- Учителю
- Урок английского языка на тему 'О Британии вкратце' (8 класс)
Урок английского языка на тему 'О Британии вкратце' (8 класс)
«Britain in Brief»
Класс 8
Учитель Кошевая Н.В.
Урок по теме «Britain in Brief»
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
Вступительное слово учителя
Good morning! I trust you're all fine today, aren't you?
We have an unusual lesson today. Greet our guests. Today we'll speak about Great Britain, the sights, geography, climate and interesting facts.
Warming -up
What people and things do you associate with Britain?
Possible answer
David Beckham
Big Benfootballthe Queen
bacon& eggsetc.
David Beckham
Big Ben football the Queen
bacon& eggs
Now answer the following questions :
When is Hallowe'en?What do you know about this festival?
(Hallowe'en is an ancient celebration deriving from a mixture of pagan ideas, folklore and religion. Many people have parties, and play Hallowe'en games, such as dunking for apples. Halloween in England is characterized by trick-and-tricking. This is when children dress up as something scary, such as a witch or a ghost, and go from door to door requesting something nice from the often nervous householders. If a treat is not forthcoming they will usually play a trick. This can be anything from a few squirts with a water pistol to eggs and flour all over the garden.)
It is a worldwide celebration of love and romance, marked by giving red roses and chocolate hearts or by sending valentines. (Valentine's Day)
Do you know the traditional colors of Mardi Gras?
(Purple represents justice, green is faith and gold symbolizes power.) -
What winter festivals do you know?(Christmas, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Hogmanay)
Which city would you like to visit in Britain? Why?
Do you think Loch Ness monster exists?
What is the name of the biggest clock in London? (Big Ben)
Give the Russian equivalent of the English proverb " An Englishman's house is his castle".(Домангличанина -егокрепость)
What is William Shakespeare famous for?( a poet , a playwright)
Next task is
Match the names (1-12) with their definitions (a-r).
Big Ben
The Sun
10 Downing Street
The West End
the Englishmen's favourite drink
English put it into tea
The political centre of London
The theatre where W. Shakespeare worked as an actor.
The nickname of London in England
The colour of taxes in London
The birds living in the Tower of London.
The most popular activity of English people.
The river on which is London is situated.
The large bag of wool on witch the Lord Chancellor sits in the House of Lords.
100 pence equals one…
The major spectacular(захватывающий)sport in Britain
The national emblem of England
The clock in the tower of the Houses of Parliament in London
The most widely sold daily newspaper in Britain
One of the most famous public schools in England
The place where the Prime Minister lives
A district in London famous for theatres, cinemas and restaurants
a) Have you ever been to Britain? If no…………!?
Your task was to prepare stories, some kind of adverts about one of the famous sights in Britain(презентацииучащихся: рекламадостопримечательностей)
b) What place would you like to visit?
Now some Video Activities. Watch about sights of London. Tick (˅) the things that you see.
1________ 2______
3 __ 4 ___ 5________
6 ____ 7 _____ 8 _9_______ 10 _____
Watch the video and look at the map. Match the regions (1-5) with their features (a-e).
Region Landscapes and features
1.Lake District
a. beautiful beaches
b .flat and low lying
c. rivers, hills, valleys
4.South of England
d .castles
5.South and East
e. mountains, coastlines, islands
Выполнение задания - Climate
While you watch
1 .Watch the video and tick (˅) the things you see or hear.
fog ____ sunshine _____ rain _____ thunder _____
a rainbow____ clouds _____ snow _____
a hurricane ____
2. Watch the video again and decide which sentence best describes the British climate
1. Although there can be extreme weather, the UK has a mild climate, with frequent skies and rain.
2.There is often extreme weather in the UK such as snow, and there are usually grey skies and rain.
IX. Watch the video and complete the Fact file.
Factfile : The UK or Britain
England,1)_______________, Wales, Northern 2)_______________
3)_________________ million
4) ________________largest in Europe
Capital of
Capital of
6) _____________
Capital of
7) _____________
Same latitude as
Capital of Britain
Population 10) ____________________million
11)________________________city in Europe
Think of ten contemporary images you would choose to represent your country and explain reasons.
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