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  • КВН по английскому языку(6 класс)

КВН по английскому языку(6 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

КВН (6-ой Класс)

Good afternoon.

Dear boys and girls! Ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see you here. I hope you are ready for the game. (Перевод)

Тема : «We learn English»

The theme of today's game. We learn English.

Основная задача нашей игры - показать насколько хорошо вы владеете изученным раннее материалом; повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.

We want each to win. We wish you will be lucky. (Перевод)

  1. Now please present your team (Представьте команды)

The maxim points are 3.

Thank you . We've just seen the presentation of two team.

The jury, please.

  1. 1) I declare the begining of the first tour. The rules of this tour are each team has to say as much works as it remembers which belong to the name of clothes. (Перевод)

Max point - 4.

Blouse Jeanes

Boots Jacket

Cap Mittens

Coat Raincoat

Dress Scirt

Gloves Sweater Shorts

Hat Shirt Socks





  1. The numbers of the teams must came to the blackboard one after another and write three forms of irregular verbs. (Перевод)

Max point - 4.

Go Do

Come Build

Bring Know

Take See

Speak Tell





Загадки. (По 1 баллу за каждую отгаданную загадку.)

  1. What am I?

The teacher writes on me with chalk, my face is black, I cannot talk.

(a blackboard)

  1. What is it?

It can tell you all the day:

Time to sleep and time to play. (The clock)

  1. What season is it?

This is the season,

When days are cool,

When we eat apples

And go to school. (Autumn)

  1. How many flowers?

How many flowers do you see?

How many flowers do you see?

Eight in Bobby's hands

Eight in Nelly's hands

How many flowers do you see? (16)

  1. What am I? 6. What am I?

I'm black, I don't know

And rad and blue The ABC,

I draw a picture But I'm writing

For you. (a pencil) As you can see. (a pen)

7. What is it?

I come wot cold and snow

But you like me and know. (winter)

Если останется время - вопросы 1, 2, 12, 14, 16.

  1. Подобрать рифму. Max point - 3.

Blouse - trousers long - wrong

Pig - big shirt - skirt

</ Right - night ear - near

Eye - my taught - bought

Farm - arm chair - where

  1. Ребусы - отгадывает вся команда

(По 1 баллу за каждый отгаданный ребус.)

  1. Конкурс капитанов. Max point - 5.

Let's have a talk (Задавать обоим)

1) What's your name?

2) How are you?

3) How old are you?

4) Where do you live?

5) What's your mother's name?

6) What's the weather like today?

7) Is it rainy/sunny/snowing?

8) What's your favourite kind of sport?

9) What are you wearing now?

  1. Ребус со змеей. Max point - 4.

You should make as many words as you can.

Игра со зрителями.


Who is it? Try to guess! He has a long nose, a bekg mouth, he wears a red jacket, a blue trousers and red with white cross cap. He is joly, he has many friends. Everybody knows him.


He is a boy. He is not wearing clothes. He lives with animals in the forest.

(Крас. Шапочка)

She lives with her mother. She has a grandmother. She is wearing a skirt, a blouse and a red hat.


He is not wearing any clothes. He has a grandmother and a grandfather. He has no hands or legs.


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