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  • Сценарий Рождества 'Christmas' для 6 класса

Сценарий Рождества 'Christmas' для 6 класса

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Сценарий новогодней сказки на английском языке "When Christmas comes"

Учитель английского языка: Дзгоева Замира Абосовна

Christmas Greeting:

1. We wish you a merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!

2. With Christmas Greeting
And all Good wishes for the New Year!

3. Hoping Christmas brings
All your favopurite thing
Happy Holidays!

4. Season's greetings and best wishes
For the New Year!

5. When you make up Christmas morning
Hope you find beneath the tree
So many lovely presents
You'el be happy as can be!

6. Remembebering you at Christmas
With a cheery note to say -
May you spend the festive season
In a most delightful way!

A poem "Many things"

1. I love Christmas for many things
Trees, candles, angel wings,
Stars in the heavens
Snow covered hills
Little toy trains
Dolls in their frills

2. I love Christmas
But most of all
I look forward to a heighbour's call
I friendly chat, a cup of tea
Love in the home
Means Christmas Tome.

Перевод: Я люблю Рождество по различным причинам:

Из-за елок, свечей, ангелов,
Звезды сияют на небе
Снегом покрыты холмы
Маленькие игрушечные поезда
Куклы в красивых нарядах.
Я люблю Рождество больше всех праздников
Я с нетерпением жду звонка соседей
Дружеские разговоры за чашечкой чая
Любовь и мир в доме
Все это и есть в моем понимании Рождество.

1) В Британии Рождество отмечают 25 декабря. В исторических документах говорят, что британцы в древности начинали год с 25 декабря и рождественскую ночь называли "Mother night"(ночь матери) В 1644г. английские пуритане запретили этот праздник, назвав его языческим. Но в годы правления короля Чарльза II (1660-1689) этот праздник - Cristmas - был восстановлен и с тех пор ежегодно празднуется в этой стране.

2) В Рождественские дни во всех церквях проходит рождественское богослужение, сопровождаемое пением гимнов (Cristmas carols), с отрывками из Библии. Часто церковные певчие исполняют песни на улицах и собирают деньги на благотворительные дела.

When Christmas comes!!!

A girl is sitting in an armchair and reading a book of fairy-tales.

Her mother calls her.

Mother: Stop reading books, dear. Christmas is coming. Help me to lay the table, please.

Girl: Just a moment, Mum. It's my favourite tale. I wish I were there in the fairy-tale.

Music. Lights go down.

Girl is looking around her with great interest.

Girl: Where am I? I can't believe my eyes. Is it a fairy-tale? Oh, it's cold here. Where shall I go?

A white rabbit appears on the stage. He is in a hurry. He is looking at his phone and taking it in and out of his waistcoat.

Rabbit: Oh, dear, oh dear! I'll be too late!

Girl: What? A rabbit with a phone? Of course, I'm in a tale. Mister Rabbit, wait for me, please!

Queen's palace. (slide "Palace")

The Queen is sitting at the desk. There is a blackboard near the desk. Rabbit comes through the gates and runs into the palace. The girl enters and hides nearby.

Rabbit: Good morning, Your Majesty! I am on time (bows). Let's start our lesson. May I ask you to write down four verbs?

Queen: All right. Dictate!



Chancellor comes.

Chancellor: Good morning, Your Majesty! May I ask you to put Your signature?

Queen: And what shall I write?

Chancellor: Either "execute" or "forgiveness".

Queen (counts): E-xe-cu-te, for-gi-ve-ness. I shall write "execute" - it is shorter.

Girl comes out: Stop it! What have you written?

Queen: Who are you? How dare you speak to me like this? I am your Queen.

Girl: You executed a person and didn't think about him!

Queen: But I can't write and think at the same time!

Girl: It isn't necessary. First you should think and then you should write.

Queen: If I do that, I shall think and think and think and then I'll go mad.

Girl: Nonsense! And besides, you are not my Queen. I am not from here. I am from England.

Queen: England? Where is it?

Girl: Do you study at school? You don't know Geography at all.

Queen: And I know Biology very well.

Girl: Then answer, when do snowdrops appear in the forest?

Rabbit whispers: In April.

Queen: Snowdrops? Of course, in December,

because snow falls in December.

Girl: You are wrong. It's impossible. Snowdrops blossom in April.

Queen: OK. I want April now. I like snowdrops very much.

It's Christmas. I want to have snowdrops for this party. Bring me snowdrops, snowdrops or I execute you!!!

Rabbit: Who helps us?

Girl: Santa Clause

Rabbit: Let's go this way. Santa Clause lives here. I hope he can help us.

Mr.Rabbit and Russian girl are asking the children to call Santa Clause.

A song : Santa Clause is coming to town

Santa Claus is picking up his bag.

Russian girl: Dear Santa! Help us we have to bring snowdrops to the Queen or she will execute us!

Santa:Oh. Let me see. A new nose for Rudolf, a teddy for girl, toy-rabbit for rabbit and a basket of snowdrops for the Queen. What else?

Russian girl: Thank you!

Santa: Christmas has come!

Song "We wish you a Merry Christmas…" (All participants).

We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year!

We all know that Santa's coming

We all know that Santa's coming

We all know that Santa's coming

And soon he'll be here


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