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  • Использование стихотворений для активизации лексики и грамматики

Использование стихотворений для активизации лексики и грамматики

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предварительный просмотр материала

Poems for Lexical and Grammatical Activities.

Goats, goats, goats,

Please, don't boast.

Dogs, dogs, dogs,

Don't touch the frogs.

Birds, birds, birds,

Let us sing some words.

Mice, mice, mice,

You are so nice.

And you, little crocodile,

Can you speak, can you smile?

And you ,milky, milky cows,

Do you like to eat green grass?

Monkeys ,funny monkeys,

Can you ride on donkeys?

Red, red foxes ,

Do you live in boxes?

Hare, little hare,

What do you like to wear?

Rabbits, fluffy rabbits,

Are you eating carrots?

Sheep, sheep, sheep

Don't like to sweep.

Mouse, little mouse,

Show me please your house.

Present Continuous.

1.I like going to school

I'm learning to speak,

And I'm learning to spell.

I'm learning to read,

And I'm learning to tell.

And my teacher says

That I am doing well/

2.Who's Flying a Kite?

Who's flying a kite?

Who's riding a bike?

Who's dressing a doll?

Who's bouncing a ball?

Simon's flying a kite,

Victor's riding a bike.

Maria's dressing a doll.

Steve's bouncing a ball.

Come on, come on!

You're catching on!

Say it again!

Now it's your turn!


One and two and three and four

I am sitting on the floor.

I am playing with a ball( car)

and a pretty little doll.(star)

One and two and three and four

We are sitting on the floor.

We are playing girls and boys

We are playing with the toys.


We are looking at each other.

We are speaking with each other.

We are listening to each other.

We are smiling at each other.

We are thinking about each other.

( A group of children is sitting and looking at each other)

5. Busy Friends.

I'm calling my friends

At half past three.

They're very busy

They can't come to me.

Pete is reading a book,

Kate is learning to cook.

Pat is feeding his cat.

Jack is tidying his flat.


Where are you going,

my little girl?(boy)

I'm going to the shop

To buy a doll.(a toy)


Hello, my friends!

1. The ship is sailing,

The flag is waving.

Hello, my friends!

Hello, my friends!

2The sun is shining,

The stars are smiling.

Hello, my friends!

Hello, my friends!

3.Through rain and thunders

We'll see the wonders

With you, my friends!

With you , my friends!

4. We'll be together

In any weather

With you, my friends!

With you , my friends!

Past Continuous.


At 6 o'clock in the morning

Mr.Boring was snoring.

Mr.Bumping was jumping.

Mr. Freezing was sneezing.

Mr.Wishing was fishing.


The mother was cooking,

The father was reading,

The son was eating,

The daughter was sleeping.


What were you doing at 1?

I was lying in the sun.

What were you doing at 3?

I was watching TV.

What were you doing at 4?

I was sweeping the floor.

What were you doing at 8?

I was learning to roller-skate.

4. I was dreaming.

He was not.

They were swimming

We were not.

Was she reading?

Yes, she was.

Were they singing?

No, they were not.

Present Perfect Tense.

1.The Beaches of Mexico.

After Caroline Graham.

Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico?

Have you ever walked the streets of Paris?

Have you ever been to Spain?

Have you walked barefoot in a heavy rain?

Have you ever been in trouble?

Have you ever been in pain?

Have you ever been in love?

Would you like to do it again?

Well , I've never seen the beaches of Mexico .

I've never walked the streets of Paris.

I've never been to Spain.

I've never walked barefoot in a heavy rain.

But I've sure been in trouble,

I've sure been in pain,

I've ever been in love,

I'd do it all again.

2. Funny Things.

The cat has slept in a hat.

The parrot has eaten a carrot.

The frog has found a log.

The dog has tossed the frog.

3.I've met my friend-

I'm so glad.

I've changed my flat-

I'm so glad.

I've bought a new hat-

I'm so glad.

I've washed my cat-

I'm so glad.


Ever, never, just and since

Yet, already and this week.

Lately, recently are used

In Present Perfect Tense.


I've got two eyes- look. look, look.

I've got two ears-listen, listen, listen.

I've got one mouth-sing, sing, sing.

Let's sing all together.

I've got one head-nod, nod, nod.

I've got two hands-clap, clap, clap.

I've got one mouth-sing, sing, sing.

Let's sing all together.

6. Where, where have you been,

Have you been, have you been ?

Whom, whom have you seen,

Have you seen have you seen?

What, what have you done,

Have you done, have you done?

Have you had a lot of fun, lot of fun, lot of fun?

7. The Lost Shoe.

Betty Blue has lost her shoe.

What can little Betty do?

Buy another shoe.

She has bought another shoe

And now she can walk in two.

8. I've been to the zoo,

I've seen a kangaroo,

I've eaten a cake,

I'm feeling very great.

My Family.

East or West-home is best.

With mother and father

I can have a rest.

With grandpa and granny

I can have a talk.

With brother and sister

I can go for a walk.

With aunt and uncle

I can have some tea

They both are very kind to me.

With my little cousin

(Her name is May)

I can play. I can play.

My Relatives.

Look at the photo ,my dear.

You can see my relatives here.

Grandparents, parents, my elder brothers,

Their wives and children and some others.

My aunt and uncle, their daughter and son,

My cousin loved by everyone.

My parents' niece and nephew clear.

Look at the photo ,my dear.

''This egg is bad,''

says my dad.

''Take another'',

says my mother.

A plate of meat

for brother Pete,

Some cheese and ham

for brother Sam.

A soft boiled egg

for sister Meg.

Mike and Sam like sweets and jam.

My Home.

Home is the nicest place to be

With Mother and Father and baby And me.

With Skipper, our dog,

And Smokey our cat.

Oh, no place could be nicer than that.

Our Family.

Our large family

Has a nice flat.

We live there happily

With a kitten and a cat.

My sisters and brothers all go to school

We help one another -

It is a good rule.

We help our mother

When she washes or cooks.

Together with father

We like to read books.


I'm looking for a house

Said the little brown mouse.


One room for breakfast,

One room for tea,

One room for supper

And that makes three.

One room to dance in

When I give a ball,

A kitchen and a bedroom

Six rooms all.

Passive Voice.

I'll tell you the story-

The story was told.

I'll sell my house-

The house was sold.

A rich man wll buy it-

The house was bought.

He'll bring me the money-

The money was brought.

The lazy boy to school was led,

He will read the book-

The book was read.

He will learn the lesson-

The lesson was learned.

Then he will burn the boo-

And the book was burnt.

For want of a nail

the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe

the horse was lost.

For want of a horse

the rider was lost.

For want of a rider

the battle was lost

For want of a battle

The kingdom was lost.

And all for the want

Of a horse shoe nail.

Гвоздь и подкова.

Не было гвоздя-



Не было подковы



Лошадь захромала-



Конница разбита-



Враг вступает в город,


не щадя,-

Оттого, что в кузнице

не было


Past Simple.

What Can I Do Today?

What can I do today?

Can you help me? Can you say?

Why don't you read a book?

I read it yesterday.

Why don't you write a song?

I wrote it yesterday.

Why don't you ride a bike?

I rode it yesterday.

Why don't you drink your coke?

I drank it yesterday.

Why don't you swim, my boy?

Oh, I swam yesterday.

What can I do today?

Can you help me? Can you say?

Future Simple.

Dear mouse, dear mouse,

Will you come to my house?

I will catch you, we shall play,

And we shall have a wonderful day.

You will need, you will need

You will need a pen.

You will need a pen for writing.

Don't forget a pen again!

You will need, you will need

You will need a book.

You will need a book for reading.

Have you got it! Have a look?

Lazy Mary! Will you get up?

Will you get up? Will you get up?

Lazy Mary! Will you get up?

Will you get up today?

No, no Mother, I won't get up,

I won't get up, I won't get up.

No, no Mother, I won't get up,

I won't get up today!

1. Little feet go tap-tap-tap.

Little hands go clap-clap-clap.

Little feet go jump-jump-jump

Little hands go thump-thump-thump.

2. Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands forward! Clap1Clap! Clap!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Stand still.

3. Hands on your hips,

Hands on your knees,

Hands behind you, if you please.

Touch your shoulders,

Touch your nose,

Touch your ears,

Touch your toes.

Raise your hands high in the air

At your sides,

At your hair.

Raise your hands as before

While you clap-one, two, three, four.

4.Up! Down! Up! Down!

(Поднимаем руки вверх-вниз)

Which is the way to London town?

(Разводим руки в сторону)

Where? Where?

(Поворачиваемся в стороны)

Up in the air.

(Смотрим по сторонам)

Close your eyes

(Закрываем глаза)

And you are there!

(Открываем глаза)


Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on hips! Sit down!

Stand up! Hands to the sides

Bend left ,bend right!

Hands on the hips


1,2,3 -stop!

Stand still.


Bend your head,

Bend your knees,

Grow as tall

as New Year trees.

On your knees

Slowly fall,

Curl yourself

Into a ball.

Raise your head,

Jump up high,

Wave your hand

And say ''Good -bye''


A family of mice lives under the tree.

(Правую руку сжимаю в кулак, левую руку поднимаю над правой пальцами вниз)

A father and mother and babies three.

(Отгибаю большой палец, затем указательный, а затем остальные три)

Sometimes the mice slept all day.

(Опускаю правую ладонь)

But when the night time comes

(Поднимаю ладонь)

They like to play.

(Сжимаю и разжимаю пальцы)

Shake your hands,

And then stand up!

Do you want to jump?

So jump!

Don't make so noise and harm.

Wink your eyes

One, two, three, four

More and more,

more and more.

Run, run, run!

Fly, fly, fly!

Fly as high as in the sky.

Turn and turn,

And clap, clap, clap.

Shake your hands

And nod your head

Turn around, turn around

Thank you, children

And sit down.

Put your pens on the desks

Dear children, have a rest.

We can go, go and go.

Very fast and very slow.

We can stamp our feet.

Let us do it! Mike and Pete!

We can clap our hands

We can turn and we can dance

Try to do it all the best

Little children have a rest.

We can run, run and run,

And we can have a lot of fun.

We can shake, we can dance

That's not difficult to us.

We shall look at the floor,

We shall turn to the door.

We shall go round, round,

And we'll clap so loud, loud.

At the Zoo.

Don't be naughty at the Zoo.

Please don't feed the kangaroo.

Don't open the door.

Don't drop litter on the floor.

Don't be naughty at the Zoo.

Please don't feed the kangaroo.

Don't shout at the bear.

Don't touch the lion's hair.

Don't be naughty at the Zoo.

Or the zookeeper might keep you.

A Song of the Zoo.

Giraffe, elephant, monkey too.

I like to visit them at the Zoo.

Little squirrel in a tree

Come and take this nut from me.

The sheep gives us wool and meat,

Clothes to wear and food to eat.

The turtle wears a heavy shell

And it protects him very well.

The pig lives in his muddy pen

He likes to eat and eat again.

On Sunday, on Sunday

We go to the Zoo

We want to see a monkey,

To see a kangaroo.


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