- Учителю
- 'I would like a hamburger' Ашық сабақ
'I would like a hamburger' Ашық сабақ
Step 3 I'd like a hamburger
Grade : 5
Theme : Step 3 I'd like a hamburger
The aims : 1. Students will learn pecularities where do fruit and other food come from ?To introduce students with countable and uncountable nouns.Students will work in small groups , discuss about their work . To analyze the text.
2. Students will know about countries.
3. To train the students to listen to each other .
The type of the lesson : Getting new materials.
Visual aids : pictures,map,cards,puzzle.
Methods : RWCT strategies
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
I.1) Phonetic drills
II. To ask homework ( T: Now , students , what was your homework? P1 : Our homework was exercise 12. Complete the puzzle 5 food words)
Топтастыру әдісі бойынша жұмыс жасау 1-топ : Fruit 2-топ : Food
1-кезең Қызығушылығын ояту .
I . Ой шақыру : " What kind of fruit and food do you know?"
2- кезең Мағынаны тану
III. Жаңа материалды баяндау
The 1st group read your words and translate.
The 2nd group read your words and translate.
That's right . Now students our new lesson Step 3. I'd like a hamburger. You know the name of the fruit and food.
II. Our next task: Do you want to know where do fruit and food come from?
S: Yes, We want to know where do fruit and food come from?
The USA. ( текстпен жұмыс ) Let's play the game : " Question bag"
1-жұмыс a) Pens in the middle b) Corner ( Оқушы текст оқиды, сұраққа жауап береді )
Текст бойынша жұмыстар жүргізу :
" Ой қозғау" әдісі арқылы миға шабуыл жасау
2-жұмыс Грамматикалық материал :
1. Noun a) Countable b) uncountable
2. Топтастыру әдісі бойынша 2-топқа берілетін жұмыс
( кестені толтыру)
IV . Жаңа материалды қорытындылау
3-кезең Ой толғаныс
3-жұмыс : Now, let's play the game " Polyglot"
There are some pictures on the table. You must find the name of the things and translate into three language: Example : An apple - яблоко - алма
4-жұмыс: Next task : Exercises 4,5
Talk to your partner and answer the questions.
V. Сабақты бекіту
Students at the end of the lesson you must complete the chart.
Expert page
a) The theme of the lesson :
b) The main things of the lesson :
c) What have you learned from the grammar:
VI. Giving marks.
VII. Homework : Exercise :2 Read the text. Exercise : 11 Make a list of food .