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- Сообщение по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык(английский)» О себе
Сообщение по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык(английский)» О себе
</ I am Alina Galimardanova .I was born on the 25 of September 1996. I am Russian. I live in Astrakhan.
I am a fist-year student of the Astrakhan social pedagogigal college. My future profession is a teacher of primary school. I thing it is a very interesting profession. I know that a teacher should be attentive to people with whom he works. I study russia, mathematics, history, information, English and other subjects. My favorite subject is history.
I love playing the piano. I love to listen to music and watch TV.I love going to the cinema to watch comedy and funny program about animals. I love to go to the shop.
My hobby is origamu and to work with drawing and playing computer games.
I love nature and animals especially dogs and
cats I like birds and i have got a parrot.
I have got a family. We are a family of 4. My family is large is small. I have got a father, a mother, a sister.
I like to spend some weekends with my family and friends.
Министерство образования и науки Астраханской области
ОАОУ СПО Астраханский социально-педагогический колледж
Специальность:050146 Преподавание в начальных классах
По учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык(английский)»
О себе
студентка группы 1 Б
_____Галимарданова А.Ф.
Проверил преподаватель английского языка
___________Киреева Г.В.
Астрахань 2014
Done by Alina Galimardanova
Astrakhan social training college, 1 B____
Checked by G.Y.Kireeva
Astrakhan 2014