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  • Проект по теме Домашние питомцы

Проект по теме Домашние питомцы

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Introduction………............................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1.Englishmen and their pets

  1. Dogs are the most favourite pets in Britain…………............................... 4

  2. Popular breeds of dogs in England………………...................................... 5

  3. Rescue homes for homeless animals…………………............................... 7

  4. The Queens dog……………………............................................................9

Chapter 2. Researching "People's character and their pets"

2.1 How people choose their pets........................................................................10

2.2 Researching on the topic «My pet»…………….......................................... 14


Sources of information…………….....................................................................16


It is hard to imagine a happy family without any pets. Pets can help to solve the problem of loneliness. As in our world, little animals here are those fidgets. They do not give you a moment's quiet, demanding love, care and attention.

For the English owning of pets - it's not the kind of entertainment, but a way of life. If English house is his castle, his dog is a true king. Pets often serve their owners as psychologists and counselors. Empathic listening and responding to their owners through the language of body and mind, they surround their special healing energy that drives away the pain and suffering. This energy is amplified when the host caresses your pet while talking to him.

Often, pet owners are accused of being too fanatical in relation to their pets. Nowadays computers and internet change real communicating with people. So people take different pets and try to solve the problem of loneliness in such way. The other reason is the influence of fashion.

The aim of our work is to examine the problem of choice of pets. To achieve the aim it is necessary to solve the following problems:

  1. to find out the most popular pets in the UK;

  2. to study popular breeds of dogs in England;

  3. to learn how people relate to pets in England;

  4. to research what character the owners of pets have;

  5. to research what kinds of pets the students of our school have.

Chapter 1.Englishmen and their pets

1.1 Dogs are the most favourite pets in Britain

British are convinced: the person who loves animals, can't be absolutely bad. They adore any kinds of animals. Also they take them not in order other people to make the favourites to protect the homes or other property, or to use them in the scientific purposes, or it is simple for prestige. British take pets only for the company.

In the UK, the first popular pets are dogs. About 6 million British take dogs, cats are the second, 5 million -take cats and on the third place are hamsters, on the fourth place in the list are fishes , there are about 25,000 species, on the 5th place are white mice, and then guinea pigs, birds, snakes, iguanas.

The widespread nicknames of dogs are Rover, Rax, Cindy, Misty; the cat's names are Albert, Snowy, Fluffy, Tom; the parrots' names are Polly, Chatterbox; Guy, Scamper.

British made even perfumes for dogs (at the price of 78,6 dollars for 50 milliliters). New perfumes have chances to become necessary attribute of stylish four-footed. The London brand of dog and cat's fashion Mungo& Maud presented dogs aroma Petite Amande which, according to developers, is the first toilet water only for dogs.

Also the official history of cynology began in England. The first exhibition of dogs was held in England on 28 June, 1859 in Newcastle. In 1873 English Kennel Klab was formed and the rules of holding exhibitions were written. Standards which with minor changes reached up to now a day were created.

1.2 Popular breeds of dogs in the UK.

Top dogs in the UK:

1. Yorkshire Terrier - 25665

2. Labrador Retriever - 25456

3. German Shepherd - 18986

4. West Highland White Terrier - 18688

5. Cavalier King Charles spaniel-- 16833

6. Golden Retriever - 15983

7. Cocker spaniel - 12866

8. English Springer spaniel - 11349

9. Staffordshire Terrier - 7609

10. All Poodles - 7224

Yorkshire terrier - the decorative breed of dog removed in England, the county Yorkshire at the end of the XIX century. The history of breed is still very short. The Manchester terrier, a Skye Terrier, a malteza, etc. were ancestors of these terriers. Now a Yorkshire terrier - one of the most popular room and decorative breeds of dog. Yorkshire terriers possess rather good health. The average duration of their life makes 12 - 15 years.

English bulldog - a short-haired breed of dog of the 2nd MKF group, subgroup of moloss and mastiffs. As use the standard refers breed to dogs bodyguards and partners. Bulldogs appeared in England and were used as etching dogs in "bloody sport"; mainly, in a bul-beyting - persecution of bulls. Actually, from here also there was a name of breed - a bulldog. There is also an international game which is called «British Bulldog».

In the territory of the Kingdom four breeds of dog are forbidden:

  1. American pit bullterrier.

  2. Phil Brazilero.

  3. TosaInu

  4. Argentina mastiff.

All animals of these breeds and closely related metises by rules are subject to an immediate lulling to slip. Fortunately, the option of preservation of life of an animal of these breeds on condition of obligatory sterilization of a dog if it is proved became possible recently that it doesn't pose threat for people around.

Dogs of all other breeds in England are loved. On streets of the cities it is possible to meet Labradors, Staffordshire bull terriers, German shepherds, various spaniels and borzays.

1.3 Rescue homes for homeless animals

Boundless love of animals is confirmed by the fact that even in 1824 the UK has established the Society for the Protection of Animals so it is not surprising that you will not find on the streets of London homeless dogs or cats. If suddenly the animal unattended and found (and this happens quite quickly) - it immediately placed in a special rescue homes. One of this is Battersea Dogs&CatsHome.

Great Britain Society of protection of animals against cruelty has the status Royal. Thus it should be noted that society on protection of children appeared only 60 years later. Animals often replace children to childless couples. The last statistics claims that 40% of women in England at the age of 40 years which got university education have no children. Therefore no wonder that you won't meet stray dogs or cats on streets of London. If suddenly the home animal is also found (and it happens quickly enough) - it immediately places in a special shelter. "To adopt" an animal from a shelter almost difficult, as well as the child: it is necessary to undergo a number of testing and procedures. One of such shelters is called Battersea Dogs & Cats Home

Shelter of "Mayhew" (Mayhew) in London - one of the oldest shelters in England. It first was opened in 1886. (And in Russia only 25 years earlier cancelled a serfdom …) the Shelter is for 30 dogs and 100 cats and it is considered small to English measures. Shelter represents the one-store building with a small front court yard for cats. Dogs are walked behind the territory of a shelter as they have no platform. Each dog lives in the single room. And it isn't simple the room, and the whole room in which even there is a TV for comfort. Each room is equipped with a shower for cleaning and washing dogs. Rooms are soundproofed that animals had no stress of neiboughood of dogs. Dogs are walked from 2 to 4 times a day. Nearly a half of dogs - staffers or pits (the similar tendency is observed and at us because get these breeds (in fact, being the victims of unethical selection of the person) it is frequent not professionals of cynology, but people, irresponsible, but inclined to demonstration of the importance, for which a dog often - not the living being and the partner, and the part of furniture chosen to match wall-paper, a craze or means for shocking and intimidation of people around of Cats Home.


1.4 The Queen's dog

The dog of the queen of Great Britain: A Welsh Corgi do you know such dog? No, you don't famous for certain. This breed became known thanks to the English queen. She lives in the yard in Great Britain,it is the favorite of the queen. It is very live and vigorous breed. It has a lot of force and it isfast in run. The queen fell in love with breed of a Welsh Corgi, and now it can't staywithout favorite for a minute. The first dog of breed of a Welsh Corgi was brought as a gift in 1993, and then their number at court increased many times. They brought much positive in the royal family. Breed possessesan unique character, these dogs are kind and become attached to people. After all not without reason the queen so loved these dogs that could live without them anymore.

Two decades the dogs of breed of a Welsh Corgi fill in the Royal Court. Not only the queen loves these dogs, they are beloved by the members of all royal family. It became possible to tell these dogs are mascot of the Royal Court. After all the queen's favorites become practically at once favorites of all country. The people love the queen, as well as they loves everything that the queen of Great Britain loves. That is a tradition.

Chapter 2. Researching "People's character and their pets"

2.1 How people choose their pets

Experts are sure that people choose pets similar to themselves. Therefore knowing, what pet lives in the house at this or that acquaintance, you can unmistakably define his character and habits. Fans of birds are very sociable and mobile. They like to surround themselves with bright paints, for example, can choose unexpected wall-paper or a bright upholstery of furniture. Also such people adore various jewelry - ear rings, bracelets, a beads, etc. Besides, they like to surprise surrounding with extravagant hobbies.

Owners of reptiles - extraordinary, extravagant and friendly people. They love everything that allocates them from crowd, for example, design clothes and exotic food, and also are fond of history and geography.

Fans of rodents don't love loneliness. However, in their life communication and loneliness, active and passive recreation, the noisy companies and silent family pastime are equally balanced. They differ in pragmatism and thriftiness. These are very quiet and balanced people.

Owners of small fishes appreciate purity and a cosines, however, don't like to make many efforts for their maintenance. Hobby of such people is decoration of the house and a desktop.

Fans of cats - independent, capricious and a little selfish people. They appreciate heat and a cosiness in the house. Such people aren't too sociable, but are very inquisitive, creative and artistic.

Owners of dogs have a large number of friends, and also are inclined to communication and easily meet with people. On character such people, as well as their pet very devoted and patient.

Do you like to go after uneasy day to the world of tranquility and silence?

It is best of all for you to get animals who practically don't contact to people. Therefore various insects, snakes and aquarian small fishes will be the best pets for you.

You try to operate other people and you dream to look more significant person, than actually you are. Because of it you well will suit a big representative dog whom it is possible not only to bring up and train, but also is proud to show her to surrounding people.

You are a little closed person who constantly controls himself, and the most important - considers that nobody has to get into your personal records. To such people as you, are best of all to get a cat, after all she, lying on your laps, for hours can lie and listen to all your problems. And as these animals aren't persuasive at all, they don't distract the owners from important issues and the thoughts.

We determine character of the person by breed of his dog.

Once very long time ago the dog was tamed by the person. After that eventually also appearance of this remarkable animal began to change. And at the moment any fan of dogs can take to himself to the house of such doggie which is pleasant to it, without reflecting even sometimes that on breed of a dog it is possible to judge her owner with confidence …

And therefore - if your favourite is the Labrador, the boxer or a dalmatian, so you are surprisingly friendly. Employees at work cannot be afraid of intrigues or gossips of you. You don't focus attention on passing problems, and you don't build of them tragedies. In the personal relations you don't strive for a certain refinement, but you don't betray and you don't change.

If you are an owner of a Dobermann terrier, black terrier or riesenschnauzer, most likely, appearance at you not too bright, but self-respect - at height! You with some mistrust perceive new acquaintances, but in the relations with native and friends you are distinguished by rare kindness and patience. You are forgiving, but you possess good memory. The lucky who became your friends enjoy your hospitality, the highest level.

The owner of a bullmastiff, St. Bernard, the Newfoundland dog, as a rule, - is thickset, slow, but isn't lazy at all. He likes to work, and never leaves begun halfway.

If the person adores dachshunds, Scottish Terriers, fox terriers - means, he is funny and charming. But sometimes can touch surrounding with the causticity or irony. To offend such person not so simply, he is a fighter for the truth and for interests of those who can't stand itself for himself. He is stubborn, and often holds the ground to the last. Sets many purposes, and if not everything turns out, it is afflicted.

Setters are preferred by sports accurate people, with sure gait. Similar to their favourites, such people are active, they are adherents of a healthy lifestyle and pastime outdoors. They love an extreme, courageous and dexterous. And always try to apply these qualities. Despite it, they are quite reasonable. And still they are distinguished by an optimistic view by life.

If you love the Afghan borzois and hounds, you - prefer comfort, a little bit the arrogant man, you have a high self-assessment. You are quick-tempered, freedom-loving, but at the same time not really you like to show the feelings. However you are strong inside, and you can splash out suddenly all this outside (it not terribly if to aim your potential in the necessary party). You risk to get complexes if your aspiration to find yourself isn't realized.

Owners of English, French bulldogs and pugs -are people refined. These are intellectuals, as a rule, happy with life and liking to be the center of attention. Are quiet. Possessing jealous and mistrustful temper, are able not to show it. Are externally solid, but in soul - mischievous persons and rascals (the truth, only close and good friends know about it).

If you are a fan of Yorkshire terriers, toy terriers, pinschers, Chinese crested dogs, most likely, you - nature romantic and impressionable. Nobody is capable to be offended, and touching movies cause in you tears … The indispensable condition of existence for you is a cosiness and comfort. You are able to listen and therefore to you all run with the problems and burdens. You care of the appearance. Some think that you don't have enough will power though in practice you are able to set specific goals and surely to go to them.

If in your apartment there live very nice Pekineses, poodles or lap dogs - for certain, you stylish, with dazzling appearance the little man who wishes that people around paid to him attention. But such attention is not end in itself because you are sure of the irresistibility, and the rest is unimportant. You are easily trained also you like to teach people.

2. 2 Reaserching "My pet"

Working on this project we asked 63 people of our school: pupils and teachers.

The questions were the following:

  1. How old are you?

  2. Do you have any pet?

  3. It have a dog, what kind of dog is it?

According to questioning, 50 people have dogs and dogs are also the most popular pets at our school. Among the breeds are

  • spaniel;

  • mongrel

  • poodle

  • German and Caucasus shepherd

  • Shar-Pei,

  • husky

  • St. Bernard

  • Pekinese

  • dachshund

  • wolfhound

Also 2 pupils have English bulldog and Yorkshire terrier.

Some people have 2 or more pets at home.

On the second place are cats - 34. Some people have fishes-5, tortoises - 4, parrots - 3, rabbits - 2, and even Guiney pig - 1.

You also can see data in diagram.

So it can be said that most pupils and their families of our school are owners of dogs. And they have a large number of friends, and also like to communicate and easily meet with people. We think such people, as well as their pets, are very devoted and patient.


Having learnt some facts about the British and their pets we want to note that for the English owning of pets is not the kind of entertainment, but it is a way of life.

They adore any kinds of animals.

In the UK, the first popular pets are dogs

About 6 million British take dogs, 5 million -take cats and on the third place is a wavy budgie. British made even perfumes for dogs (at the price of 78,6 dollars for 50 milliliters).

Also the official history of cynology began in England

The most popular dogs in England are yorkshire terrier and bulldog. Even there is a game "British bulldog"

In the territory of the Kingdom four breeds of dog are forbidden

Dogs of all other breeds in England are loved. On streets of the cities it is possible to meet Labradors, Staffordshire bull terriers, German shepherds, various spaniels and borzois.

Boundless love of animals is confirmed by the fact that even in 1824 the UK has established the Society for the Protection of Animals so it is not surprising that you will not find on the streets of London homeless dogs or cats.

Therefore no wonder that you won't meet stray dogs or cats on streets of London.

Each dog in rescue homes lives in the single room. And it isn't simple the room, and the whole room in which even there is a TV for comfort. Each room is equipped with a shower for cleaning and washing dogs.

A Welsh Corgi is the breed became known thanks to the English queen. She lives in the yard in Great Britain,it is the favorite of the queen

After all, the queen's favorites become practically at once favorites of all country. The people love the queen, as well as they loves everything that the queen of Great Britain loves. That is a tradition.

Experts are sure that people choose pets similar to themselves. Therefore knowing, what pet lives in the house at this or that acquaintance, you can unmistakably define his character and habits.

According to questioning most pupils and teachers of our school have dogs, and almost all of being asked have any pets at home.

In conclusion we should say that it was interesting and very useful to us to make this project. And it has a practical use to other people.

Защитное слово

Hello! We are the pupils of school number 1: Солоницына Диана и Уткина Юлия. The topic of our project work is "The English and their pets".

The aim of our work is to examine the relation of the British to their pets. To achieve the aim it is necessary to solve the following tasks: you see them on the slides (задачи указаны на слайде)

  1. to find out the most popular pets in the UK

  2. To study popular breeds of dogs in England.

  3. To learn how people relate to pets in England.

  4. To research what character the owners of pets have

  5. To research what kinds of pets the students of our school have.

It is hard to imagine a happy family without any pets. Pets can help to solve the problem of loneliness. As in our world, little animals here are those fidgets. They do not give you a moment's quiet, demanding love, care and attention.

For the English owning of pets is not the kind of entertainment, but a way of life. If English house is his castle, his dog is a true king.

In the UK, the first popular pets are dogs, About 6 million British take dogs, cats are the second, 5 million -take cats and on the third place are hamsters, on the fourth place in the list are fishes , there are about 25,000 species, on the 5th place are white mice, and then guinea pigs, birds, snakes, iguanas. (фото этих животных)

The widespread nicknames of animals :

(имена на слайде)dogs are Rover, Rax, Cindy, Misty; the cats name are Albert, Snowy, Fluffy, Tom; the parrots name are Polly, Chatterbox; Guy, Scamper.

British made even perfumes for dogs.

Also the official history of cynology began in England. The first exhibition of dogs was held in England on 28 June, 1859 in Newcastle.

You can see Top dogs in the UK (породы и фото написаны на слайде)

Yorkshire terrier is the most popular decorative breed of dog removed in England, the county Yorkshire at the end of the XIX century. The history of breed is still very short. Yorkshire terriers possess rather good health. The average duration of their life makes 12 - 15 years. (фото терьера)

English bulldog is also the most popular short-haired breed of dog. Bulldogs appeared in England and were used as etching dogs in "bloody sport"; mainly, in a bul-beyting - persecution of bulls. Actually, from here there was a name of breed - a bulldog. There is also an international contest game which is called «British Bulldog». (фото бульдога)

In the territory of the Kingdom four breeds of dog are forbidden (породы запрещенных собак на слайде с фото)

The British love their pets so in 1824 the UK has established the Society for the Protection of Animals and it is not surprising that you will not find on the streets of London homeless dogs or cats. If suddenly the animal unattended and found it immediately placed in a special rescue homes. One of this is BatterseaDogs&CatsHome.(фото приюта)

Shelter of "Mayhew" (Mayhew) in London - one of the oldest shelters in England. the Shelter is for 30 dogs and 100 cats. Each dog lives in the single room. And it is a single room in which even there is a TV for comfort. Each room is equipped with a shower for cleaning and washing dogs. Rooms are soundproofed. Dogs are walked from 2 to 4 times a day. Nearly a half of dogs - staffers or pits. (фото приюта)

A Welsh Corgi do you know such dog? This breed became known thanks to the English queen. She lives in the yard in Great Britain, it is the favorite of the queen. It is very live and vigorous breed. It has a lot of force and it is fast in run. The queen fell in love with breed of a Welsh Corgi, and now it can't stay without favorite for a minute. these dogs are kind and become attached to people.After all the queen's favorites become practically at once favorites of all country. The people love the queen, as well as they loves everything that the queen of Great Britain loves. That is a tradition.(фото собаки королевы)

Experts are sure that people choose pets similar to themselves. Therefore knowing, what pet lives in the house you can define his character and habits.

Fans of birds are very sociable and mobile. (фото птиц)

Owners of reptiles - extraordinary, extravagant and friendly people. (фото рептилий)

Fans of rodents don't love loneliness. (фото грызунов)

Owners of small fishes appreciate purity and a cosines.(фото рыбок)

Fans of cats - independent, capricious and a little selfish people. (фото кошек)

Owners of dogs have a large number of friends, and also are inclined to communication and easily meet with people. (фото собак

We determine character of the person by breed of his dog.

for example, if your favourite is the Labrador, the boxer or a dalmatian, you are surprisingly friendly. Employees at work cannot be afraid of intrigues or gossips of you. You don't focus attention on passing problems, and you don't build of them tragedies. (фото лабрадора далматинца и боксера)

Working on this project we asked 63 people of our school: pupils and teachers.

The questions were the following:

(вопросы на слайде)

According to questioning, 50 people have dogs and dogs are also the most popular pets at our school. Among the breeds are (породы собак на слайде)

Also 2 pupils have English bulldog and Yorkshire terrier.

You also can see data in diagram. (диаграмма на слайде)

So it can be said that most pupils and their families of our school are owners of dogs. And they have a large number of friends, and also like to communicate and easily meet with people. We think such people, as well as their pets, are very devoted and patient.

According to questioning most pupils and teachers of our school have dogs, and almost all of being asked have any pets at home.

In conclusion we should say that it was interesting and very useful to us to make this project. And it has a practical use to other people. We reached the aim. We used internet sources for making this projects.

Thank you for attention. (последний слайд) слайд шоу забавные животные.



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