• Учителю
  • Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Animals.

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Animals.

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(Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 3-4 классов)

Митичкина Татьяна Семеновна,

учитель английского языка

Цели: создавать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка, атмосферу увлеченности и радостного настроения; развивать навыки сотрудничества со сверстниками.


За неделю до утренника все учащиеся получают следующие задания:

1. Подготовить рассказ на тему "My pet" и нарисовать рисунок.

2. Нарисовать картинки любимых животных.

3. Выучить стихотворение о животном.

Учитель готовит оборудование для проведения конкурсов.


Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. I hope you all enjoy our parties. This time we are going to talk about animals. What animals do you know?

The game "Snowball".

We'll play the game "Snowball" on the topic "Animals". A boy or a girl name any word (f.e. cat). The next pupil must repeat this word and add another (f.e. cat, monkey), etc.

Oбязательное условие игры - слова должны повторяться в том же порядке, как они назывались. Сделавшие ошибки игроки выбывают из игры.

T: You know a lot of animals. I think you know a lot of poems about them. What poems do you know?

Учащиеся выходят и декламируют стихотворения .Желательно, чтобы каждый из них имел соответствующую игрушку или картинку животного, о котором говорит.

P: My dog is clever, strong and quick,

Its name is Spot, my name is Nick.

My dog is nice, my dog is gray,

We play together every day.

P: Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir,

Three bags full;

One for the master,

And one for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.

P: Cuckoo, cuckoo, what do you do?

"In April I open my bill;

In May I sing all day;

In June I change my tune;

In July away I fly;

In August away I must."

P: I love my cat,

It's warm and fat.

My cat is grey,

It likes to play.

P: I love all kinds of animals,

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

I love all kinds of animals,

I know their little habits.

P: A wise old owl sat in an oak.

The more he heard, the less he spoke.

The less he spoke, the more he heard.

Follow the example of the old wise bird.

P: If I had plenty of money,

Do you know what I would do?

I'd buy such lots of animals

And have my own little Zoo.

But they wouldn't be in cages,

They'd be free to run around.

And there's one thing they would know,

That thing is to be safe and sound.

T: Good for you all. I see you really know a lot of poems about birds and animals

And now let's play.

The game "Animals for the Zoo." Два участника праздника выбираются водящими и выходят из класса. Остальные дети распределяются между собой по названию животных. После этого водящие возвращаются в класс. Первый говорит: " I want a monkey for my Zoo". Если есть ученик, получивший это название, он попадает в «зоопарк» , т.е. выходит и встает рядом с первым водящим. Второй водящий: " I want an elephant for my Zoo." и т.д. Выигрывает тот водящий, в «зоопарке» которого оказалось больше «зверей».

The game "Turtles Can Run Fast"

Now, children, let's have a race which we'll call "Turtles Can Run Fast" and we'll see if they really can. I have two sacks. Two pupils may take part in the race. You must stand in a row, and when I say "Go!", you must run in your sacks to where I shall stand. Now, one, two, three! Go!

T: Now, I think you can dramatize some poems about animals.

Выходят две девочки. На одной костюм мышки, на другой - кошки.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Tell me, my sweet!

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

Stay in your flat,

There is nothing here to eat!

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Where do you live?

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

Stay in your flat,

I have nothing to give.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Come out and talk to me!

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

No, no, I won't do that!

You want to eat me!

T: Good for you all. And now let's play.

The game «Tail, tail».

A leader starts the game by saying: "Tail, tail, tail, every monkey has a tail!" All the other players then repeat this phrase. A leader continues "Tail, tail, tail, every tiger has a tail!" He calls out " Tail, tail, tail …" But suddenly he may call out "Tail, tail, tail, every table has a tail!" or any other thing that doesn't have a tail. Anyone else, however, who repeats wrong phrase is out of the game.

The game "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"

This is the poster of a donkey without a tail. Everybody has a chance to pin the tail on a donkey. It is not easy because you can not see. You have a scarf over your eyes. The person who puts the tail nearest to the right place is the winner.

T: Now, children, I want you to guess my riddles about animals.

Все участники получают карточки с загадками. После минутной подготовки, дети читают вслух и отгадывают загадки.

- I have a bushy tail,

Sometimes I'm grey and sometimes I'm red,

I like nuts.

What am I? (A squirrel)

- This animal is small,

It lives in the woods

And runs very fast.

It is afraid of everything.

What animal is it? (A hare)

- I'm grey and I'm very big.

I live in the jungle, but you can also find me at the Zoo or in circus.

I don't eat meat. I like vegetables, leaves, grass and fruit. (An elephant)

- I am red and I have a fine bushy tail, I like meat.

I hunt and eat small animals. (A fox)

- A very funny animal which moves very quickly. It can hang by its tail.

(A monkey)

- My long, thing legs

Are good and fast;

I like to gallop and to run.

Oh, yes, I think it is great fun. (A horse).

-This animal can go without food and water for a long time. What is it? (A camel)

- My home is in a nice cool pond,

Of croaking and jumping I'm very fond. (A frog)

- I have a round face and two large eyes,

That can see in the dark; they call me wise. (An owl)

- I can run. I can climb. I can catch a mouse. (A cat)

- I am green. I can swim. I cannot jump. I like meat and fish. (A crocodile).

T: Good for you all. Now, children, show me your drawings and tell me about your pets.

Дети выходят с рисунком своих любимцев, прикрепляют рисунок на классную доску и поочередно рассказывают о своих любимцах.

T: Children, do you like to sing? I want you to sing the song " Old John Brown's Farm".

" Old John Brown's Farm".

1. Old John Brown, he had a farm,

Oh - I - oh - I - oh!

And in that farm he had some ducks,

Oh - I - oh - I - oh!

With a quack-quack here,

And a quack-quack there,

Here a quack,

There a quack ,

Everywhere a quack-quack.

2. Old John Brown, he had a farm,

Oh - I - oh - I - oh!

And in that farm he had some chicks,

Oh - I - oh - I - oh!

With a chuck-chuck here,

And a chuck-chuck there,

Here a chuck,

There a chuck,

Everywhere a chuck-chuck .

Quack-quack here,

And a quack-quack there,

Here a quack,

There a quack ,

Everywhere a quack-quack.

3. Old John Brown, he had a farm,

Oh - I - oh - I - oh!

And in that farm he had some dogs,

Oh - I - oh - I - oh!

With a bow-wow here,

And a bow-wow there,

Here a bow,

There a wow,

Everywhere a bow-wow

Chuck-chuck here,

And a chuck-chuck there,

Here a chuck,

There a chuck,

Everywhere a chuck-chuck .

Quack-quack here,

And a quack-quack there,

Here a quack,

There a quack ,

Everywhere a quack-quack

T: Well, boys and girls. It's very good that you know so much about animals, that you have pets at home, and that you take care of them. None of us must ever forget that animals and birds are our friends.

Подведение итогов. Учитель узнает, понравилось ли детям праздник, благодарит всех за активное участие. Награждает всех участников мероприятия призами.


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