• Учителю
  • Разработка урока по теме 'Путешествие. Золотое кольцо России' (к уч. Афанасьевой О. В., Михеевой И. В. Английский язык, 7 класс) с презентацией.

Разработка урока по теме 'Путешествие. Золотое кольцо России' (к уч. Афанасьевой О. В., Михеевой И. В. Английский язык, 7 класс) с презентацией.

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Разработка урока по теме "Путешествие. Золотое кольцо России" (к уч. Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В. Английский язык, 7 класс) с презентацией.Методическая цель урока:применение на уроках английского языка мультимедийных продуктов.Задачи:  - мотивировать учащихся на работу по
предварительный просмотр материала

Сценарный план урока

английского языка

«Путешествие в России и за границей. Золотое Кольцо России.»


учитель английского языка

Халина Ю.В.

КУРСК, 2014

Travelling. The Golden Ring of Russia.

(По учебнику Афанасьевой О. В., Михеевой И.В., 7 класс)

Тип урока: комбинированный с элементами технологии проектной деятельности.

Метапредметные связи: география, искусство.

Педагогические цели урока:

1. Обучающие:

совершенствовать у обучающихся навыки коммуникативной компетенции по теме «Путешествие», в том числе с помощью технологии проектной деятельности; учить обучающихся представлять на уроке английского языка самостоятельно созданные мультимедийные продукты; учить проводить анализ проектов с выделением главной мысли; совершенствовать у обучающихся диалогическую речь, монологическую речь, навыки аудирования, чтения, письма; совершенствовать основные общеучебные умения: отвечать на вопросы, воспринимать на слух содержание аутентичных текстов; применять синквейн на уроке английского языка.

2. Развивающие:

развивать познавательный интерес к изучению английского языка; совершенствовать универсальные учебные действия; развивать навыки работы с проектами; развивать психологические свойства, такие как память, внимание, коммуникативность.

3. Воспитывающие:

воспитывать у обучающихся чувство ответственности за порученное дело; формировать у обучающихся потребность в практическом пользовании английского языка.

Методическая цель:

применение на уроках английского языка мультимедийных продуктов.


- мотивировать учащихся на работу по теме, активизировать изученную ранее лексику по теме «Путешествие»;

- развивать навыки аудирования с пониманием основного содержания, говорения;

- развивать умение работать с мультимедийными продуктами;

-развивать фонематический слух в отработке произношения.

Формы работы на уроке:

  • индивидуальная работа;

  • фронтальная работа;

  • работа в парах;

  • групповая работа.

Материально-техническое оснащение урока:

компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийные продукты на электронных носителях, мультимедийный курс «Speak English» №36.

Формируемые УДД:

личностные: становление адекватной самооценки обучающихся, формирование умения ставить перед собой учебные цели, становление осознанной положительной учебной мотивации, умение корректировать цель в зависимости от результатов деятельности.

познавательные: работа с информацией, осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания с использованием опоры на проект, осознанное и произвольное построение диалогического речевого высказывания с использованием плана, установление причинно-следственных связей.

регулятивные: умение принимать и сохранять учебную задачу, самостоятельно планировать свои действия, адекватно воспринимать оценку учителя.

коммуникативные: умение вести диалог в процессе фронтальной работы, умение работать в паре, уметь с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации; планировать учебное сотрудничество с учителем и сверстниками.

План урока:

I. Организационная часть.

Приветствие. Пожелание успешной работы.

Учитель: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? Let's start our lesson. I wish you successful work. What should you do for it? What is your home-task?

II. Подготовка к восприятию темы урока.

2.1. Фонетическая разминка:

Listen and repeat (проговаривание изученных слов по теме за носителем языка посредством курса «Speak English»): travel agency, insurance, youth hostel, tent, cottage, accommodation, self-catering, B&B, half board, full board, sightseeing tour, package holiday, city break, backpacking, cruise, wildlife safari, long week-end, beach resort, campsite, holidaymaker.

2.2. Проверка домашнего задания:

Please, play the dialogues (диалоги по теме посредством курса «Speak English», track №1).

Dialogue №1:

Mary: - Peter, in what type of place do you want to stay in Britain?

Peter: - I think, hotels are best.

Mary: - Yes, they are, but they are also quite expensive, aren't they?

Peter: - Well, that's true. But I don't want to stay in campsites.

Mary: - Well, what about youth hostels? They are comfortable and cheap.

Peter: - That's a good idea. And we can use the kitchens in hostels to cook for ourselves.

Mary: - And save some money. Eating in restaurants is rather expensive, too.

Peter: - OK. We'll see what the others think.

Dialogue №2:

Jim: - Peter thinks we should stay in hotels, but they are very expensive in Britain.

Alice: - Yes, they are. I think bed and breakfasts will be better.

Jim: - I agree. You don't have to take a tent and cook over an open fire like it do in


Alice: - That's right. Bed and breakfasts are comfortable enough and they are quite cheap.

Jim: - And you can find bed and breakfasts in most cities and towns.

Alice: - So, we have to arrange the accommodation in advance.

Jim: - I don't think it's necessary.

Alice: Good I hope Phil doesn't want to go camping.

Dialogue №3:

Meg: - Have you thought about accommodation in Britain?

Phil: - Yes, I have. I'd prefer camping.

Meg: - Camping? Why?

Phil: - Well, it's romantic. You can admire the beauty of the countryside, cook on an open fire…And it's cheap as well.

Meg: - But it's so uncomfortable! And this is a holiday, Phil!

Phil: - All right. So what do you suggest?

Meg: - Cheap hotels. We can book them in advance.

Phil: - All right, if we have enough money, we can stay in hotels. But I'm afraid the others won't agree.

2.3. Аудирование по теме:

Учитель: Peter and Mary want to stay in youth hostels. Jim and Alice choose bed and breakfasts. Phil and Meg want to stay in cheap hotels. Listen and answer: where did the friends decide to stay in Britain at last? (Прослушайте и ответьте, где друзья решили остановиться? курс «Speak English», track №7).

Dialogue №4:

Meg: - Phil and I think we should stay in cheap hotels.

Alice: - But Meg, if in cheap hotels is still quite expensive in Britain?

Jim: - Alice and I suggest bed and breakfasts. They are comfortable and cheap.

Peter: - We've thought youth hostels will be better. They are similar bed and breakfasts, I think.

Mary: - The advantage of hostels is you can cook for yourself.

Jim: - Yes, you're all right. So what do you think, Meg?

Meg: - Youth hostels sound fine. We can stay in hotels next time.

Phil: - Good. I'll find out the details on the internet then.

Ученик: The friends decided to stay in youth hostels.

Учитель: Why did they decide so?

Ученик: Youth hostels are comfortable and cheap.

Ученик: In youth hostels you can cook for yourself.

Учитель: And where would you stay? Why? (обсуждение вопроса).

III. Формулировка обучающимися проблемы урока.

Учитель: How do you think, what the theme of our lesson?

Ученик: The theme of our lesson is «Travelling».

Учитель: All right. We are talking about travelling and we are going to perfect our speech on this theme.

IV. Открытие нового знания.

Учитель: Today, we are travelling throughout the Golden Ring of Russia. Let's present your mediaprojects. (Представление обучающимися мультимедийных продуктов по теме «Золотое Кольцо России», заполнение таблицы: город, эмблема города, его шедевры). (Слайды 1,2)

The Golden Ring of Russia (Слайд 3)

A popular tourist route that includes ancient Russian towns and cities: Moscow, Troitse-Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Palekh, Suzdal and Vladimir comprise the region known as the Golden Ring of Russia.

Troitse-Sergiev Posad (Слайд 4)

Troiste-Sergiev Rosad is an ancient town in the Moscow region that is known for the Lavra. The town has been known since 1340 and it is the part of the Golden Ring of Russia. (Слайд 5,6)

The Lavra is an old Russian monastery that was founded by Sergiy Radonezhsky in the mid-fourteenth century. It is an important religious center of the Russian Church.

Troiste-Sergiev Rosad is famous for:

  • the unique museum of ancient paintings and folk art;

  • the old Russian Monastery -the Lavra;

  • the magnificent cathedrals in the Lavra;

  • folk songs.

The emblem of the town is the white cathedral on the blue ground. (Слайд 7)

Учитель: What is the emblem of Troiste-Sergiev Rosad?

Ученик: The emblem of the town is the white cathedral on the blue ground.

Учитель: What is Troiste-Sergiev Rosad famous for?

Ученик: Troiste-Sergiev Rosad is famous for the unique museum of ancient paintings and folk art, the old Russian monastery -the Lavra, folk songs.

Учитель: Now, write down the name of the town, its emblem and its masterpieces.

Pereslavl-Zalessky (Слайд 8)

The emblem of the town is the lion-king on red ground and two fishes on the black ground.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is an ancient Russian town in the Yaroslavl region that was founded in 1153. The town is the part of the Golden Ring of Russia. Peter the First often visited Pereslavl -Zalessky because he built boats of the first Russian fleet on the Lake Pleshcheyevo near the town. (Слайд 9)

Pereslavl-Zalessky is famous for:

  • the Botik (small boat) museum which chronicles the history of the first Russian fleet and keeps one of the original model boats;

  • ancient churches;

  • unique wooden sculptures;

  • the music of the bells. (Слайд 10)

Pereslavl-Zalessky is famous for its historic buildings, including:

  • the white stone Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral;

  • the Metropolitan Peter's Church;

  • the Troitse-Danilov Monastery;

  • the Nikitsky Monastery;

  • the Feodorovsky Monastery;

  • the Goritsky Monastery. (Слайд 11)

Учитель: What is the emblem of Pereslavl-Zalessky?

Ученик: The emblem of the town is the lion-king on red ground and two fishes on the black ground.

Учитель: What is Pereslavl-Zalessky famous for?

Ученик: Pereslavl-Zalessky is famous for its historic buildings: the white stone Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, the Metropolitan Peter's Church, the Troitse-Danilov Monastery, the Nikitsky Monastery, the Feodorovsky Monastery, the Goritsky Monastery.

Учитель: Now, write down the name of the town, its emblem and its masterpieces.

Rostov the Great (Слайд 12)

The emblem of the town is the white deer on the red ground.

Rostov the Great is an ancient Russian town in the Yaroslavl region that has been known since 862. The town is the part of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is famous for its ancient churches, the Kremlin and museums. (Слайд 13)

Rostov the Great is famous for:

  • the Rostov Kremlin;

  • the Assumption Cathedral;

  • the Spasko-Yakovlevsky Monastery;

  • the Rostov museum;

  • the museum of Rostov enamel;

  • the museum of Russian icons;

  • the Avraamievsky Monastery;

  • the Saint Jonh's Divine wooden Church on the Ishna river;

  • the Troistco-Sergiev Varnezhky Monastery;

  • the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery. (Слайд 14,15)

Учитель: What is the emblem of Rostov the Great?

Ученик: The emblem of the town is the white deer on the red ground.

Учитель: What is Rostov the Great famous for?

Ученик: Rostov the Great is famous for the Rostov Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral, the Spasko-Yakovlevsky Monastery, the Rostov museum, the museum of Rostov enamel, the museum of Russian icons, the Avraamievsky Monastery, the Saint Jonh's Divine wooden church on the Ishna river, the Troistco-Sergiev Varnezhky Monastery, the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery.

Учитель: Now, write down the name of the town, its emblem and its masterpieces.

Yaroslavl (Слайд 16)

The emblem of town is the bear with an axe on the blue ground.

Yaroslavl is an ancient Russian city on the Volga River. According to the legend it was founded in 1010 and it has been known since 1071. The city is the part of the Golden Ring of Russia. (Слайд 17)

Yaroslavl is famous for:

  • the museum of ValentinaTereshkova, the first woman-cosmonaut;

  • the Epiphany Church;

  • the Ilia the Prophet's Church;

  • the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral;

  • the Saint Gates;

  • the Spassky Monastery. (Слайд 18)

Учитель: What is the emblem of Yaroslavl?

Ученик: The emblem of the town is the bear with an axe on the blue ground.

Учитель: What is Yaroslavl famous for?

Ученик: Yaroslavl is famous for the museum of ValentinaTereshkova, the Epiphany Church, the Ilia the Prophet's Church, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, the Saint Gates, the Spassky Monastery.

Учитель: Now, write down the name of the town, its emblem and its masterpieces.

Kostroma (Слайд 19)

The emblem of the town is the yellow boat on the blue river.

Kostroma is the center of the Kostroma region and is located 340 kilometers north-east of Moscow. Kostroma was founded in 1152 by Yury Dolgoruky, where the Kostroma river meets the Volga river. The town is the part of the Golden Ring of Russia. (Слайд 20)

The nicest thing to do in Kostroma is to walk along quiet central streets with trading arcades and wooden houses. Kostroma is famous for:

  • the Saint Ipathy's Monastery, the main architecture and historical attraction of the town;

  • the museum of wooden architecture, that can be interesting if you want to see old Russian izbas (wooden houses) and churches;

  • the Ressurection Church of Kostroma, which is the superb example of the 17-th century Russian art. (Слайд 21,22)

Учитель: What is the emblem of Kostroma?

Ученик: The emblem of the town is the yellow boat on the blue river.

Учитель: What is Kostroma famous for?

Ученик: Kostroma is famous for the Saint Ipathy's Monastery, the museum of wooden architecture, the Ressurection Church of Kostroma.

Учитель: Now, write down the name of the town, its emblem and its masterpieces.

Palekh (Слайд 23)

The emblem of town is the fire-bird on the black ground.

The unbelievable colourful art of Palekh is known in all countries of the world. The elegant black-lacquered art pieces represent the heroes of Russian folklore-the amazing fire-birds and the gold-manned troikas. The Palekh miniatures usually represent characters from real life, literary works, fairy tales and songs. The art of Palekh miniatures expresses the true national character. Many examples of Palekh art have received recognition at international exhibitions and have become world-known. The town is the part of the Golden Ring of Russia. (Слайд 24,25)

Учитель: What is the emblem of Palekh?

Ученик: The emblem of the town is the fire-bird on the black ground.

Учитель: What is Palekh famous for?

Ученик: Palekh is famous for its unbelievable colourful art of miniatures.

Учитель: Now, write down the name of the town, its emblem and its masterpieces.

Suzdal (Слайд 26)

Suzdal is a small town in the Vladimir region and is located 210 kilometers north-east of Moscow. It is one of the main orthodox church religious centers in Russia and one of the most ancient Russian towns. The town is the part of the Golden Ring of Russia.

The emblem of town is the fire-bird on the red-blue ground.

Suzdal is a picturesque green town, where you can at the same time feel the Russian country life and enjoy walks around fairy tale dome convents. Inside Suzdal the atmosphere is as if nothing had changed since the nineteenth century: goats, chicken and cows graze freely near the Kremlin and monasteries. (Слайд 27) Suzdal is famous for:

  • the Saint Euthymius' Monastery;

  • the Transfiguration Cathedral;

  • the Belfry. (Слайд 28)

Учитель: What is the emblem of Suzdal?

Ученик: The emblem of the town is the fire-bird on the red-blue ground.

Учитель: What is Suzdal famous for?

Ученик: Suzdal is famous for the Saint Euthymius' Monastery, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Belfry.

Учитель: Now, write down the name of the town, its emblem and its masterpieces.

Vladimir (Слайд 29)

The emblem of town is the lion-king on the red ground.

Vladimir is the center of the Vladimir region and is located 179 kilometers east of Moscow. It lies on the shore of the Klyazma river. Vladimir is one of the oldest Russian cities, was first mentioned in 1108, when the prince of the Rostov-Suzdal land Vladimir Monomakh decided to fortify the shores of the Klyazma river and founded a town at the place of a small village, giving it his name. The town is the part of the Golden Ring of Russia. (Слайд 30)

Vladimir is famous for:

  • the Golden Gate;

  • the main Sobornaya Square;

  • the Saint Dimitry's and Assumption Cathedrals. (Слайд 31, 32)

Учитель: What is the emblem of Vladimir?

Ученик: The emblem of the town is the lion-king on the red ground.

Учитель: What is Vladimir famous for?

Ученик: Vladimir is famous for the Golden Gate, the main Sobornaya Square, the Saint Dimitry's and Assumption Cathedrals.

Учитель: Now, write down the name of the town, its emblem and its masterpieces.

V. Первичное закрепление знаний.

Учитель: Let's make a summary. Подведем итог нашего путешествия (учитель пишет на доске the Golden Ring of Russia, дает задания группам: подобрать прилагательные, глаголы, ассоциации, характеризующие «Золотое Кольцо России»). Give me some adjectives about the Golden Ring of Russia. Подберите прилагательные, характеризующие «Золотое Кольцо России».

Ученики (1 группа): Wonderful, beautiful, amazing, famous, nice, glorious, splendid, known

(учитель пишет на доске 2 прилагательных).

Учитель: What does the Golden Ring of Russia mean for our country? Что значит «Золотое Кольцо» для нашей страны?

Ученики (2 группа): Amazes, makes famous, makes glorious, glorifies, attracts attention, adorns (учитель пишет на доске 3 глагола).

Учитель: What is your opinion about the Golden Ring of Russia? What is your attitude to it? Каково ваше отношение к «Золотому Кольцу России»?

Ученики (3 группа): I'm proud of it; I would like to visit it; I like it! (учитель записывает одно из высказываний).

Учитель: What is your association with the Golden Ring of Russia? С каким словом ассоциируется «Золотое Кольцо России»?

Ученики (4 группа): Masterpiece, glory, beauty, fame, wonderland, wonder-work.

Учитель: We've made the cinquain about the Golden Ring of Russia. Мы составили синквейн o «Золотом Кольце России»:

The Golden Ring of Russia

Wonderful, famous

Amazes, glorifies, attracts attention

We are proud of the Golden Ring of Russia


VI. Домашнее задание.

Учитель: Your hometask is to talk about one of the towns of the Golden Ring of Russia.

VII. Подведение итогов.

7.1.Подведение итогов урока:

Учитель: Let's make a summary of our lesson. What have you known today?

Ученики: Today we have known the towns of the Golden Ring of Russia. We have known the emblems of these towns. We have known the masterpieces of these towns.

Учитель: What have you learnt at our lesson?

Ученики: We have learnt to answer the question. We have learnt to listen and understand the English speech. We have learnt to present our mediaprojects.

Учитель: What have you made at our lesson?

Ученик: We have made the cinquain about the Golden Ring of Russia.

7.2. Выставление отметок:

Учитель: Now, your notes for the lesson.


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