- Учителю
- Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 9 классе
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 9 классе
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 9 классе
Дата проведения
20.11.2013 года
9 Гуманитарный
Тема урока
What's the news? «Досуг и увлечения», газеты в Великобритании.
Тип урока
Комбинированный, изучение нового материала.
Цель урока
Формирование коммуникативной компетенции на материале темы «Досуг и увлечения», газеты в Великобритании
1. Учебный аспект:
- отработать речевые умения учащихся в монологической речи;
- закрепить навыки поискового чтения с опорой на текст;
- повторить лексику по теме «СМИ»;
- активизировать лексику по теме «Газеты»;
- повторить грамматическую тему «Придатоточные определительные предложения»;
2. Социокультурный аспект:
- познакомить учащихся с особенностями британской прессы;
3. Развивающий аспект:
- продолжить развитие языковой догадки учащихся;
4. Воспитательный аспект:
- продолжить формирование адекватного восприятия и толерантного отношения к системе ценностей и норм граждан другой страны;
- продолжить формирование умения работать в команде.
Используемые технологии.
Игровые технологии, интерактивные технологии
Оснащение урока
УМК, доска, аутентичные и российские издания газет и журналов, плакаты с коллажами, раздаточный материал
Продолжительность урока
40 мин.
Ход урока
1. Орг. момент (1 мин.)
T.: Good morning, dear children! I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? Is he/she ill? What was your home task?
Ps.: To revise all the words and phrases from the previous lessons.
2. Основная часть (34 мин.)
T.: OK, let's begin our lesson with your home tasks. What topic are we discussing these days? (Ps: THE MEDIA). Использовать шараду на доске.
What parts does it consist of? (Ps: IT CONSISTS OF 4 PARTS: TV, RADIO, ADS and INTERNET and NEWSPAPERS). Имитация. Thanks a lot (см. Приложение 1. The List of Compliments). OK, then.
2.1. Фонетическая зарядка (1 мин.)
Repeat after me, please.
Independent, income, channel, advertisements, advertising, broadcasting service, expect, production, viewing, feature, transmit, quizzes and concerts, current affairs.
2.2. Речевая зарядка
(4 мин.)
1. What are the synonyms to the words Channel and Addict? Let's write them down on the blackboard, please.
CHANNEL = communication, means, medium, sound, path, way
ADDICT = fan, enthusiast, user, follower
2. End up my sentences ( complete )
TV plays a very important role in people's lives
There are 4 channels on British TV: BBC1 and BBC2 plus the two independent
channels, ITV and Channel 4.
The first television broadcasts began in 1936
BBC1 offers popular programmes, a lot of sports programmes
British people can connect to cable or satellite TV
There are TV addicts who can't drag themselves away from the box
3.Answer my questions:
What's your favourite programme?
What's your attitude towards advertising?
2.3. Введение новой темы (4 мин.)
T: Now, please, let's have a look at the blackboard. Can you guess the name of our new topic, which is the fourth part of our Media chart? (PSPENARWE - NEWSPAPER). That's what we are going to talk about.
How do you call newspapers and magazines in general? - The (SERPS) press.
Last time I gave someone an individual task to do at home. Masha, are you ready to give us synonyms to the word PRESS?
PRESS = columnists, correspondents, journalists, newsmen, reporters.
Put them down, please. And I'd like to add 2 more synonyms: Fleet Street and the Fourth Estate (explanation).
2.4. Pre-reading communicative tasks + a warming up game (7 мин.)
T: Why do people buy newspapers? Give your reasons. To check it, open your books, p. 79, ex. № 1.(Student's book 1)
T: Now, tell me, please, how often do you read newspapers? Find your answer on the blackboard and I'll hand you the paper. Now, please, come here to the blackboard and range the adverbs from NEVER to ALWAYS, standing in a semicircle. (The audience should try to group them in the right order.) Повторение наречий NEVER, HARDLY EVER, SELDOM, SOMETIMES, OFTEN, USUALLY, ALWAYS.
2.5. While-reading task
And post-reading tasks
(9 мин.)
T: Now, please, let's turn to the text NEWSPAPERS ( Student's book 2, p.75)
T: Now, please, I'd like you to read the text and say which of the following titles fits best.( reading for the main idea)
T: And now, please, prove from the text and the photos that the UK national newspapers are divided into "qualities", "tabloids" and "middle market" depending on their format, style and content.
2.6. Post-reading tasks with grammar for revision
(3 мин.)
T: Complete the following sentences with relative clauses (Относительные придаточные предложения определительные с предлогами и без предлогов that/ which, who/ whom)
The oldest of the daily quality newspapers is "The Times" …(which is famous for its important home, overseas and business news).
Tabloids are for those readers…(who want to read shorter, entertaining stories and reports of the latest scandals about celebrities)
The most popular Sunday newspapers are "The Sunday Times", "The Observer"…(which are the oldest Sunday papers).
2.7. Summing up in the form of mini-presentation (team work) (8 мин.)
T: And last but not least question. How do we call serious papers according to the text? (Ps: Serious papers are called quality papers.) That's right and I'm giving you the last task to do. I'd like you to represent 2 kinds of newspapers (quality papers and tabloids) working in 2 teams and using the distributed material and ex.3, p. 80 to help you. (Student's book 1)
3. Подведение итогов. Запись и объяснение домашнего задания
(5 мин.)
Т.: Thank you for working so hard. The whole group worked hard. This work really pleased me and I'd like to give the best marks to ... What was interesting and new for you during the lesson? (Summing up by children themselves).
Now, open your mark books and put down your home task. Ex.5, p.80 (SB1)
Do you have any questions? The lesson is over, good-bye!