- Учителю
- Урок праздник в 1 классеПрощание с алфавитом
Урок праздник в 1 классеПрощание с алфавитом
Прощание с алфавитом
В игровой форме закрепить и обобщить лексико-грамматические знания учащихся, полученные на начальном этапе обучения (английский алфавит, глагол to be, модальный глагол can).
Прививать детям интерес к изучению английского языка через игру и участие в праздниках.
Развивать навыки индивидуальной и групповой работы детей.
Ход урока-праздника "Прощание с алфавитом"
Дети сидят на стульчиках. Шесть ребят выходят на середину зала.
P1: I know all letters well.
P2: I can read them and spell.
P3: I can read, I can write.
P4: I can speak English too.
P5: I love learning English.
P6: And what about you?.
Дети встают и поют песенку "Алфавит":
Now I know the Alphabet
Дети держат карточку со своей буквой и рассказывают о ней:
A is for apple
B is for ball
C is for cat
D is for doll
E is for eight
F is for flat
G is for gate
H is for hat
I is for insect
J is for jam
K is for kitten
And L is for lamp
M is for mum
N is for nurse
O is for one
P is for purse
Q is for queen
R is for rain
S is for swing
T is for tail
U is for unit
V is for vase
W is for winter
X is for box
Y is for you
Z is for Zoo
I know the alphabet
And what about you?
Дети садятся на свои места.
Появляются два клоуна Тим и Пэт.
T: Hello children!
P: Hello boys and girls! How are you today?
All: Fine, thank you.
Дети поют песенку:
Red, yellow, green and blue
Hello clowns! How are you?
Fine, thank you.
How are you?
Red, yellow, green and blue.
Can you read?
Yes, we can.
Игра "Угадай слово"
Клоуны: What is it? Guess! (Держат перевернутую карточку со словом.)
Дети: Is it a book?
Клоуны: No.
Дети: Is it an umbrella?
Клоуны: No.
Дети: Is it a rubber?
Клоуны: Yes, it`s a rubber. Well done! Children, can you dance?
Дети: Yes, we can.
Все встают в круг, поют песню "If you are happy" и танцуют.
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (2)
If you are happy and you know it
And you really are to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
Stamp your feet (2)
If you are happy and you know it
And you really are to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Stamp your feet
If you are happy and you know it
Dance a dance (2)
If you are happy and you know it
And you really are to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Dance a dance
If you are happy and you know it
Do all three! (2)
If you are happy and you know it
And you really are to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Do all three!
Клоуны: Children, all of you know the English letters well but who is the best?
Divide into two teams. (Каждой команде раздается одинаковое количество заглавных и маленьких букв.)
You have to find your pair as soon as possible. (Побеждает та команда, в которой все дети нашли свою пару первыми.)
Клоуны: Children, we see you are good pupils. But can you write the letters as well as you can read them?
Дети: Yes, we can!
Клоуны: So we'll name the words in Russian but you`ll have to translate them into English and write only the first letters. Then you'll read your word.
Пять! ( Five - дети пишут букву f)
Красный! (Red - дети пишут букву r)
Апельсин! (Orange - дети пишут букву o)
Стакан! (Glass - дети пишут букву g)
Клоуны: What word have you got?
Дети: Frog!
Клоуны: You have worked hard. Let`s have a rest! We'll play "A mouse and a cat".
A cat:
Little mouse, little mouse
Where's your house?
A mouse:
Little cat, little cat
That's my flat!
(A cat tries to catch a mouse, a mouse tries to get its house).
Клоуны: Children, we`re so sad but it`s time to say goodbye to you.
Дети встают в кружок и поют:
Red, yellow, green and blue
Hello clowns! How are you?
Tim: I`m sad today!
Pat: And I`m sad too!
Tim and Pat: This is goodbye to all of you.
Red, yellow, green and blue
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you!