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  • Разработка урока - Has your leg ever hurt

Разработка урока - Has your leg ever hurt

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Ход урока.

Этапы и время

Деятельность учителя на уроке.

Методы и приёмы

Средства обучения

Эталон ответа ученика


1. Орг. момент.

2 минуты

2. Речевая зарядка, знакомство, сообщение цели урока.

6 минут

2 минуты

3. Проверка домашнего задания.

4 минут

4. Основной этап.

4 минуты

8 минут

3 минуты

3 минуты

4 минуты

3 минуты

5. Инструктаж о д.з.

1 минута

6 Итог.

2 минуты

Good afternoon. Sit down, please. Who can say to me what date is today? Very good. And who can write it down on the blackboard? Thank you!

Well, who are absent?


Today we are going to speak about the illnesses, but at first, I think, I should introduce myself. My name is Tarkhova Xenia Valerievna. I study at college of Education. It's my last year and I'll go to work at school. I will teach the children English language. I like traveling, going for a walk, reading and writing short stories a lot.

Do you understand me?

Great. And now I want you to say some worlds about yourself. Do you understand?

Who wants to be the first?

What is your name. How old are you and what do you like?

Nice of you. Who wants to be the next?

Thank you very much. I'm glad to see all of you.

Now, let's revise the poem. You can see it on the blackboard.

Repeat after me, please. Do you understand? Well. Work in chorus. Three, four.

Let's check your home task. What is your home task? Who can say?

Very good. Are you ready?

Now show me now you are ready with your home task.

Ok. If somebody is not ready he or she should do it to the next lesson. It's very important. Do you understand?

Open your students book at page 59. Find the name of the illnesses. Repeat after me

  • a toothache

  • a headache

  • a stomachache

  • a backache

  • a cold

  • the flu

Very good. And what about translation? Let's translate.

- зубная боль;

- головная боль;

- боль в животе;

- боль в спине;

- простуда;

- грипп.

Write them down in your copy/exercises books.

Good job. Pay attention to the preposition. Usually we use the name of illnesses without preposition, but this name of illnesses are the exception. You must remember them.

Look at all this words. Could you find smth. the same in every word? Yes. It is the part of the world "ache". It means - боль. How do we build this world? Clever of you.

Вы помните, как образуется Настоящее Завершённое время? Правильно. С помощью вспомогательного глагола have/has и прибавления к основному глаголу окончания ed. Как вы помните, have мы используем с местоимениями:

  • you

  • I

  • we

  • they

а has с местоимениями

- he

- she

- it

Мы используем Настоящее Завершённое время, когда действие выполнено в прошлом, но мы видим результат сейчас.

Или, когда нет точных указаний на время и место действия.

I have read the book.

She broke the window.

Do you understand? Nice.

Look at the blackboard. You can see the example:

  • Have you ever had a cold?

  • Yes, I have/ No, I haven't

Work in pairs. Ask each other about all this illnesses.

Вам понятно? Спросите друг друга по образцу обо всех этих болезнях. Подставляйте вместо cold другие болезни. Затем поменяйтесь. Я пройду и послушаю каждого.

You are very clever boys and girls.

Let's revise irregular verbs. For the first time we do it all together.

Look at the backboard.

Become- became










Say the third form of this verbs.

I give you a sheets of paper. Use the blackboard and write two forms of this verbs. Do you understand?

Now let's rives some words. I show you the picture, and you say what it is. Clear?

Very good. Open your diaries and write you home task down. Your home task is to learn this worlds.

Thank you for your work. I think I'll give you mark……………….

Do you agree with me?

Well, you may be free, good bye.
















Наглядный материал

Дети садятся

It's the first of October.

I can do it.

All the students are present.


Дети рассказывают о себе.


I want.

My name is… I'm… I like to…

I want.

Повторяют стихотворение за учителем хором.


Рассказывают о том, что было задано на дом.

The home task is…

Yes, we are ready.

Читают и переводят текст.



Размышляют о школе.


Yes, we agree… No, we don't agree…

I think that a progressive school …



Разбирают правила


The pupils wrote…

The teachers wrote…


I think….

Разбирают правила.

Дописывают цепочку слов.

Работают со словами самостоятельно

Повторяют слова.

Записывают д.з.


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