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  • Урок по английскому языку для 6 класса «Еда и напитки»

Урок по английскому языку для 6 класса «Еда и напитки»

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Краткое описание: Урок-закрепление по английскому языку на тему «Еда и напитки». Основная цель урока закрепить и систематизировать знания и навыки учащихся по теме «Еда».На уроке используются разнообразные методы: индивидуальная работа, парная и групповая. Урок проходит в виде соревнов
предварительный просмотр материала

Food and drinks


- summarize and systematize the knowledge and skills of pupils on the topic of "food"

- develop language and creative abilities of students interested in studying of the English language

- develop language and creative abilities of students interested in studying of the English language.


I этап

1. Organizational moment

- Good morning, boys and girls! Let's start our lesson!
- Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning dear teacher, we are glad to see you!
- Nice to see you. Our lesson is unusual today. We'll revise vocabulary we learnt and grammar rules we studied at previous lessons. Let's start our lesson with warm-up. Please, repeat after me:

I like coffee,

I like tea.

I like apples

On that tree.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson

1) We have learnt many words. They are the names of food. Let's remember some of them. I want you devide into two teams. Первая команда расшифровывает названия фруктов (fruits), вторая команда названия овощей (vegetables)

  • Fruits Vegetable

  • Pleap _______ omtato ________

  • Abnana _______ tapoto ________

  • Elnom _______ noion ________

  • Orgean _______ epas ________

  • Reap _______ racrot ________

2) That's great. Next task. Find the odd word and cross it out.

  • carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, potatoes.

  • grapes, apple, pear, plum, nut.

  • lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, juice.

  • ice-cream, sweet, cake, pea-soup

3) Excellent! Let's go shopping! ( повторили названия продуктов, повторяем правописание, а затем применяем знания на практике - идем в магазин) Some letters are missed. Complete the words with the missing letters.

1 team 2 team

ch__se, sw__t ca__age, f_sh

ca__ot, co__ee me_t, ju_ce

m_lk, br_ad c_ke, c_la

b) Right! You know that food can be healthy and unhealthy. What healthy food do you know? (Дети называют здоровые продукты - cabbage, milk, apples, nuts etc) What food do you think is unhealthy? Put the words into HEALTHY \ UNHEALTHY columns.

Let's check if you are right.
Very good!

Now let's repeat our grammar material: countable and uncountable nouns.

c) We've just discussed what food is healthy and what food is unhealthy. You can finish these sentences and "SHOULD" will help you. (повторяем грамматический материал) Do it one by one:

I should eat … I should drink … I shouldn't eat … I shouldn't drink …

4) You know what food is healthy and you know what food is unhealthy. But if we want to be very healthy, we must do EXERCISES every day. Stand up, please. (Физкультминутка) Песня head and shoulders, knees and toes

II этап

5) Good. I offer to you the next task. Put the words in a logical order. ( Дети вспоминают английские пословицы и ставят слова в правильном порядке.)

* wealth is good above health

* a day apple an away keeps doctor a

* appetite comes eating with the

* a mind sound a in body sound

Let's check if you are right.
Very good!

6) Now let's find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs.

1) Good health is above wealth a) В здоровом теле здоровый


2) An apple a day keeps a doctor b) Аппетит приходит во время

away еды.

3) The appetite comes with с) Кушай по яблоку в день, и

eating. Доктор не понадобиться.

4) A sound mind in a sound d) Здоровье дороже богатства


7) HEALTH CODE. (the first team tell us what should we do to be healthy, the second team tell us what shouldn't we do to be healthy)

  • Go to bed early

  • Wash your hands before eating

  • Smoke

  • Watch TV too long

  • Go in for sports

  • Clean your teeth once a day

  • Sleep enough

  • Take a cold shower

  • Eat too many sweets

  • Spend much time indoors

  • Eat between meals

  • Air the room

Let's check if you are right.
Very good!

III этап

Dear children, today in our classroom come to see us the Doctor. How do you think, who is he? Let's study his advices. What should we do to be healthy? (Письменный контроль знаний по теме -дети отвечают на поставленные вопросы)

Test yourself

  • 1.Is it healthy to play sport games?

  • 2.Is it healthy to walk in the park?

  • 3.Must we ride a car a lot?

  • 4.Must we eat much chocolate?

  • 5.Is it healthy to eat fruit and vegetables?

IV этап

Homework. make a dialogue

"How I'm worried about my health."

V. Подведение итогов

- That brings us to the end. You worked very well today.
- Что мы с вами делали на уроке?
- Что нового узнали?
- Что повторили?
- Thank you for your work. Good bye.


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