- Учителю
- Вне классное мероприятие на английском языке 'Mother's Day Celebration'. (6 класс)
Вне классное мероприятие на английском языке 'Mother's Day Celebration'. (6 класс)
Mother's Day Celebration
Цель: Развитие познавательного интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание уважения и любви к матерям.
Плакаты с изображением цветов, фотографии матерей, ваза с цветами, открытки,
украшения для класса
Содержание праздника
- Hello, boys and girls, teachers and mothers! We are glad to see you! Today we are going to celebrate Mother's Day. It has become a tradition to celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday of November in Russia. And we have one more special day tomorrow - The International Women's Day that celebrated on the 8th of March…..
Презентация о праздновании Дня Матери
Далее на экране появляются фотографии мам учащихся. Ребята по очереди выходят к доске и рассказывают о своих мамах.
- Let's try to guess the riddles (презентация)
1слайд: My mother's mother. Who is she? ( a granny )
2 слайд: My mother's sister. Who is she? ( my aunt )
3 слайд: My aunt has got a sister. She isn't my aunt. Who is she? ( She is my mother )
4 слайд: If Ann's mother is Kate's daughter, what relation is Ann to Kate? ( She is her grandmother )
5слайд: Three doctors have one sister, but this sister has no sisters of her own. Why? ( …because she has three brothers )
- When do you usually get up? Do you like going to school?
Let's find out if Kate likes going to school. (acting " Sleepy Kate" )
Dear Kate! Don't be late!
Wake up! It's seven o'clock sharp! ( Алсу )
Kate :
Oh, Mummy, dear!
I can hardly hear what you say.
Please let me stay stay in my bed.
I'm a sleepy head.(Адиля)
Mother :
Sleepy Kate! You are late!
Get up! It's eight o'clock sharp!
Kate :
Oh, Mummy, please, leave me in a peace.
My eyes are shut. I can't get up.
Mother :
Lazy Kate! I can't wait!
Please get up! It's nine o'clock sharp!
It's Monday today. Such a difficult day!
I'm so stressed and a bit depressed,
And I need some rest to be at my best.
Mother :
Shameless Kate! Listen what I say!
It's nearly nine and a quarter!
I'll bring a bucket of water and pour it out of pail
As all my words and actions fail.
Kate :
Please, don't, don't, don't! It's time for me to go.
Учитель: - I think you are not sleepy heads and you like going to school.
And now let's listen to the poems about our mothers.
I love my dear Mummy
I love her very much
And do you love your mother?
Of course and very much.
When Mummy comes to play with me
I am as happy as can be.
We have such lovely games of fun
All round the nursery we run.
Sometimes we have a game of ball
And Mummy quite enjoys at all
And when I'm tired as tired can be
She tells a pretty tale for me.
Who said " Good night" when I was child? - My mother.
Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay
And showed me often how to play? - My mother.
Acting: ( встречаются два ученика)
Данил : - Hello! Why are you in a hurry?
Талгат: - Oh, I'm busy. I'm running to a flower shop.
Данил: - It's a holiday, isn't it?
Талгат: - Don't you remember? It will be Mother's Day tomorrow? I'd like to buy flowers for my mother.
Данил: - Will I join you? I want to make a surprise for my mum too.
Данил и Талгат ( вместе ) - Great! Let's go.
Учитель : - Do you like to play games?
Let's play a game " Flowers for dear Mother"
The rules of our game: ( объясняет учитель)
- Each pupil comes to the blackboard, where you can see a beautiful vase. The pupil names his or her mother's favourite flower, takes it and then puts it into the vase.
Проводится игра
Teacher:- Do you like this bunch of flowers? They are so beautiful!
Данил :
" Flowers for Mother"
I never have a special day
To give flowers to my mother
I give them to her every day
To show how much I love her.
Учитель: - Let's congratulate your mothers.
( Ученики берут цветы из вазы, заранее подготовлены для каждого ученика и дарят мамам) OK, I think all of you love your mothers. Let's listen to the song and sing all together!
Исполняется песенка " Happy Mother's Day".
Ева: - Who fed me when I was a child?
Все: - My mother!
Данир: - Who made me feel so warm and mild?
Bсе: - My mother!
Руслан: - Who sat and watched my little head when I slept in my bed?
Все: - My mother!
Рустам: - Who rushed to help me when I fell ?
Все: - My mother!
Элина: - Who always had new stories to tell?
Все: - My mother!
Make a basket
for your mother
and fill it with flowers gay.
Then put in a card
Just to say:
Все вместе: - Happy Mother's Day!
Девочки танцуют танец « Scottish Girl »
Алина продолжает:
I love my dear mummy!
I love her very much!
And do you love your mummy?
Children (in chorus): - Yes, we do!
My dear, dear mummy,
Let me kiss your face
I want you to be happy
Today and always
Be happy, be happy
Today and always
Be happy be happy
today and always!
Oh, dear Mother, Mummy, Mum
Your LOVE to me is like the Sun
It's warm and happy
With a smiling face!
No other mother
Can take your place!
I'm mother's little pet,
Yes-yes, that's me, that's me!
And my hair is very black
As you can see. Look at me!
I have two balls, and many toys
And I have a brother
And I'm very, very, very
Fond of my dear mother
Mother is busy
From morning till night
Keeping her family
Happy and bright!
Help your mother to lay the table
with a knife and fork and spoon.
Help your mother to clear the table
Every afternoon!
Help your mother to lay the table
Take the knife and fork and spoon
Help your mother to clear the table
Morning, night and afternoon.
Завершающее слово учителя
A song : «The more we get together»
(в исполнениии Айрата под гитару)