- Учителю
- План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему ' My House' (4 класс)
План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему ' My House' (4 класс)
Тема урока: « My house »
Цели урока: систематизация знаний учащихся по теме « My house »
Задачи урока:
учебные - активизация употребления оборота there is/are,формирование навыков употребления лексики по теме;
воспитательная - воспитывать уважительное отношение к одноклассникам, учителю; мотивировать детей на изучение иностранного языка; готовность к сотрудничеству; развивать умение слушать друг друга;
развивающая - развивать у учащихся интеллектуальную, информационную, коммуникативную культуру; развивать внимание, память, логическое мышление; развивать навыки чтения вслух; развивать навыки перевода; развивать языковую догадку.
Методическая литература и ресурсы: Enjoy English-4 class-(Work Book); Enjoy English-4 class-(Students' Book), Биболетова.
Этапы урока
Инструкции к заданиям
Содержание заданий
Режимы работы
Опоры, наглядность
Организационный этап
Фонетическая зарядка
Речевая зарядка
Good morning, Children! Sit down, please.
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?
What day of the week is it today?
What is the date today?
Today we will continue speaking about your house and we will learn how to describe things in it.
But first of all let's remember the words describing your place where you live.
Repeat after me:
2) I read them the following sentences, showing in the pictures, and they translate them in turn:
3) Check their homework ex. 3 p.30:
hall, kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, carpet, toilet, window, wall, door, home, house,
fire, fireplace, arm, armchair, flat , lamp, pantry, shelf, TV, floor, door, sofa, piano, table.
It is a flat. I see a carpet here. I see a sofa here. I don't see a bed. There is no lamp here. There is no chair too.
Расставь буквы в правильном порядке и запиши слова.
Example: o, f, s, a;
l, c, c, o, k.
Этап тренировки
4) Lets play a game.
Pupils can be divided into 2 teams, they should name their associations with the word house, they name sofa, chair, kitchen, etc.
Remind them about the structure, its negative and interrogative form, write it on the blackboard.
5) Вставьте there is or there are.
1)……..2 bedrooms in my flat.
2)…….a kitchen in her flat.
3)……..a big room in your flat.
4)…….a dining room in my flat.
5)……..a bathroom in his flat.
6)…….3 windows in my flat.
6)I give them small cards with the following task: Поинтересуйтесь, что имеется в комнате вашего друга? (Работа в парах: один спрашивает, другой отвечает, и наоборот, это в команде можно сыграть)
There (is, are) a large table in your room.
There (is, are) three windows in your room.
There (is, are) a table and four chairs in your living-room.
There (is, are) a blackboard, four desks and five chairs in your room.
There (is, are) a text-book and two exercise-books on the table.
There (is, are) two pictures in your room.
7) Попробуй угадать, что есть или чего нет в квартире вашего друга.
a) 2 kitchens - in your flat
b) 1 chair - in your room
c) 5 sofas - in your bedroom
d) 1 armchair - in your kitchen
e) 3 pictures - in your living room
f) 2 windows - in your bathroom
Example: …..a living room in our flat. There is a living room in our flat.
P1: Is there a large table in your room?
P2: Yes, there is a large table in my room. / No, there is not.
a hall - in your flat
P1: Is there a hall in your flat?
P2:Yes, there is a hall in my flat./No, there is …..
P1: Are there 2 chairs in your room?
P2: Yes, there are 2 chairs in my room. /No, there ……..
работа в парах
Коммуникативный этап
8) Train negative sentences with the help of a game
Examle: Your friend will try to cheat you now, you look at the pictures carefully and listen to him, he says There is a sofa in this room. If there is a sofa, you say YES, there is. If there is no sofa, you say NO, there is not.
Заключительный этап
So, now you know how to describe your place of living, you know many names of different objects inside the house and you can share this information with your new foreign friends.
Your marks for today are…
Your homework is
Ex 7 p 22, Ex 16 p 24
The lesson is over. Good bye!
The homework is written on the blackboard.