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- Lesson plan 8 grade
Lesson plan 8 grade
Short term plan
LESSON: Natural Disasters
School: Secondary school of Nagarashy
Date: 01.10.2016
Teacher name: Kaskarbayeva T.N.
Number present:
Learning objectives(s)
Content 10.C1use speaking and listening skills to solve problems
that this lesson is
creatively and cooperatively in groups
contributing to
Language 10.S7use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and
syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics, and some
curricular topics
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
understand most specific information and detail of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
give an opinion at sentence level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics
Most learners will be able to:
understand more complex supported questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics
keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics
organise and present information clearly to others
respect differing points of view
Some learners will be able to:
use talk as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world
communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during pair, group and whole class exchanges
Previous learning
In the previous unit, learners developed listening and speaking
skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups
while discussing TV programmes and films.
Planned activities (replace the notes below with
your planned activities)
4 minutes
Learners look at the six scanned images (A - F) of
Scanned images of
natural disasters on the board. Find out what they
six natural
know about the content of the images then write
disasters from
'natural disasters' on board. Elicit or pre-teach
page 54 of English
volcano, tsunami, earthquake, flood and hurricane,
in Mind Learner's
write them on board marking main stress so
Book 2 projected
learners pronounce words correctly before
on board.
6 minutes
matching words to images.
Ask which picture is the odd one out and why.
Accept a variety of answers e.g. picture E: The
flood is the odd one out because there are people
in the picture. Lead them to F: nuclear explosion
because it is not a natural disaster. Learners in
small groups decide 1) which words look similar to
Kazakh and Russian (tsunami) and which look
different 2) which words sound similar to Kazakh
and Russian and which are different. Find out if
they know which natural disaster has different
names in English. (hurricane = typhoon and
cyclone depending on the ocean where it occurs)
Does a hurricane have different names in Kazakh
and Russian?
Learners look at world map projected on board
Map of world
projected on board
10-15 minutes
from website. Ask questions about what it shows,
showing areas with
scroll over some places marked on map and read
natural disasters:
aloud facts about natural disasters. Which areas of
the world have most natural disasters? Which are
disasters they learned about at the start of the
lesson and which are different? e.g. sand storms
15-21 minutes
Write 800, 26.5, 10 and 1500 on the board. Explain
you will read four sentences aloud. In pairs,
learners agree which number goes into the gaps. 1.
There are more than _____ active volcanoes in the
world. 2. Tsunamis can go as fast as ____ km an
hour. 3. Hurricanes happen when temperatures are
Sentences adapted
____ degrees C. 4. ____ % of the world's
from Task 3 on
population live near active volcanoes. Read
web link
21-28 minutes
sentences again then check answers. 1. 1500 2.
800 3. 26.5 4. 10. Which is the most surprising
Find out if learners have read or written part of a
Opinion adapted
from Task 4 on
blog on the Internet. Explain people write
web link above.
messages on blogs to give their opinions. Put
learners in groups. They appoint one learner to
report back ideas; one to write down words used in
28-32 minutes
the L1; one to say how good their use of English is;
a timekeeper. Write on board: 'Natural disasters
happen in other countries so we can't help the
32-35 minutes
people who live there.' Do they only happen in
other countries? Can they help? Do they agree with
the opinion or not? Give 5 minutes for discussion.
Learners from each group report back ideas, their