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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'We have a lot in common' (6 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'We have a lot in common' (6 класс)

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асРазработка урока по английскому языку в 6-м классе


(по учебнику М.З. Биболетова., Н.Н. Трубанева)

Цели урока:

Образовательный аспект:

Развивать умение высказываться целостно. Активизировать лексические навыки говорения, сформированные на предыдущих уроках о любимых занятиях. Активизировать навыки орфографии. Систематизировать навыки чтения и с целью понимания общего содержания.

Развивающий аспект:

Развивать речевые способности, связанные с речевой деятельностью. Развивать навыки монологической речи.

Воспитательный аспект:

Воспитывать уважительное отношение к увлечениям своих одноклассников. Воспитывать уважительное отношение и развивать умение слушать друг друга.

Учебный аспект

проверка уровня сформированности навыков и развития умений по различным видам речевой деятельности.

Задачи урока:

- систематизация навыков аудирования

- активизация употребления лексических единиц

- актуализация фонетических и грамматических навыков

Тип урока: обобщающий.

Вид урока: устный опрос

Метод урока: исследовательский.

Структура урока: актуализация прежних знаний.

Оборудование: компьютер, доска, проектор, экран, картинки представляющие хобби, магнитофон, упражнения с заданиями выполненные на компьютере с помощью программы для презентаций "Power Point".

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, good morning.

Good morning to you.

Good morning dear children

I am glad to see you!

How are you?

I am fine, thanks

Good morning, good morning.

Good morning to you.

Good morning dear teacher

We are glad to see you too!

We are fine thanks. Ad you?

And first answer the question.

1 What is the date today? (Today is the 10thof April.)

2 What day of a week is it today? (It is Wednesday.)

3 What season is it now? (It is spring now.)

4 What month is it now? (It is April now.)

5 What is the weather like today? (It is…..)

2. Определение темы урока.

Teacher: Please look at the pictures and guess what we are going to do at the lesson. (По картинкам учащиеся должны догадаться и назвать тему урока.)

Teacher: Today we will speak about different hobbies about favourite activities of you, your family and hobbies of Russian and British students. Also you will listen to the letter from one boy about his interest and then answer my questions.

2. Речевая разминка.

Teacher: Let's read the poem about sport. But first listen to me. Please translate this poem. Repeat after me all together. Let's read the poem one by one.


Sport is fun for girls and boys.

Much better than playing with toys.

You can sled and ski and skate

And throw snowballs with Kate.

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run.

You can have a lot of fun.

4. Формирование навыков общения.

Teacher: Who can explain me what hobby is? What does it mean? (Примерные ответы детей)

Pupil 1: A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time.

Pupil 2: A hobby is something that people like to do when they are not busy with their usual work and have some free time.

Pupil 3: Hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in his free time.

Pupil 4: A hobby is a special interest or activity that you do in your time off.

Pupil 5: A hobby is what you can and like to do, when you have free time.

Teacher: Does your life become more interesting if you have a hobby?

5. Работа с пословицей.

Teacher: I propose to take this proverb, read this proverb all together. Please translate the proverb.

Twice happy is the man who has a hobby, for he has two worlds to live in.

Teacher: What is the sense of this proverb? (Ответы детей)

6. Тренировка лексических навыков.

Well now tell me. What kind of hobbies do you know? (Ответы детей)

Look at the blackboard. Let's read the names of different hobbies all together. Translate these words one by one.

Look at the words and find out which hobbies are more popular among young students? (Ответы детей)

7. Задания творческого типа.

a) Look at the table and match the sports and the places.



1 Swimming

a) Court

2 Hockey

b) Street

3 Football

c) Pool

4 Cycling

d) Field

5 Horseracing

e) Sea

6 Tennis

f) Skating rink

7 Surfing

g) Stadium

Let's check up your answers. Answers: 1-c, 2-f, 3-g, 4-b, 5-d, 6-a, 7-e.

b) Now your task is to match the words and their descriptions.

1 Gardening

a) To be healthy and slim

2 Travelling

b) To work in the garden

3 Taking pictures

c) To make the photo

4 Collecting things

d) To go from place to place or to different places

5 Keeping fit

e) To bring things together

Answers: 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-e, 5-a.

c) Teacher: I think of all from you to have as much as possible free time. And now imagine that you had a lot of free time now. What would you like to do? As for me If I had a lot of free time I would like to dance. And you?

I would like to ……

d) Teacher: We know there are different outdoor and indoor activities.

I want you to divide the following words into two columns.

Which activities are indoor and outdoor?

Skiing. sunbathing, hiking, cooking, roller skating, cycling, watching TV, playing chess, cinema, playing computer games, travelling, fishing, gardening. surfing, walking, dancing, theatre, gymnastics.

Name indoor activities.

Indoor: cooking, watching TV, playing chess, cinema, playing computer games, dancing, gymnastics, theatre.

Name outdoor activities.

Outdoor: surfing, skiing, sunbathing, hiking, roller skating, cycling, travelling, fishing, gardening, walking.

e) Teacher: The next task for you is to read the words and find the odd words in each line. One of the words is out of the line.

1 swimming, surfing, windsurfing, water skiing, running

2 football, volleyball, basketball, music

3 stamps, coins, postcards, films, cinema

4 computer games, table tennis, tennis, chess, dancing

5 hockey, ice-skating, figure skating, skiing, cycling

Answers: 1 running, 2 music, 3 cinema, 4 dancing, 5 cycling.

f) Teacher: Look at the table. Make up sentences. (Учащиеся составляют предложения по схеме.)

My mother


My father




Is fond of


My sister



My brother


g) Teacher: And now let's read the sentences and choose the suitable word.

- I like to play the piano. My hobby is … .

a) painting; b) music; c) reading.

- He likes to draw pictures. His hobby is … .

a) collecting coins; b) collecting computer games; c) drawing.

- The artist likes to paint his pictures. His hobby is … .

a) painting; b) drawing; c) photography.

- We like to collect computer games. Their hobby is … .

a) photography; ….. b) reading; c) collecting computer games.

- You like to take photos. Your hobby is … .

a) photography; b) drawing; c) collecting stamps.

Answers: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6a.

8. Тренировка орфографических навыков.

Teacher: You can see some letters here. Put the letters in the right order and make up the words.

Deninggar , paingint , ingvelltra , tsorp, rahoringsec, miwmings, tingleccol cingdan, csimu, shfining, ginjgog, enicma, putmocer, adingre.

Answers: gardening, painting, travelling, sport, horseracing, swimming, collecting, dancing, music, fishing, jogging, cinema, computer, reading.

9. Relaxing.

10. Развитие навыков аудирования.

We have got a letter. It is from one boy. Listen to his story about his interests. Be attentive, please! You must answer my questions.

What is he fond of?

Did his father begin to collect coins?

Does he go to a special club?

What kind of coins has Steve?

Has he many modern Russian coins in his collection?

11. Развитие навыков устной речи с целостным высказыванием.

Teacher: So, I see you know there are many different hobbies and it will be interesting to know about your hobbies and hobbies in your family.

Do you have hobby? And what hobby do you have?

(Учащиеся рассказывают о своих увлечениях)

Teacher: All of you have interesting hobbies. But now let's speak about hobbies of your family. Tell us about the hobbies of your family.

(Учащиеся рассказывают об увлечениях своих родных)

Teacher: As I see your relatives have different hobbies.

12. Совершенствование навыков чтения с целью понимания общего содержания.

Teacher: Let's read the text which "My free time" is called. And then listen to my sentences and agree or disagree with me.

My free Time

If I have free time I can walk, read books or watch TV. I like to read different books: historical, detective and tales. I like to go to the theatre, but I do it very seldom. I often go to see my friends. If I go to the country to see my grandmothers, I can see many animals there: cows, horses, pigs, hens and chickens. The chickens are very nice. They grow up very quickly. I can swim in the river, work in the garden or pick up flowers, berries and mushrooms in the forest. I go in for sports with my friends. In summer I like to play football. In winter I like to play hockey.

Teacher: Agree or disagree.

1. I like to read books If I have free time.

2. I prefer to read adventure stories.

3. I don't like to go to the theatre.

4. If I go to the country I can see cows, horses, hens, there.

5. My grandma asks me to take care of the ducks.

6. I go in for sports with my friends.

7. I like to play tennis in summer.

8. I like to play hockey in winter.

Answers: 1+; 2-; 3-; 4+; 5-; 6+; 7-; 8+.

13. Развитие навыков монологической речи (составление высказывания по таблице).

Teacher: Now let's speak about the hobbies of Russian and British students. Study this table. Find out which hobbies are more and less popular among British students.

British students are fond of …..

British students are not so fond of….

Teacher: And now let's study the table about the hobbies of Russian student. Find out which hobbies are more and less popular among Russian students.

Russian students are fond of …..

Russian students are not so fond of….

(используя схемы, учащиеся рассказывают о самых и менее популярных увлечениях среди британских и русских учащихся.)

13. Домашнее задание.

And now open your dairies and write homework on Friday. Your must write the story about the hobbies of your friend.

14. Подведение итогов урока.

Let's return to the title of our lesson: "Hobby". So today we have spoken about our hobby. What conclusion can you draw? (Вывод учащихся по теме урока.)

Thank you for your work. Your work was very good today, the lesson is over Goodbye.


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