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- Методическое пособие по английскому языку Alice in Wonderland
Методическое пособие по английскому языку Alice in Wonderland
in Wonderland
Мищенкова Екатерина Вадимовна
МБОУ «сш 8» г. Смоленск
Учитель английского языка
Пояснительная записка
Данное пособие составлено в соответствии с рабочей программой по английскому языку за 3 класс и календарно-тематическим планом. Рабочая программа по английскому языку составлена для школ с углубленным изучением иностранного языка. Программа разработана на основе Федерального закона «Об образовании», Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального образования, Примерной программы по английскому языку под редакцией Сафоновой В.В. 2006 года, рабочей программы по английскому языку для 2-4 классов И.Н. Верещагиной, К.А. Бондаренко, Н.И. Максименко (предметная линия учебников И.Н. Верещагиной).
Программа рассчитана на 102 часа в год, 3 часа в неделю. Плановых контрольных работ: 16. Уроков, отведенных на домашнее чтение - 16. Данное методическое пособие может быть использовано на уроках домашнего чтения в количестве 6 часов.
В основе методической разработки " Alice in Wonderland " лежит идея о развитии коммуникативных навыков обучающихся в связи с социокультурным аспектом овладения иноязычной деятельностью. Данное учебное пособие призвано помочь учителю в подготовке и проведении уроков английского языка в начальной школе, но более важное назначение разработки в том, что оно способствует развитию кругозора и социокультурной компетенции учеников.
Новизна и актуальность предложенного автором методического пособия заключаются в системе подачи лексического и грамматического материала, которая представляет собой движение от простого к сложному.
Задания представлены по эпизодам мультфильма (5 эпизодов), что обеспечивает максимальный охват всех видов речевой деятельности, способствует использованию учащимися ресурсов как активного, так и пассивного словарного запаса и придаёт динамичность учебному процессу.
Before watching:
Look at the picture below and answer the following questions:
1. What can you see?
2. What is the title of the cartoon? Can you translate it?
3. What kind of story do you think it is?
4. Have you ever heard about it?
5. What do you think is this story about?
6. Do you know who wrote this story?*
*He is a writer, a poet, a scientist, a teacher at Oxford University, a mathematician, a photographer. In 1865 he writes a fairy-tail "Alice's adventures in Wonderland".
His real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. He was born (родился) in 1832 in England, in the village of Daresbury (в деревне Дарсбери), the county of Cheshire (графство Чешир). His pen-name (псевдоним) is Lewis Carroll.
Episode 1
I. Comprehension
Answer the questions.
1. Where was Alice sitting?
2. What was she thinking about?
3. Where did Alice jump into?
4. What did she find on the table?
5. Was the lake of tears too deep for her?
II. Vocabulary
I. Fill in the correct word from the box.
1. Alice was sitting on the grass by her ___________ who was reading a book.
2. Alice jumped to her ___________ and started after the Rabbit.
3. She found a small cake with the words «________ me".
4. Suddenly she noticed that a ____________ was swimming in front of her. "How did the __________ fall into the lake of tears?" thought Alice.
II. True, False or Not Stated?
1. Alice didn't like books without pictures.
2. Suddenly a grey rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.
3. The rabbit could talk.
4. Alice jumped into the rabbit-hole.
5. The rabbit-hole was too wide for Alice.
6. Alice drank something from the bottle which she found on the table.
7. The lake of tears was very deep.
III. Find English equivalents to the following expressions relating to appearance, character, feelings and emotions:
Мне так жаль
Мои бедные маленькие ножки!
Рассердиться на кого-либо
Испугать кого-либо
Я такая глупая!
IV. Rewrite the sentences, putting the words in the right order:
a she little found on bottle table.
first at thought that she was crocodile it.
began Alice to again cry.
the looking White for Rabbit was something.
V. Match each sentence with the right picture.
1. Alice found a very small door.
2. Alice fell down a rabbit-hole.
3. Alice drank something from a bottle and got very small.
4. Alice ate a small cake, which said "EAT ME".
A. B.
C. D.
Episode 2
♪ Watch and sing the first part of the song "The story of the Curious Oysters"
Walrus and the Carpenter
Or, The Story of the Curious Oysters
The sun was shining on the sea
Shing with all his might
did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright
And this is odd because it was
The middle of the night
The Walrus and the Carpenter
Were walking close at hand
The beach was wide
From side to side
But much too full of sand
"Mr. Walrus," said the Carpenter
"My brain begins to perk
We'll sweep this clear in 'alf a year
If you don't mind the work"
"Work?! The time has come," the Walrus said
"To talk of other things
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax
Of cabbages and kings
And why the sea is boiling hot
And whether pigs have wings
No work today!
We're cabbages and kings"
Episode 2
I. Comprehension
I. Answer the questions.
1. What did the Caterpillar tell Alice to do?
2. What couldn't Alice explain to herself?
3. Why did the Caterpillar call Alice back?
4. What did Alice have to eat if she wanted to get bigger?
II. Find out whose words are these:
1. "Go get my gloves. I'm late."
2. "Don't let her stay and go to seed."
3. "But I'm not used to it, and you needn't shout!"
4. "One side will make you grow taller."
II. Vocabulary
I. Match the pairs:
To take
To keep (2)
To learn
To explain
To come
the gloves
one's temper
II. Give the plurals to these words:
Match, lady, child, minute, seed, tail, scale, mushroom.
Episode 3
I. Comprehension
Answer the questions.
1. What did Alice have to eat if she anted to get bigger?
2. Why did the bird call Alice?
3. Why didn't Alice answer the question about stealing eggs?
II. Vocabulary
I. Rewrite the sentences, putting the words in the right order:
1. saw a mushroom large she front of in her.
2. her feet couldn't she see now.
3. baby the to like grunt began pig a.
II. Put the sentences in the right order.
1. There was a large lake around her.
2. Suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.
3. Then she saw a large mushroom in front of her. A large blue caterpillar was sitting on it.
4. She was falling very slowly, so she had time to think, and look about.
5. Alice was sitting on the grass by her sister who was reading a book.
6. It was time to get out of the lake because now it was full of birds and animals.
7. Alice thought that the 2 servants were funny and began to laugh.
III. Find out whose words are these:
1. This is an unbirthday party.
2. She doesn't know what an unbirthday is.
3. Oh, my poor watch.
4. Mr Rabbit. Oh, Mr Rabbit!
IV. Which letter is missed?
Mu_hroom F_ll
B_rthday Caterp_llar
Suddenl_ Lau_h
Episode 4
I. Check up your comprehension of the story choosing the right variant:
1) Alice was sitting on the grass by her sister who was:
a) Dan
b) drawing
c) reading a book
d) sleeping
2) Suddenly she saw
a) a white frog
b) a white fox
c) a white rabbit
d) a white bear
3) Alice
a) ran after it
b) continued reading
c) went away
d) fell asleep
4) When she found herself in a very large room, she took the bottle and saw the words
5) Alice couldn't get through the door because
a) she had lost the key
b) she was too big
c) she couldn't find the key
6) When she noticed that something was swimming in front of her, she understood that it was
a) A crocodile
b) a white rabbit
c) a snake
d) a little mouse
7) The Rabbit was looking for his
a) umbrella
b) gloves
c) fan
d) gloves and fan
8) Tнe Rabbit called Alice
a) ANN
b) Poor girl
c) Mary
d) Mary Ann
9) A large ….. was sitting on the mushroom.
a) serpent
b) fly
c) caterpillar
d) rabbit
10) When Alice's neck became very long, she couldn't see
a) Her feet
b) her head
c) her arms
d) her body
11) "I like to play ….. very much. But I don't know the Queen" - said Alice.
a) football
b) tennis
c) baseball
d) croquet
12) When Alice got into the beautiful garden she saw three gardeners
a) sitting under the tree
b) painting roses
c) playing croquet
d) running away
13) The three gardeners were afraid of
a) the Queen
b) the Duchess
c) Alice
d) the White Rabbit
14) Alice woke up ..
a) in the courtroom
b) at home
c) on the grass under a tree
d) in a small dark room.
II. Vocabulary
I. True, False or Not Stated?
1. Alice liked playing croquet.
2. Alice had to say that the Queen played very well.
3. Alice thought that it was salt that made the Duchess angry.
4. Alice considered the Cheshire Cat to be her friend.
5. When the trial began, the White Rabbit read the accusation ( обвинение).
6. When Alice opened her eyes, she was lying on the sofa in her house.
7. Alice was glad to wake up.
II. Match these halves of sentences:
1.The croquet game was very strange…
2.The Queen of Hearts got very angry…
3.Then Alice saw her friend the Cheshire Cat,..
4.The King didn't like the Cat' s head…
5.But the executioner couldn't cut off a head…
6.After the croquet there was a jury trial to find out…
7. While the Hatter was giving his evidence,..
8.At the end Alice began to argue with the Queen,..
a) but only its head appeared , not its body.
b) and then she woke up.
c) because everybody had to use flamingoes for mallets.
d) who stole tarts made by the Queen of Hearts.
e) and wanted to cut it off.
f) Alice was getting bigger and taller.
g) and sent nearly everybody to prison.
h) if there wasn't a body to cut it off from.
III. Fill in the correct word from the box.
1. The gardeners were painting the white roses _________ .
2. The players had flamingoes in their hands and they hit the _________________ with the heads of the flamingoes.
3. Every minute the Queen shouted: "Off with his __________".
4. Alice was in a ___________________ for the first time. But she knew all about trials from books.
5. "Who will be the next witness?" thought Alice. Suddenly the White Rabbit cried out the name: "___________!"
6. Rule 42: All people who are very high cannot stay in the courtroom. They must go _____ .
7. Suddenly she heard her sister's ___________ . "Wake up, Alice, dear!"
8. "Oh, what a funny ___________," said Alice.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions (in, into, , to, of, out of, at, through, with, of, for, on):
There were many doors _____ the room.
Alice wanted to get ______ the garden __________ the open door.
Again she began to talk _____ herself.
Suddenly she noticed that smth was swimming in front ____ her.
When they got ______ the lake, Alice was very cold.
She put her hand ____ her pocket and found some sweets there.
She didn't knock _____ the door, but quickly opened it and went ____ .
"What's the matter _____ me?"
For a few minutes Alice stood and looked ___ the egg.
A lot ____pretty flowers grew ___ the garden.
She tried to hit the ball _____ its head.
She waited _____ some time.
The twelve jurymen were writing smth on pieces of paper.
"And now let's run home, it's time ____ tea and Mother is waiting ____ us.
IV Find the words "Alice in Wonderland":