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  • РОзробка сценарію інтелектуальної гри для 9-11 класів. Підходить для учнів із різним рівнем навченості

РОзробка сценарію інтелектуальної гри для 9-11 класів. Підходить для учнів із різним рівнем навченості

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- to develop students language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing;

- to improve skills of pronunciation;

- to stimulate students think and analyze;

- to develop their skills in giving opinions;

- to develop communicative skills;

- to foster the desire to read and get information in different branches of science, culture and social life;

- to broaden their outlook.

Equipment: notebook, multimedia projector, speakers, ppt, cards with questions, cards with letters, a board.


Teacher: Dear friends! We are happy to greet you at our intellectual game We'll find the smartest team! I hope it's your love to English that has made you come here. I am sure if you know a foreign language, you stand a step higher than other people because a new language is not simply the additional means of communication. It's a new unknown world, new culture, a thing that differs you from other people who haven't learned it yet.

The participants of the show will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of English and intelligence.



  1. Our team is called "Adventurers"

Our motto is "Fight, search , find and never give up!"

  1. "Friends"

"One for all & all for one!"

  1. "The smartest"

"Knowledge is power!"

Teacher: Our intellectual game consists of 6 rounds, and the teams will be able to get counters. But it will be a game of elimination. If the team gets over all rounds, it will become the winner.

So try to do your best! I wish you good luck!


(4 teams play)

The teams are asked the following questions in Ukrainian. (correct answer brings 1 counter)

Team 1

  1. Яка повна назва Великобританії?

  2. Назвіть ім'я француженки, яка жила два століття тому у Англії та робила воскові фігури і започаткувала галерею ізних. (Мадам Тюссо).

  3. Що таке double-decker?

  4. Назвіть символ Англії. (червона троянда)

  5. Який національний музичний інструмент шотландців?

  6. Хто автор книг про Гаррі Поттера?(Джоан Роулінг)

  7. Прапор якої частини Великобританії ви бачите? (Шотландія)

  8. Він був англійцем. Народився у 1564 році. Був письменником та актором (W. Shakespeare)

Team 2

  1. Под каким неофициальным названием известна Великобритания (Туманный Альбіон).

  2. Який головний овоч свята Хэллоуин (гарбуз).

  3. Із яких страв складається традиційна різдвяний обід? (Смажена індичка, різдвяний пуддінг).

  4. Що таке Big Ben? (колокол)

  5. Який символ Шотландії? (чортополох)

  6. Коли британці святкують День св. Валентина? (16 лютого)

  7. Прапор якої частини Великобританії ви бачите? (Англія)

  8. Він народився у Лондоні, жив у СШАю Був актором комедійного жанру.(Ch. Chaplin)

Team 3

  1. Старший син королеви Великобритании Єлизавети II, який носить титул принца Уельського. (Принц Чарльз).

  2. Назвіть два найбільші та найпопулярніші університети Британії(Кембридж, Оксфорд).

  3. Назвіть офіційну резиденцію британської королевської родини у Лондоні (Букінгемський палац).

  4. На якій річці розташований Лондон? (Темза)

  5. Прапор якої частини Великобританії ви бачите? (Північна Ірландія)

  6. Який символ Уельса?

  7. Коли британці святкують Різдво?

  8. Хто написав книгу про Віні-Пуха? (Алан Мілн)

Team 4

  1. Де мешкає легендарне чудовисько Шотландії (Озеро Лох-Несс).

  2. Із скількох частин складається країна Великобританія? (4)

  3. Назвіть дату проведення свята Хэллоуин (31 октября).

  4. Яка страшна подія відбулася у Лондоні у 1666 гоці? (Рік Великої пожежі).

  5. Він був шотландцем. Він написав пригодницький роман «Острів скарбів»( Robert Louis Stevenson

  6. Who is the head of Great Britain? ( The Queen.)

  7. Який символ Північної Ірландії? (лук-порей, нарцис)

  8. Який вчений відкрив Закон всесвітнього тяжіння ? (Ісаак Ньютон).


  1. Яка страшна хвороба знищила Лондон у 1665 год? (Год Великої чуми).

  2. Які ліки винайшов англійський вчений Александр Флемінг? (пеніциллін).

  3. Найпопулярніша у 60-ті роки музична група (Бітлз).

  4. Назвіть ім'я англійця, який винайшов телефон?(Олександр Белл).

  5. У яяку гру грають на видатному Уімбілдонському турнирі? (У теніс).

  6. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

  7. What is the highest peak of Great Britain? (Ben Nevis)

  8. Whom was London founded by? (Romans)

  9. Назвіть, які країни входять до складу Великобританії (Англія, Шотландія, Уэльс, Північна Ірландія)


(3 teams play)


Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Simple , Past Simple , Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect.

Team 1

  1. I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner.

  2. ____you __________ (buy) this book yesterday?

  3. Last Friday Jill __________ (come) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film.

  4. When ____your brother usually __________(get) home in the evening?

  5. Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present.

  6. After Christian … (spend) his summer in Spain, he … (want) to learn Spanish.

  7. Eric … (phone) his friend after he … (make) breakfast.


Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Simple , Past Simple , Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect.

Team 2

  1. What ____those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road?

  2. ____you already __________ (read) this book?

  3. While Fred __________ (sleep), Judy __________ (watch) TV.

  4. I __________ (think) Mary __________ (be) nice.

  5. Jill __________ (walk) home when she __________ (see) her husband's car outside the cinema

  6. Kate … (turn on) the radio after she … (wash) the dishes.

  7. After the woman … (come) home, she … (feed) the dog.


Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Simple , Past Simple , Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect.

Team 3

  1. Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school.

  2. Jack's father __________ (not work) in London - he __________ (not speak) English.

  3. Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday.

  4. Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts.

  5. While you __________ (sleep), mother __________ (arrive).

  6. When Christina … (arrive), the film … already … (begin).

  7. He … (play) guitar before he … (sing) a song.


Each member of the team is attached with the two letters of the Alphabet ( l letter in the front, another on the back). The task is to translate the word and to stand in a line to "write" it. The "written" word without mistakes brings 1 count)

Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, I, K, L, N, O, T,


Team 1.

Пекти - bake

Банк - bank

Велосипед - bike

Пальто - coat

Повітряний змій - kite

Team 2.

Лицо - face

Квартира - flat

Нравиться - like

Лев - lion

Файл - file

Team 3

Земля - land

Холодный - cold

Лодка - boat

Озеро - lake

Брати - take

Кав'ярня - cafe


(2 teams)

Card 2. Give the correct answer

Team 1

  1. What is London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

    a) the Tower of London

    b) Windsor Castle

    c) Buckingham Palace

    d) Westminster Abbey

  2. Where is Nelson's Column situated?

    a) in the Tower of London

    b) in Trafalgar Square

    c) in Piccadilly Circus

    d) in Parliament Square

  3. What happened in the summer of 1665 in London?

  1. The Olympic Games

  2. The Great Fire

  3. The Festival

  4. The Great Plague

  1. Which birds according to legend, protect the Tower of London?

  1. pigeons

  2. ravens

  3. swans

  1. What is the western coast of the British Isles washed by?

  1. By the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Okhotsk

  2. By the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea

  3. By the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea

  1. Where was Charlie Chaplin born?

  1. In Cardiff

  2. In Edinburgh

  3. In London

  1. IT is located on the Salisbury plain, England. There is no specific evidence about who built IT. It is believed that Druids, Greeks, or Atlanteans might have built IT.( Stonehenge)

  2. IT is the official residence of the Queen. IT has 775 rooms. These include 19 State rooms, 52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms.A flag always flies above IT. When The Queen is in residence, the Royal Standard flies. When the Queen is not present, the Union Flag flies instead. It means that tourists are allowed into IT! . (Buckingham Palace)

Card 2 Choose the correct answer

Team 2

  1. The changing of the guard happens every day at

    a) 12.30 a.m

    b) 12 o'clock

    c) 11.30 a.m

    d) 10 o'clock

  2. When was the Westminster Abbey founded?

    a) in the 19th century

    b) in the 10th century

    c) in the 11th century

    d) in the 12th century

  3. Who gave London its first name?

  1. the Egyptians

  2. the Greeks

  3. the Romans

  1. What separates Britain and the continent of Europe?

  1. The English Channel

  2. The North Channel

  3. St. George's Channel

  1. What is the eastern coast of the British Isles washed by?

  1. By the North Sea

  2. By the Celtic Sea

  3. By the Irish Sea

  1. Who said "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"

  1. Charles Dickens

  2. William Shakespeare

  3. Samuel Johnson

  1. IT is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames in central London.It wes used as a Royal Palace, then as a prison. Nowadays it is a Royal museum of arms and a place where the Crown Jewels are held and it one of the most popular tourist attractions in London.(The Tower of London)

  2. IT is a knee-length garment which is the traditional dress of men and boys in Scotland. It's made of tartan (woolen cloth). The pattern of the IT is associated with individual clans and families. .(kilt)


  1. This theatre was the first playhouse built by actors for actors, on the south bank of the Thames. It was opened in autumn 1599 (Globe Theatre)

  2. IT is a part of a traditional Christmas dinner. A common tradition in the United Kingdom is to use it's wishbone. Two people pull opposite ends of the wishbone until it breaks, with the person holding the larger fragment of the bone making a wish.( turkey)

  3. What is the name of London Underground?

  1. Metro

  2. Tube

  3. Subway

4. Where are the Crown Jewels kept?

  1. Buckingham Palace

  2. The Tower of London

  3. The Bank of England

5. Who founded the Tower of London?

  1. Charles I

  2. William I

  3. Henry VIII

6. Which bridge over the Thames was pulled down in 1970 and transported, piece by piece, to Arizona in the United States?

  1. London Bridge

  2. Tower Bridge

  3. Westminster Bridge

7. What was John Constable famous for?

  1. For his landscapes

  2. For his portraits

  3. For his seascapes

8. Who was the farther of the historical novel in the world literature (Слайд 22. Ответ: Walter Scott.)

  1. Charles Dickens

  2. Walter Scott

  3. Jonathan Swift


Teacher: Are you attentive? Did you notice the proverbs and sayings all around our school? Did you read them? Do you know English proverbs well?? So the following task is for you!

Each team have to match the English proverbs with their Ukrainian-Russian equivalents.

(1 counter for 1 correct answer)

Card 3.

English Proverbs.

Match English proverbs with their Ukrainian-Russian equivalents.

  1. A Jack of all trades is master of none.

  2. A cat in gloves catches no mice.

  3. A tree is known by its fruit.

  4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

  5. Beauty will save the world

  6. Actions speak louder than words

  7. Better safe than sorry.

  8. A house is not a home.

  9. A sound mind in a sound body.

  10. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

  11. Every thing is good in its season.

  1. Без труда не вытянешь и рыбку из пруда

  2. Сім раз відмір - один раз відріж

  3. У здоровому тілі здоровий дух

  4. Не кажи гоп, доки не перескочеш

  5. Дії гучніші за слова

  6. Усьому свій час

  7. Краще синиця в руках, ніж журавель у небі

  8. Яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає

  9. Не турбуй лихо, доки тихо

  10. Краса врятує світ

  11. За двома зайцями поженешся, не спіймаєш жодного

1k 2a 3h 4g 5j 6e 7b 8d 9c 10i 11f


  1. Out of sight, out of mind С глаз долой, из сердца вон

  2. God helps those who help themselves На Бога надейся, а сам не плошай. Береженого Бог бережет

  3. Too much knowledge makes the head bald. - Много будешь знать, скоро состаришься

  4. Business before pleasure - Делу время - потехе час

  5. Be slow to promise and quick to perform не давши слова, крепись, а, давши, держись.

  6. All is well that ends well. (Все хорошо, что хорошо заканчивается)

  7. When the cat is away, the mice will play (Кот за двери - мышки в пляс)

  8. A person is known by the company he keeps (Скажи кто твой друг и я скажу, кто ты)

  9. A new broom sweeps clean (Новая метла по новому метет)


(3 teams play)

Each team is offered to watch a short video about the famous landmarks of London in turn. The participants have to name this landmark correctly (2 counters) In case of the answer is incorrect another team can give an answer

</<span>Team 1. The Globe Theatre

-What castle of London is this video taken from? How is it used?

Підказка ( - 1 бал)

  • Royal Albert Hall

  • National Theatre

  • The Tower of London

  • The Globe Theatre

Team 2. Buckingham Palace

-What landmark of London is this video taken from?

Підказка ( - 1 бал)

  • National Gallery

  • Buckingham Palace

  • Palace of Westminster

  • Windsor Castle


Teams are awarded with The 1st. the 2nd, the 3rd Prize

The team ______ took 3rd place. The team ______ took 3rd place. And the winner is ……

My congratulations to the winner!!!! And t I hank you ever so much, our dear kid,s for participation! You were great!



Card 1

Team 1.

  1. was listening, was looking

  2. Did you buy

  3. went, wanted

  4. does_get

  5. brings

  6. had spent, wanted

  7. phoned, had made

Team 2.

  1. are__doing

  2. have_read

  3. was sleeping, was watching

  4. thought, was / think, is

  5. was walking, saw

  6. turned on, had washed

  7. had come, fed

Team 3

  1. are running / were running

  2. doesn`t work, doesn`t speak / didn`t work, didn`t speak

  3. bought

  4. goes

  5. were sleeping, arrived

  6. arrived, had already begun

  7. had played, sang


Card 2

Team 1Buckingham


Team 2The Tower

Of London



1k 2a 3h 4g 5j 6e 7b 8d 9c 10i 11f


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