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  • Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку (4 класс).

Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку (4 класс).

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Дорогой друг!

Надеюсь, что задания будут тебе интересны и ты со всеми справишься, ведь ты уже многому научился на уроках английского языка.

Желаю тебе успеха!

1. Давай почитаем! Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.

Two Sisters

Winnie was six. She went to school. So she could read. Winnie took one of my books and began to read it. But Nancy did not go to school. She could not read. So she ran into the garden, picked apples and flowers, and when tea-time came, her hands were dirty and her face was dirty, and her dress was dirty, too.

Mother put a big cake on the table. She said to Winnie:

"Have some cake, Winnie."

"Thank you," said Winnie, and she took a little piece of cake.

But Nancy took a very big piece of cake. She liked cakes very much.

Надеюсь, рассказ понятен, теперь напиши TRUE, если предложение верно, FALSE, если оно не соответствует прочитанному, DOESN'T SAY, если об этом в рассказе не говорится.

  1. Winnie is a schoolgirl.

  2. Winnie likes to read.

  3. Nancy could read well.

  4. Mother put a small cake on the table.

  5. Nancy likes cakes very much.

2. Давай займемся грамматикой Думаю это интересно. Выбери и обведи правильное слово.

1. Nick to the theatre every Sunday.

  1. went

  2. will go

  3. goes

2. Tom usually coffee, but today he tea.

  1. drank... drank

  2. drinks ... is drinking

  3. drinks ... will drink

3. It tomorrow.

  1. won't rain

  2. isn't raining

  3. doesn't rain

4. Look! Betty! She the same dress as me.

  1. wears

  2. is wearing

с) will wear

3. А теперь вставь в пропуски слова: his, her, our, me, them, her, us. Одно слово лишнее!

  1. Please, give that book. It's on the table.

  2. We like English teacher. She is very kind to .

  3. Jane is very pretty. eyes are blue and hair is black.

4.1 don't know that man. What is name?

4. Составь вопросы и запиши их.

  1. Where / he / go / yesterday?

  2. WШкольный тур олимпиады по английскому языку (4 класс).hen / you / get up / in the morning?

  3. WШкольный тур олимпиады по английскому языку (4 класс).hat /can / you / see / in London?

  4. WШкольный тур олимпиады по английскому языку (4 класс).hat /usually/ she / buy / in the supermarket?

5 . Выбери и обведи нужное слово.

  1. MШкольный тур олимпиады по английскому языку (4 класс).y mother works at school. She is a (doctor/ teacher)

  2. There are a lot of small (cities / towns) in each country.

  3. Cross the street when the (traffic /traffic lights) is green.

  4. At the age of 25 he (began/ became) a famous writer.

6. Придумай рассказ сам. Закончи предложения и узнаешь многое о мальчике.

His name is . Не doesn't go to school on______________.

He has got a at home. He likes to play with___________ .

Sunday is a wonderful day in life.

He likes it!

Вот ты и справился со всеми заданиями. Молодец!

Надеюсь, что результат будет хороший. Ты набрал баллов.

Желаю дальнейших успехов!


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