Урок на тему Toys

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предварительный просмотр материала

«Бекітемін» Жиенәлі Ж.

№ 249 мектеп-лицей директорының ғылыми

жұмыстары жөніндегі орынбасары






What would you like to order?(p.146-148)

Main idea/Негізгі түйінді идеясы:

Cooperative learning

Aim of learning

/Оқу мақсаты:

Students should be able to use the language structure: How much…?How many…?, learn the new words of the topic, and speak about food

Сriterion of success/Табыс критерийлері:

All students/Барлық оқушылар:

Majority of students/Көпшілік оқушылар:

Certain students/

жекелеген оқушылар:

should be able to use the language structure: How much…?How many…?,

learn the new words of the topic

should be able to use the language structure: How much…?How many…?, learn the new words of the topic, and answer the questions

should be able to use language structure: How much…?How many…?, learn the new words of the topic, speak about food




Teacher's activity/

мұғалімнің әрекеті

Student's activity/оқушының әрекеті





I.Organization moment

Ұйымдасты-ру бөлімі

5 min

-greets with the students

-checks up the attendance of students

-pays students' attention to the lesson

-makes a good atmosphere:

T: You're nice!

Checking up homework:

Ex.9 on page 141.Read,ex.14 on page 142.Write 4 food and 1 drink words.

-greet with the teacher

-act on duty

-prepare for the lesson

St1: You're beautiful!

Read . Write the sentences.


A textbook

II. Introduction/



3 min


T:What is your favourite juice? (chain words)

Divide students into 3 groups groups by their favourite juice.

Ex.1 on page 146. Read and sing Jazz Chant.

- Would you like to have a pear?

How do you think? What are we going to speak about?

-You're right. The theme of our lesson is "Would you like to order?"

Ex.2 on page 146.Listen and repeat.

St1:My favourite juice is….

Students divide into 3 groups.

Read and sing Jazz Chant.

-We're going to speak about how to order meal.

Listen and repeat.

A textbook

III. The main stage/негізгі бөлім


b)Reading and speaking

Making a mini poster

30 min

Ex.3 on page 146.Read and remember.

Ex.4 on page 147.Talk to your friend.

Ex.5 on page 147.Read and order.

Ex.8 on page 148.Listen and read.

I.The Language structure:

- How much…?How many…?

II.New words:

I'm full.

I'm on a diet.

Ex.9 on page 140. Listen and read.

Ex.10 on page 149. Listen and repeat,then read.

Ex.11,12 on page 149.Talk to your classmate.

Ex.13 on page 150. Draw a map of the café.

Read and remember.

Talk to their friend.

Read and order.

Listen and read.

Repeat the structures after the teacher.

Listen and read.

Listen and read.

Listen and repeat,then read.

Talk to their friend

Draw a map of the café.

"Traffic Lights"

A textbook

A mini poster


Қорытынды бөлім


Үй жұмысы

Evaluation/Criteria evaluation/


7 min

Showing their understanding the lesson by showing the colours of "The Traffic Lights"

Homework: Ex.6,7 on page 147.Read the dialogue.Talk to their classmate.

Feedback : Ask students to write feedback.

Show their understanding.

Write down on their diary.

Write feedback.

"Traffic Lights"


"Traffic Lights"


VI. Reflection/рефлексия

What moments were successful?

Не сәтті болды?

What moments were unsuccessful?

Не сәтті болмады?

What can be improved?

Нені жақсартуға болады?

What kind of skills could I develop?

Мен өз дағдыларымда нені дамыта алдым?

What can be changed?

Нені өзгертуге болады?


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