• Учителю
  • Интегрированный урок по английскому языку 6 класса «Формы прошедшего времени на английском и татарском языках»

Интегрированный урок по английскому языку 6 класса «Формы прошедшего времени на английском и татарском языках»

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Интегрированный урок для 6 класса был составлен мною учитывая грамматику английского и татарского языков. На уроке я часто сопоставляю различие и сходство двух языков, тат как у меня вторая специальность учитель татарского языка.На уроке класс делился на 2 группы. Было з
предварительный просмотр материала

Тема: Формы глаголов прошедшего времени на английском и

татарском языках.

Тип урока: Урок обобщение и систематизация знаний.

Цель урока: I Развивающие цели: Развитие логическое мышление, формирование умение делать выводы. Развитие умений употреблений грамматики (прошедшее время).

II Воспитательная цель: Воспитывать бережное отношение к родному языку. Обогащать грамматический строй речи учащихся формами глаголов. Привитие интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование урока: раздаточные материалы, карточки для игры «Лото», письмо, компьютер, тексты, тесты.

Ход урока

I Орг. момент: Приветствие, сообщение темы и задач урока.

Учитель (англ): Good morning, children! Glad to see you. Who is on duty today? Is on duty, today?

--- I am on duty, today.

--- Who is away?

--- Nobody is away.

Учитель (англ): Well, today we shall have an unusual lesson. You will have two teachers at the lesson: Ruzilya Akhmetovna and me. The theme of our lesson is The forms of the past tenses in English and Tatar languages. We learned different tenses. Today we will repeat them, especially Past Simple, because it is similar with Tatar tense.

During the lesson we shall play a game, read texts, answer the questions, do tests. You see, our class is divided into two teams. So you will work in two teams. The leader of the first team is Rezeda, and the leader of the second team is Razifa. O`K!

II Фонетическая зарядка. Let`s play. If you hear words with sound [l]

clap you hands, if you hear the words with sound [i] stamp you feet. O`k? (London, lady, big, travel, visit, family, can, read). Good work, thank you.

It`s time to check up your homework. Your home tasks were to draw pictures about our village, and to write an article about our village. Are you ready? Give me your pictures, please. We will give you marks later. Now, your articles. The first team read you article in English (they read their article), well, the second team in Tatar (they read their article)

The first team`s article:

I live in Keche- Elga. My village is very beautiful and big. There are eleven streets in my village. About 800 people live here. There are three shops, a club, a kinder garden, a school, library, a museum in our village. I like my place, where I live.

The second team`s article:

Мин Кече- Елга авылында яшим. Безнең авыл зур һәм матур. Авылыбызда 11 урам бар. Өч кибет, клуб, балалар бакчасы, мәктәп, китапханә, музей биналары авылыма нур өстенә нур өсти. Кече-Елгамда 800 дән артык кеше яши. Мин үз авылымны бик яратам.

It was good, children. Now, leaders, give marks to you team. (Работу оценивают лидеры ) Good work, thank you. Now, girls and boys, let`s play a game «Лото» You task is to fill these missing words. There are verbs in different tenses.

Is it clear?

Past simple

To be v+ ing

Future Simple


Explain, please, what tenses there are. (Дети объясняют) Good work, children. Give marks to yourself.

Girls and boys, I have got a letter from the past. In this letter the verbs are not correct. You task is to complete this letter and translate it into Tatar language. Say what tenses you use in this text.

53, Atau street,


25 May, 1236.

Dear boys and girls,

Hello! How are you? I … (write) from the past. My name … (be) Bikchantai. I want to tell you about my town and about your village. Unfortunately, my wonderful town … (destroy).

Kashan … (be) a beautiful town. It … (be) situated in the «Chulman river». After the war with Timer Bulat our town … (lose) it`s beauty. After that, two brothers … (leave) the town, and they … (build) their own villages. One of them … (be) Bolshaya- Elga, another of them … (be) Malaya Elga. You… (live) in Keche -Elga now. Many tourists… (be) in Kashan.

Do you like your village? How many people live in your place? What news?

Please, write me soon.

With best wishes,

Your great - great grandfather,


Well, children. Good for you. Let`s have a rest. Stand up, please.

Girls and boys, swim , please. Stop, Rezeda, what did you do?

Ch: I swam

Укытучы (тат): Балалар, очыгыз! Туктагыз , син нәрсә эшләдең, Инсаф.

Бала: Мин очтым.

Укытучы (тат): Утырыгыз, балалар.

Укытучы(ингл): What did you do, Milausha?

Бала: I sat

Укытучы(ингл): Well done, go on our lesson. Another task for you, to read these texts and translate into English and into Tatar languages.

Text 1

In 1941 about 300 people went to the war to protect our country. 160 of them did not come back. During the war many women and children worked in the fields. In 1945 our country won the war.

Text 2

1941 елда безнең авылдан 300 артык кеше сугышка киткән. Шуның 160 кире әйләнеп кайтмаган. Сугыш вакытында хатын - кызлар, балалар бөтен эшне үзләре эшләгәннәр. 1945 елда безнең илгә җиңү килгән.

Give me, your papers, please. You will get your marks later. Язган хикәяләрегезне бирегез, без сезгә бәяне соңрак куярбыз.

Well, children, another task for you is a test. In these tests you should choose the right answer. Is it clear? ( балалар тест эшли)

Ok, look at the board, and check up you tests, well, tell me, please, how many mistakes have you got. (лидер җавап бирә)

Укытучы (тат): Укучылар, хаталарыгыз бармы? Булса күпме? (Балалар үз эшләренә бәя бирәләр ).

O`k, girls and boys. Let`s make a model.

Прошедшее время V+ed V2


Past Simple yesterday 2 days ago. Действие произошло

В прошлом Last week last year.

Ok, thank you children, take your daybooks and write you home works.

Your task will be to write a letter to the past, using different tenses. Remember how to write a letter in English.


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