Famous people of Canada

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предварительный просмотр материала

Қысқа мерзімді жоспар Subject: English

Grade: 10

Date: 22.12.2015

The theme:

«Famous people of Canada»


- Education : a) improvement of lexical skills on the theme " Canada; b) enhance the study of speech samples .

- Developing : a) the development of foreign language linguistic competence ( the ability of students to use the information in different situations );

b) the development of students' horizons in the field of geography on the " English-speaking countries );

- Educational :

a) contribute to the development of interest in the culture of English- speaking countries ;

b ) To nurture respect for the language is spoken .


Ayapova English, 10 grade Published by "Mektep".

The result of knowledge :

They can answer the questions. They are remember the words of new theme. Рupils learn to work in groups and say their own opinions, free thinking, to say their own opinions and to respect other opinions.

The main idea:

They said the main opinion of this theme. Pupil knew more about Canada


Modal verbs

Visual aids:

Interactive board, computers, visuals, Internet, cards.

The procedure of the lesson:

Teachers activity

Pupils activity



Organization moment:

5 min.

Greeting; to ask about pupil's mood.

Good morning, pupils! How are you today?

b) Conversation with on duty.

Pupils greet the pupils and share their minds about their mood.

Warm-up 5 min.


Checking up the home tasks 5 min.

Explanation of the new materials 8 min.


Application and Analysis

Work in group



Say wishes each other with ball

Grouping Work

So Pupils I'll divide into three groups, come and choose one picture

Let's start our lesson with "National Anthem".

National anthem

O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love

In all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts

We see thee rise.

The True North

Strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada,

We stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land

Glorious and free!

O Canada,

We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for the

Retelling the text Toronto and Ottawa

Today we are continue to speak about Canada

So pupils you now that one of the English speaking countries is Canada


What do you imagine When you think of Canada?

Where is Canada situated?

What languages are spoken in Canada?

Who is the head of the country?

Look at this screen and watch this Video about Canada

Work in group

Work with book

Read the text

Comprehension check

Find the English equivalents of the following phrases

Cover the numbers

2004, 4, 1947, 1952, 1963,1929,2010,1954,1966,1975,1956,1979.

Famous people of Canada

Famous people of Canada

Working in groups

Famous people of Canada

1st group -Canada

2nd group- Toronto

3rd group -Ottawa


Famous people of Canada


The 1 st groups task- Fishbone

Famous people of Canada

The 2nd groups task -Cluster

The 3rd groups task- Blooms Taxonomy

Famous people of Canada

Famous people of Canada

Famous people of Canada

Famous people of Canada


Three claps


Two star one wish

Famous people of Canada


Good question

Three claps

Famous people of Canada

Famous people of CanadaFamous people of Canada


And pictures



Reflection: 5min.

Write test

Giving marks. Homework Ex. 7 p. 152 Use Zero Conditional

</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Saying good - bye! Thank you for your attention. Our lesson is over. See you the next lesson, good - bye!

Famous people of Canada

Evaluation sheet

Famous people of Canada


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