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- План-конспект урока английского языка по УМК «Spotlight 6» на тему Day in day out
План-конспект урока английского языка по УМК «Spotlight 6» на тему Day in day out
Конспект урока. УМК «Spotlight 6»
Day in day out
Цель: Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме 'My daily routine" на базе обобщения и закрепления грамматического материала (Present Simple Tense).
Учебный аспект цели:
Формирование грамматических речевых навыков продуктивной речи по теме и их активизация.
Развитие умения правильного употребления структуры Present Simple, а также наречий частотности.
Развитие умения говорить самостоятельно, выбирая правильно стратегию высказывания.
Развивающий аспект цели:
Развитие способности подстановки и трансформации.
Развитие способности к самостоятельному труду.
Воспитательный аспект цели:
Научить культуре общения через совместную речевую деятельность на английском языке.
Формирование положительного личностно-мотивированного отношения к изучению английского языка.
Формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству при работе в группах.
Интерактивная доска, компьютер, раздаточный материал, презентация, звуковые колонки, учебник по английскому языку Spotlight 6.
(3 мин)
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you! My name is Olga Alexandrovna. I am your English teacher for today. Please, sit down. Let's start our lesson.(слайд1) Look at the board. Do you know this boy?
P: Yes, it is Harry Potter
T: Today you are not pupils. You are magicians. If you remember there were some houses in Hogwarts School. 3 of them are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
I have a magic hat with 3 notes in it. Leaders from every team will come to me and choose 1 note. Read it and we will know what house is his team in.
Now answer my questions, please.
T: What does Harry Potter do on picture 1?
P: brush teeth.
T: What does Harry Potter do on picture 2?
P: have lessons at school
T What does Harry Potter do on picture 3?
P have dinner
T: (слайд 2) Now open your books, please, p.36. Let's learn how to say...
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
(2 мин)
T: Look at the board or in your student's book ex.1 Read the words and repeat after me.
brush teeth, have breakfast, have dinner, have lessons at school, go to school, play sports, go to bed
T: Now, who can say what does Harry Potter do on pictures 1, 2, 3?
3. Речевая разминка.
(3 мин)
T: Let's speak a bit. Tell me please, what do you usually do in the morning? in the afternoon? in the evening? at night? at weekends?
P:in the morning: brush teeth, have breakfast, go to school, have lessons at school, in the afternoon: play sports, have lessons at school, in the evening: have dinner, at night: go to bed
4. Тренировка лексических навыков.
(5 мин)
(слайд 3) T: Now, take sheets of paper with task and look at exercise 1. Here you can see some words. Match the words to make up word combinations. You have 1 minute to think. Time is over, let's check. Who wants to do it on the board?
P: brush teeth, go to bed, play sports, have breakfast, go to school, have lessons at school, watch TV, listen to music, have dinner.
T: Well done!
4/1 Физкультминутка
(5 мин)
(выключить проектор, включить музыку)
T It's time to have a rest. Stand up, please. Listen to me, watch at me and repeat.
Hands on the head, (руки на голову)
Hands on the hips, (руки на пояс)
Hands on the table, (руки на стол)
Hands like this. (Любое движение.)
Hands on the shoulders, (на плечи)
Hands up and down, (руки наверх, вниз)
Hands behind the head (руки за голову)
And sit down! (садятся)
T Now, without me once more.
5. Повторение и закрепление Present Simple Tense.
(7 мин)
(включить проектор, слайд 4)
T Look at the board Here you can see 3 sentences with verbs in brackets. Who can come to the board and open this brackets correctly?
T There are some mistakes. Let's think, where HE/SHE has done them. Look at the next slide with a rule or in your sheets again.
T What tense do you see? How do we form positive sentences in Present simple? How do we form negative sentences in Present simple? How do we form question sentences in Present simple?
(слайд 5,6)
T: Now, let us practice Present Simple Tense. Take sheets of paper again and look at exercises 2, 3 and 4. Gryffindor your task is ex.2. You should make positive sentences, Ravenclaw your task is ex.3. You should make questions to the answers and Slytherin</</u> your task is ex.4. You should make sentences negative. You have 5 minutes. Time is over. Look at the board and check yourself. If 3 sentences are right, your mark is 5, If 2 sentences are right, your mark is 4. If there are more than 2 mistakes, try again.
10. Заключение.
(5 мин)
(слайд 7)
T: Today we have spoken, read, done grammar exercises. I'm pleased with your work. Thank you.
Open please your day books and write down your home task.
Write about one of the Harry Potter's day.
(Workbook page 23 exercises 1-3)
The lesson is over and Good-bye.
Запасное задание на оставшееся время
(3 мин)
T: How much do you know about the most famous young magician of our times? Open your books at the page 36, exercise 2, listen to the text and choose the correct answer.