• Учителю
  • Задания к учебнику Биболетовой по домашнему чтению.

Задания к учебнику Биболетовой по домашнему чтению.

Автор публикации:
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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала



Exercise 1

Отметь знаком «+» те предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста, и знаком «-» предложения,

не соответствующие содержанию текста.

  1. Peter works on a farm.

  2. Peter doesn't work in a school.

  3. The farmer gives him three pennies.

  4. The farmer doesn't give him any penny.

  5. The farmer takes the penny and goes to the river.

  6. Peter comes to the river with the pennies.

  7. All the pennies go down.

  8. Two pennies come up.

  9. Peter takes the pennies and goes to the town.

  10. Peter takes the pennies and gives them to the farmer.


Exercise 2

Расставь цифры напротив названий зверей в том порядке, в котором они появляются в сказке.Mouse




Exercise 3

Выбери прилагательные, которые характеризуют сказочных героев:










Exercise 4

Выбери правильные ответы на вопросы и отметь их знаком «+»:

  1. A rich man has

a) two daughters b) a daughter c) a son

  1. The rich man says:

    1. 'I'll give my daughter and my money to the man who will make her sad'.

b) 'I'll give my daughter and my money to the man who will make her dance'.

c) 'I'll give my daughter and my money to the man who will make her laugh'.

  1. Peter thinks:

    1. 'I only want this girl laugh'.

    2. 'I only want to have much money'.

    3. 'I want to marry this beautiful girl'.

  1. Peter asks the animals

a) to bring him the girl b) to help him c) to laugh with him

  1. The bear a) jumps b) dances c) sings

  1. The mouse a) sings b) runs c) dances

  1. The bird a) dances b) laughs c) sings

  1. The girl a) sings b) is sad c) laughs

  1. The rich man

    1. gives Peter his daughter and the money.

    2. gives Peter only his daughter.

    3. doesn't give Peter money.

  1. Peter gives ……….to his friends.

a) money b) nothing c) presents


Exercise 5

Отметь, к кому из персонажей относятся характеристики:

a) Peter

b) The rich


c) The rich

man's daughter

d) The bear

1. She is sad. She can't laugh.

2. He is kind and can work well. He helps his friends.

3. He loves his daughter. He keeps his promises.

4. She is beautiful. The rich man loves her.

5. He is poor and hungry, he and his children need help.

Exercise 6

Расставь следующие предложения в правильном порядке в соответствии с прочитанным текстом:

1. Peter goes to a large town.

2. Peter gives all his money to the animals.

3. Peter works on a farm.

4. The rich man's daughter is sad and cannot laugh.

5. Peter gets the beautiful girl and money; the animals get presents.

6. He works on a farm three years and gets three pennies for his work.

7. A rich man lives in this town.

8. On his way to the town he meets a mouse, a bird and a bear.

9. The animals help Peter to make the girl laugh.

10. The animals ask him for help because they are poor and their children are hungry.


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