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- План-конспект урока к учебнику Spotlight 9 по теме Уильям Шекспир
План-конспект урока к учебнику Spotlight 9 по теме Уильям Шекспир
Тип: Комбинированный урок.
Тема: «Уильям Шекспир».
Цель: знакомство с вехами биографии и творчества Уильяма Шекспира.
совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки и навыки монологического высказывания;
использовать межпредметные связи в обучении иностранному языку;
совершенствовать навыки чтения с извлечением искомой информации.
развивать лингвострановедческие познания обучающихся;
развивать навыки прогнозирования содержания текста и поискового чтения;
развитие иноязычной языковой компетенции (способность учащихся использовать полученную информацию в различных ситуациях).
Воспитывать у учащихся любовь к английской литературе и уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Ход урока.
Орг. момент.
Целеполагание. Введение в языковую ситуацию.
Речевая разминка.
Работа с текстом.
Работа с новой лексикой.
Проверка домашнего задания.
Рефлексия. Объяснение домашнего задания.
Ход урокаЭтап
1. Орг. момент
Good morning, students!
Dear teacher, the group has come to the English lesson. (Lists all the absentees and the reason of their absence). Good morning!
1 мин
2. Целеполагание. Введение в языковую ситуацию.
- Students, look at the blackboard. Today, our lesson is dedicated to one of the greatest people and playwright of all time - William Shakespeare! Please, put down the date, class work and the topic of our lesson in your copybooks.
Listen to the teacher.
2 мин
3. Речевая разминка.
But before we start we will warm up a little bit.
I. Word hunt:
Work in pairs or groups of three. Name two things that:
-are very expensive.
-you can use to write with.
-have a nice smell.
-are small enough to fit in your pocket.
-are dangerous.
-can make you feel happy.
-are thin and sharp.
-you can wear above the waist.
-you would find it difficult to live without.
-are yellow.
List the words.
7 мин
4. Работа с текстом.
Open your textbooks and take a look at the picture. Describe
what do you see in it, please. Do you think it has a reference to a
play of Shakespeare?
Very good. Thank you for your answer!
Now look at the subheadings. They are formulated as questions. So let's try to answer them. Work in pairs.
I am satisfied with your answers. Now let's read the text and find out the more detailed information.
Now please complete ex. 2 and mark the statements as True, False, Not stated.
Well done, boys!
The play appears to be a tragedy. It looks like the man on his knee is talking to someone wearing a suit of armour, so perhaps there's a battle in the play.
Who exactly was he? -W.S. was an English poet and playwright.
What did Shakespeare write? - He wrote plays.
What were his plays about? - His plays were about people in different
situations. He wrote comedies, tragedies and
historical pieces.
Where were his plays performed and who went
to see them? - Most of his plays were held in The Globe Theatre, in London. The people who attended the plays were from all social classes.
Read the text.
1 F His plays are performed and studied
all over the world.
2 NS
3 F Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy.
4 T
5 T
6 T
10 мин
5. Работа с новой лексикой.
Now, let us work with the new words. Look at the words in bold and try to explain them in English.
Suggested answer:
Playwright - a person who writes play
Reign - a period of time a king/queen rules a kingdom
Mistaking one person for another - thinking smb is smb else
Disguise themselves - change their appearance
Moneylender - a person who lends other people money for a fee
Pound of flesh - a piece of the body
Merchant - a trader
To reflect - to show
To revenge - hurting someone who has hurt you
Deception - lies
Fate - destiny
To hold - fit
Replica - a copy
10 мин
6. Проверка домашнего задания.
Now, show me your copybooks with a completed home task.
And now I will ask you the words you had to learn by heart.
Answer the words.
5 мин
7. Рефлексия. Объяснение домашнего задания.
It is time to sum up our lesson.
Please, identify the points you found the
most interesting in the text and write them down.
And in the conclusion let's solve the crossword to check how you remembered the new words.
You work was good.
The lesson is over, goodby!
Students analyse the lesson and write down
Some interesting facts for them.
Do the crossword.
Goodby, teacher!
10 мин
1. lies
5. a trader
6. to fit
7. a unit of weight
8. destiny
9. hurting someone who has hurt you
2. to show
3. a person who lends other people money
4. a period of time a king/queen rules a kingdom
7. a person who writes plays
10. a copy