the story has a happy end. But if you read the book fill the end, you'll learn that the fisherman could not live without a soul and the end will be sad.