- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку для 9 класса «Informal e-mail»
Конспект урока по английскому языку для 9 класса «Informal e-mail»
Informal E-Mail
Описание нетрадиционного урока в 9 -м классе (заключительный этап изучения темы « Shopping»)
Основная цель урока- овладение речевой компетенцией - осуществляется, в первую очередь, в совершенствовании коммуникативных умений в таком виде речевой деятельности, как письменная монологическая речь, а конечным продуктом деятельности учащихся является письменное аргументированное высказывание на тему «Shopping»
Сопутствующие задачи урока: развитие навыков чтения; закрепление пройденного лексического и грамматического материала по теме «Shopping».
Необходимые технические средств и дидактические материалы: проектор, слайды(продукт творчества учителя) , раздаточный материал( таблица) , необходимое количество компьютера( компьютерный кабинет), доступ в интернет для каждого ученика и учителя.
План -конспект урока
1.Get warmed up. Let's discuss the following questions:
-Do you know what e-mail is?
-Do you agree that e-mail is very popular now?
-Why is e -mail more common than usual letters today?
-do you often write e-mails? Who do you write to?
-What types of e-mails are there?
- Who can we write a formal e-mail to?
- who can we write an informal e-mail to?
2 Specific features of an informal e-mail.
-We can use a lot of informal words and phrases(слайд2)
- Dear…
-How are you ?How is it going?
- It was great to hear from you.
-Well,../so,../anyway,../by the way,../however,..
-One last thing./Oh and another thing!
- All my love,/ lots of love,/ All the best,/ Write soon,/ Hope to hear from you.
-We use a lot of short forms( cлайд3)
- I have got-I've got
-I would like-I'd like
-I am really glad- I'm really glad
-They have been- they've been
-We don't use last names;
-There can be incomplete sentences;(слайд4)
-There can be informal punctuation;(слайд 4)
< I can't believe it!
< Take care!
< We're going to write a test tomorrow( boring)!
3. Look at the different parts of the e-mail. Put them in the correct order.
( Письмо следует ниже. Оно разрезано на части. Детям предлогается собрать части письма в правильном порядке.)
Dear Lizzy,
Hi! How is it going? Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you. I'm really glad that you had a great time in Paris. I've got lots to tell you, too.
Well, yesterday I went virtual shopping. You Know , I'm the kind of person who likes going shopping with my friends. I also like trying things on to see if they fit and whether they suit me. However, Tattoo Clothes have a lovely catalogue, which they send free to your home address and where they advertise their online shopping services.
So, I decided to visit their website. The prices were very reasonable as the sales were on. I order a pair of jeans, two tops and a swimming costume. Today they've been delivered. Imagine! They all fit perfectly , so I won't have to send anything back !I'm sure you should try and order clothes online, too. It's really convenient.
Anyway, I'd better go now. Mum wants me to help with the housework. Take care, Lizzy, and stay in touch!Hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love,
b) Discuss the plan of an informal e-mail.( раздаточный материал: таблица, представленная на слайдах 6 и 7)
с) Look at the e-mail( ) There are some mistakes here. Find and correct them, please.