- Учителю
- План урока по английскому языку Adverts (8 класс)
План урока по английскому языку Adverts (8 класс)
</<font face="Calibri, serif">Теректі аудандық лингвистикалық гимназиясының ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Сагинова Гулсезимнің сабақ жоспары. |
Grade: 8 б |
Teacher: Saginova G.Zh | ||
Theme of the lesson: |
Adverts | |||
Learning objectives: |
Could+perfect infinitive | |||
Learning outcomes: |
Students can talk about advertisement, they can use new vocabulary in their speech | |||
Main idea: |
The student will become familiar with different types of advertising. Students will choose a way to advertise their product or service. To bring up the students to be tolerant, merciful and just. | |||
Methods: |
Circle game, false-true, | |||
Resources: |
Ball, smiles, internet, video, cards | |||
Module: |
Critical thinking, dialogue, formative, leader's assessement | |||
| ||||
Stages of the lesson |
Time |
Teacher's activity |
Students' activity | |
Organization moment |
5 min |
Greeting: To hand out smiles and to be informed about pupils' mood.
Checking-up the hometask: In a circle students repeat previous grammar rule by throwing a ball: Eg: If I am a student… |
Students' greeting They choose smile which they prefer showing their mood.
Student who throws say beginning of the sentence, student who catches complete the sentence.
I will study at the university | |
Introduce the topic
5 min |
Targeting a new theme: To show a video advertisement "Kit kat".after watching adv they can find out today's new theme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrUEO261tU8 |
Students' answers as: Today's theme is about producing chocolate. About advertisement | |
Presentation of new material |
10 min |
Explanation of grammar rule: Using of presentation of prezi.com to explain "modal verb of deduction"
True/false game: There are some sentences on the active board. There are true and false sentence.
homework. They didn't have enough time.
but I preferred Harvard.
Students can copy examples and ask questions about new grammar rule.
Students can use their thumb showing true or false sentences.
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Practice and production |
15 min |
Dividing in groups: To divide the students by their days of birthday. After dividing they can call their group themselves according to new theme. To choose leaders of groups and give them leaders' assessment sheet. Reading: Ex 1 p 139to read and translate.
Extended activity: To give a task to advert something.
Individual work: To work cards which prepared specially for every student.
They stand in a line and tell their dates of birth. They choose leaders of groups.
Students design and try to advert something.
They must translate the sentences using new grammar rule. | |
Evaluation |
5 min |
You have worked very well.
| |
Hometask |
2 min |
Ex 3 p 40 |
| |
Reflection |
3 min |
Feedback: "Traffic lights"
Students green-light (using a green highlighter on the ">I don't get it. I need help. I think I understand but I need a little help. I understand and I can try it on my own. |