• Учителю
  • Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: 'Звездный час'

Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: 'Звездный час'

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предварительный просмотр материала

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

6 класс

«Звездный час».

Гармаш Юлия Александровна

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «СОШ с УИОП г. Грайворона»


2014-2015 учебный год

Внеклассное мероприятие.

Класс 6

Форма проведения: игра-викторина.

Тема: «Звездный час».


  1. повторить и обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по теме «Англо-говорящие страны».

  2. углубить и расширить знания учащихся по указанной теме.

  3. повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, которые крепятся на доске или диск с заданиями в виде презентации; звездочки, таблички с цифрами; призы.

Ход мероприятия

I. Организационный момент

  • Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am pleased to see you. I think you've noticed that we have guests today. Look at them and don't worry. Today we'll play a game "Звездный час". Today we are going to summarise what we've learnt about English-speaking countries and refresh our knowledge.

  • But first, name all English-speaking countries and their capitals, please.

(участники игры называют все англо-говорящие страны и их столицы).

Are you ready? Good. Let's start.

1-й тур. "Countries"

I. Names of countries:

  1. Scotland

  2. Wales

  3. Alaska

  4. England

  5. Texas

  6. Northern Ireland

Teacher: I think these are the countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If you don't agree with me, tell me which numbers are wrong. (3, 5).

II. Names of countries:

  1. Canada

  2. Mexico

  3. New Zealand

  4. The USA

  5. Great Britain

  6. Australia

Teacher: I thinkall these countries are English-speaking countries. If you don't agree with me, tell me which number is wrong. (2)

III. Coloured papers:

  1. Blue

  2. Green

  3. Red

  4. White

  5. Yellow

  6. Orange

Teacher: What are the colours of the British flag? (1, 3, 4)

  • the Russian flag? (1, 3, 4)

  • the Canadian flag? (3, 4)

IV. Names of cities:

  1. London

  2. Washington

  3. Ottawa

  4. Wellington

  5. Edinburgh

  6. Canberra

Teacher: What is the capital of

  • New Zealand (4)

  • Canada (3)

  • Great Britain (1)

  • Australia (6)

  • The USA (2)

V. Names of cities:

  1. London

  2. Sydney

  3. Cardiff

  4. Boston

  5. Belfast

  6. Edinburgh

Teacher: I think these are cities in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Do you agree? (2,4)

  • What is the capital of Scotland? (6)

  • What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (5)

  • What is the capital of England? (1)

  • What is the capital of Wales? (3)

VI. Pictures:

  1. Niagara Falls

  2. Loch Ness Monster

  3. Skyscrapers

  4. Big Ben

  5. The Capitol

  6. Red Square

Teacher: What country or city is associated with these pictures?

  1. Canada

  2. Scotland

  3. New York

  4. London

  5. Washington D.C

  6. Moscow

VII. Numbers:

  1. 60

  2. 45

  3. 50

  4. 55

  5. 35

  6. 51

There are ... states in the USA. (3)

VIII. Numbers:

  1. 10 mln sq. km. (Canada)

  2. 7,687,000 sq.km. (Australia)

  3. 17 mln sq.km. (Russia)

  4. 9 mln sq.km. (The USA)

  5. 244,000 sq.km. (Gr. Britain)

  • The area of the USA is ... . (5)

  • The area of Canada is ... . (1)

  • The area of Gr.Britain is ... . (6)

  • The territory of Russia is ... . (4)


  • It is not big. It is small. It can jump. It can swim. It can't go. It is green. It lives in the river. (a frog)

  • It is not small. It is big. It can run and go. It can't jump. It can't fly. It is grey. (an elephant).

  • It is not small. It lives in the house. It can climb, run and jump. It can be grey, black, white and orange. (a cat)

  • It is big. It lives in the river. It can swim. It can go. It can't climb. It is green. (a crocodile)

  • It is not big. It is small. It lives in the house. It can run. It is grey. It says: "Pee-pee-pee". (a mouse)

  • It is big. It can run, go and climb. It lives in the forest. It is brown. (a bear)

XI. Names of months: (слайд 11)

  1. December

  2. June

  3. February

  4. September

  5. November

  6. July

  • When is election day in the USA? (5)

  • When is Christmas in the USA? (1)

  • When is Independence Day in the USA? (6)

  • When is Thankgiving Day in the USA? (5)

  • When is Veterans Day in the USA? (5)


После подсчета звездочек начинается суперигра. Ребятам дается слово на английском языке. За 1 минуту они должны составить из данного слово как можно больше других слов. Игрок, который составляет больше слов - победитель.

Слово: Englishspeaking

English, speak, king, she, pen, sleep, he, sheep, please, see, knee, hen, snake, is, an, a, no, lips, shake.

Подведение итогов.

Do you like our play today? What do you like best of all? Thank you for your work. You were so clever, active and attentive. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Награждение призами всех участников игры-викторины.


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