- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 9 классе 'Остерегайся незнакомцев в интернете'
Урок английского языка в 9 классе 'Остерегайся незнакомцев в интернете'
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План -конспект урока в рамках недели интернет-безопасности
«Stranger danger of the net»
(Остерегайся незнакомцев в интернете)
Урок в 9 классе. Учебник Кузовлева В.П.Английский язык 9 класс.:учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. Учитель английского языка: Беляева Светлана Александровна
социокультурный аспект - знакомство с мнениями британских, американских , российских подростков по поводу безопасного использования Интернета; привитие навыков безопасного использования сети Интернет.
развивающий аспект - развитие способностей к анализу, соотнесению, сравнению, обобщению и систематизации, оценке и аргументации; развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания, к формулированию выводов,к пониманию чужого мнения и выражению собственного мнения;
воспитательный аспект - формирование потребности и способности к критическому мышлению, пониманию чужой точки зрения на проблемы, связанные с безопасным использованием Интернета;
учебный аспект - совершенствование речевых навыков;
сопутствующая задача: развитие умения читать и аудировать с полным пониманием .
Методы и формы обучения: словесный ,практический, частично-поисковый, проблемный, метод мотивации интереса, обмен мнениями, информацией
Ход урока
I. Начало урока. Оргмомент. Приветствие.Good morning, dear boys and girls! We. pupils of the 11 form, are your teachers today. We have prepared some materials about the theme of the lesson. Look at the picture and say: What is the theme of our lesson today.
Слайд №1.
II. Аудирование.
Далее учащиеся слушают тексты..(В роли Теда, Бена, Сью выступают ученики 11 класса)Дети отвечают на вопрос: какие аргументы высказывают дети за и против интернета.(Тексты для аудирования упр.1стр8 учебник английского языка)
People say that you can find everything only on the Internet, but you can find just as much in books, magazines or on the TV. Maybe the Internet is better for information but it's hard to tell whether it's actually true. It's great to do homework on the Internet and to get information, but the TV, the radio, magazines and newspapers can also help you. Some people haven't got personal computers and do not know how to work on them. As for entertainment, the television is much better! You just can't beat a good TV show or a film. I love my telly andI couldn't live without it. There's so much on - there's comedy, news.
Учащиеся самостоятельно в течение 3-4 минут строят высказывания о том, почему они предпочитают выбирать интернет больше
Подходящие аргументы они выбирают из высказываний Теда, Бена и Сью.
(Учащиеся читают тексты из журнала "Speak Out.Hot issues".Издательство Глосса-Пресс.стр54-55. Технология"Jigsaw reading"(перекрестное чтение. 1)Учащиеся делятся на первоначальные группы (Home groups), каждый читает свой текст А,В или С. заполняют таблицу по тексту, готовится к краткому пересказу прочитанного Затем объединяются в экспертные группы (expert groups).Все, кто читал текст А в одну группу, текст В в другую группу, текст С в 3 группу. В данных группах дети обсуждают прочитанное, передают краткое содержание прочитанного , проверяют заполнение таблицы в которых учащиеся читали разные тексты ,обсуждают тесты и проверяют заполнение таблицы.
На данном этапе учащиеся несут ответственность за то, чтобы каждый член экспертной группы был подготовлен для последующей работы, т.е. более подготовленные учащиеся помогают менее подготовленным учащимся понять содержание текста и помогают заполнить таблицу для данного текста.
2) Дети возвращаются в первоначальные группы из 3 человек.Цель работы на данном этапе- каждый учащийся должен не только познакомить других членов группы с содержанием своего текста, но и помочь им осознать основное содержание. Каждый член группы пересказывает свой текст.
3) Заключительным этапом работы является коллективное обсуждение прочитанных текстов.
Тексты для чтения.
Текст А
Was 13 years old when she fell in love with someone she "met" on the Internet.He said that he was 15 and his name was Jonny.
"We talked about everything-pop groups, TV programmers, boy-girl stuff. That's how it started," Georgie remembers.
They exchanged photographs: he sent her a photograph that showed the top part of his head, and a little bit of his eyes. He told her it was like that because he had a problem with his computer.
They ended up talking on the phone and very soon he asked her out on a date.Luckily, Georgie's mother insisted on going with her.She hid behind a big poster and watched what happened. Young Jonny turned out to be a 47-year-old man.
When I saw him, I didn't know what to think? Because I was shocked."Georgie says:" I thought it was maybe his dad or something. I was scared as well. Then my mum came over and spoke to him. She told him to go"
It took Georgie a few weeks to get over the shock.I t was her first love, and no first love should be like this.
Текст В
14-years-old Linda T., from California wasn't so lucky. Her online friend, who claimed to be 16, turned out to be 49-year old man with a criminal record. He lured her to his flat and kept her there for a week. "It was hell, » Linda says. The man was arrested and jailed, but Linda's saga didn't' end there. In the following years, she learned who her friends really were and fought her way back from severe depression and bouts of shame and guilt. "Now ,looking back, I can see that there were some warning signs that there might be some sort of problem. But I ignored them", she admits. She hardly goes to chat rooms at all now: "There's one friend I talk to on-line, but mostly I just use e-mails. And I wouldn't arrange to meet anybody, ever. You don't have to go on the Internet to meet people.
Текст С
On March 18th, Angela M., left her house wearing her best suit and trendy shoes. She had told her best friends and co-workers she was meeting her on-line friends for the first time, and that was the last anyone saw of her. Angela had been missing for two weeks when the police found her body in the woods. Now the police are studying her home computer for clues that could lead to her on-line friend.
Учащиеся заполняют таблицу (на английском языке)
What has happened?
Что случилось?
Who did helped?
Кто помог?
15 летний друг оказался 47 летним мужчиной
Идя на свидание с он-лайн другом, необходимо рассказать своим близким друзьям или родственникам
16 летний друг оказался 49 мужчиной с уголовным прошлым, который удерживал её в течение недели на квартире
Идя на свидание с он-лайн другом, необходимо рассказать своим близким друзьям или родственникам
Он-лайн друг убил её
Очень рискованно ходить с незнакомцем на свидание. Необходимо встречаться в общественных местах
IV.Анкетирование. После обсуждения прочитанных текстов учащиеся 11 класса проводят анкету «Безопасны ли для вас «прогулки» по Интернету?»
Слайд №2
You wouldn't walk up to a complete stranger in the street and start talking about your personal things, wouldn't you? Yet each day, thousand of young people go on line and give complete strangers detailed personal information. Most teenagers say they aren't worried about stranger danger. But they should.
Слайд №3
1.You've "met" someone in a chat room. Which information would you give about yourself? (
a) everything (or nearly everything) they ask for (for example, your full name, home address. telephone number)
b) only your first name or a nickname-and nothing else.
2. There's a someone in a chat room, saying she is 14 years old. Would you automatically believe she's a young girl?
a) probably yes b) no
3.You've been chatting online to someone for a while, and they suggest a meeting.What would you do?
a)agree immediately(or after having a telephone conversation)
b) tell your family and friends first, then arrange to meet in a public place and take someone
( your best friend) with you.
4.What's the best way to deal with abusive messages?
a) reply and complain
b) ignore them
5.If you visit a site which embarrasses you, what do you do?
a) share it with your friends
b) click on "Home" to leave that site immediately
6.Do you think it is safe to put your picture on the Internet?
b)very risky (the picture could be edited in an embarrassing way and sent to others on the web; you could also be traced by someone who might wish you harm)
7/What would you do if you got an e-mail from someone offering you a quick and safe way to earn money?
a)reply with your full details
b)ignore it and delete it
Слайд №4
Your score
Only 'b" answers:Well done.You are an experienced Internet-user. Share your experience with everyone around you/
Mostly "b" answers: you may know your way around the internet, but you need to pick up more tips before you're a Save Suffer/
Mostly "a" answers: Turn to the texts immediately and read "Stanger danger of the Net" about Linda,Angela,Georgie.
V.Ученик 11 класса представляются подростками из других стран и высказывают свои предположения по поводу того, почему дети много времени проводят в интернете..
I chat all the time. My friends and I do it because we're bored a lot.Natasha M., 15, Russia.
Chat rooms are great! You can talk to lots of people at the same time. You can exchange views and ideas. And you can make up so much about yourself..Jeremy B.17, UK
I manager to multi-task: I'm typing a history essay while I'm listening to music while I'm checking my e-mail while I'm following the banter in a chat room. John T.18, USA
But things about chat rooms are people who lie all the time. Like," Honest ,I'm 14". Except I'm a 55-year-old bald man named Malcolm.Jane S., 14, UK.
I've got a lot of Internet boyfriends. They sometimes ask me out, but I just say no because I think they are fake. Kate B.,15, Russia.
I find the Internet really useful with my school work and catching up with my friends…plus chat rooms are really fab way of making friends in different countries. But I don't give out where I live, except maybe the city. And I don't give out my name. my address, anything personal that would let people contact me anywhere except online NN., USA
I think "internet dating " is a load of rubbish! How can you say love someone when you don't even know them? I could say that I'm 14 when I'm really 40 or something. People lie all the time! It's so stupid how some people can be so gullible! Mark,16, USA.
VI. Говорение
Далее учащиеся 9 класса высказывают свои мнения по вопросам безопасного пользования интернетом.: Why do teens do it?
Учащиеся 11 класса предлагают девятиклассникам составить правила безопасного пользования интернетом:
"How not to have this happen to you"
Most chat users are normal, friendly people, but they are still strangers. People can pretend and they do pretend. Sometimes grown-ups might pretend to be a kid. So always remember Stanger Danger and be careful..
Take everything said in chat rooms lightly. After all you never know if what is being said is the truth or not.
Many people mistakenly think that they are completely anonymous while they are surfing the Net. They don't realize just how easy it is to link someone's address or online identity with a real person in the real world. So. Don't give out your surname, phone number, home address or school( college, university0 and any other personal information that can be used to track you down.
If you are asked for a screen name or need to use a name to play a game, use a nickname. Never use your real name.
Passwords are secret and should stay that way. Never tell anyone what is it. Try not to use names of family or pets as they are easy to guess. A mix of numbers and letters is best.
Beware of people who change their details many times. If they can't make up their minds who they are, how can they be trusted?
Meeting people you have chatted to over the Internet is extremely risky. Even when the date is arranged in public place or with friends accompanying, it can still be dangerous.
VIII.Подведение итогов.
1.Английский язык.9 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений. В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Пегегудова,и др.; Рос.акад.наук.,М.Просвещение,2009-272стр.
2.Speak out. Hot issues.Лучшие материалы, опубликованные в журнале «Speak out».Издательство ГЛОССА-ПРЕСС.